Is this salvageable?


Sep 10, 2014
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Almost ANYTHING is salvageable in reality. It all depends on the amount of time and effort it would take to do so. Nice job on the bang. Now let her chase.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2020
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You're getting some wild advices here haha so lemme get you mine too

First, I should point that tho it may feel great to talk with her online, do video calls and all this stuff, try not doing it too much. You don't want her to be this comfortable with you, because sex doesn't come with comfort. Keep the chats pleasant and short, GIVE HER TIME TO MISS YOU! That's the most important part, and it works so damn well when someone is apparently bored of you. Sexting could be an option, so you can effectively plant some hot and exciting images of you on her brain and drive her wild.

Ever since quarentine happened I've been found myself pretty much sexting because there's nothing else to do, right? You talk, make her excited, crazy for the whole lockdown to pass as soon as possible so you can do the work and **** her brain out. That's the main purpose. Like the gentlemen pointed before, work on your aggressivity. Don't be always so nice, so pleasant to talk, funny. There must be this push back for your "value" to increase for her. I'm not talking about acting like an *******, but one thing you can do is being less there for her. Do other stuff, wash your shoes, do pushups, go read, stuff like that. Don't stay too much on social media or even on your cellphone because it will seriously increase your loneliness feeling.

If you already managed to get to this point with her, you did what most guys already couldn't do. The point that you reached now is probably the hardest, that is not only keeping her around, but still getting her excited and "waiting for you".


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2020
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You're getting some wild advices here haha so lemme get you mine too

First, I should point that tho it may feel great to talk with her online, do video calls and all this stuff, try not doing it too much. You don't want her to be this comfortable with you, because sex doesn't come with comfort. Keep the chats pleasant and short, GIVE HER TIME TO MISS YOU! That's the most important part, and it works so damn well when someone is apparently bored of you. Sexting could be an option, so you can effectively plant some hot and exciting images of you on her brain and drive her wild.

Ever since quarentine happened I've been found myself pretty much sexting because there's nothing else to do, right? You talk, make her excited, crazy for the whole lockdown to pass as soon as possible so you can do the work and **** her brain out. That's the main purpose. Like the gentlemen pointed before, work on your aggressivity. Don't be always so nice, so pleasant to talk, funny. There must be this push back for your "value" to increase for her. I'm not talking about acting like an *******, but one thing you can do is being less there for her. Do other stuff, wash your shoes, do pushups, go read, stuff like that. Don't stay too much on social media or even on your cellphone because it will seriously increase your loneliness feeling.

If you already managed to get to this point with her, you did what most guys already couldn't do. The point that you reached now is probably the hardest, that is not only keeping her around, but still getting her excited and "waiting for you".
That's the plan. Already gone quiet on her. Been reading about Plate Theory and have arranged to meet 2 other girls I had previously dropped.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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I'm a 37 year old Irish guy living in Dublin.

So I met this girl in February on Tinder. We went on a date straight away, which as it happened was on the day of the first covid 19 case in Ireland.

This girl is an extraordinary beauty. 5'10 blonde and has done some modeling. We got on well on the date and I had her laughing a lot. Then Ireland entered a soft coronavirus lockdown. We both live in shared houses so there was no chance of her staying over because my housemates would be pissed off, what with all the self-isolating.

It made it difficult to meet but we did a few more times. There tended to be little physical interaction but good banter, and at the end of the dates we'd kiss.

I then moved out of Dublin as Ireland went into a full-on lockdown. We're not supposed to go 2km from home but where I moved there are no cops so there's a lot more freedom. It made it tricky to meet the girl. We ended up doing a lot of video calls and I twice went up at weekends to see her. Same deal - we'd no privacy so would walk in the parks trying to avoid cops, laugh, and kiss at the end (I realise this lack of physical interaction was a fatal mistake).

She was very keen and sent me a message about 2 weeks ago saying "I've been thinking of you". I went up last weekend and it was the usual - walks and little physical interaction. Towards the end she said "All we do is walk and chat and kiss at the end. I should be feeling more by now." It really threw me. I met her one more time, this time making sure to touch her from the start. We've always been brutally honest with each other so I asked her "can you imagine having sex with me?" and she said "last week I could, but now I can't".

I asked her if she wanted to meet me again and she said "I want to want to meet you". I told her we can leave it so. But she didn't want that either. So we agreed to cut all contact and meet up again in 2 months when this lockdown is over and I'm back in Dublin.

The next day she messaged me with a link to an advert she thought I'd be interested in saying "sorry for breaking the no-contact rule". We've had a couple of jokey messages since.

As I said, this girl is an extraordinary beauty. One of those girl who has been told her whole life how gorgeous she is. Put on a pedestal. She's 33, very confident, chilled out and very independent. She kind of relaxes and watches and waits to be impressed. One thing she has said to me multiple times is "I want an alpha male". I asked what she means by that and she said "someone who takes what they want". She also said she doesn't like guys that are too nice or yes-men.

I haven't been on forums like these in years. I wouldn't consider myself an alpha male but I am confident. I used to never get women then in my mid 20's I started having success. I read Models by Mark Manson and that changed things for me. Models was so brilliant and impactful. I forgot all the PUA techniques and lived by his mantra of total honesty and showing vulnerability. It got me far with this girl. But the door has been suddenly slammed in my face. And that's when I remembered these forums! On a side-note, I was blown away the PUA community is basically dead, apart from this site. What the hell happened!?

I'm down but I don't think I'm quite out. I text her yesterday a joke about how I'm good with my hands (I'm from a farm and mend things) and wondered would she ever find out. She said "I wonder that too...". However, she very suddenly went from really liking me to saying she cant imagine having sex with me.

I'm not sure where to go from here, it hangs by a thread. I wont be back full-time in her city for 2 months. I am however going there at the weekend to pick up some stuff so I may ask to meet her.

Can this be rescued, and if so, how? And should I meet her next weekend?
errr. No.

mistake 1. You didn’t bang her the second time.
mistake 2. What’s all this NC business? That was a sissy move. 2 months? She wouldn’t even remember your name.

you blew your chance. women like men who are assertive. You were about as assertive as a wet blanket.

dont waste your time. Move on.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2020
Reaction score
errr. No.

mistake 1. You didn’t bang her the second time.
mistake 2. What’s all this NC business? That was a sissy move. 2 months? She wouldn’t even remember your name.

you blew your chance. women like men who are assertive. You were about as assertive as a wet blanket.

dont waste your time. Move on.
Check my last few messages. I almost blew my chance - then pulled it out of the bag. I've learned 2 lessons 1/ never leave it so long to escalate 2/ it's always salvageable