nateistoraw said:
After a long convo I ask her for her number.
Her response, well how about you add me on facebook.
Was that psuedo-rejection?
Yes and no.
Sorry Cinnamon, but how is adding someone on Facebook any less "creepier", unless she has a Facebook set JUST for people that are potential daters. If she was worried about creeps, she'd have given you just an email instead. But by using Facebook she's giving you the guise of letting you into her world but all she's going to do is carefully pick apart everything on yours.
And don't be surprised if you ask for a friend request and she doesn't add you. Sometimes people do this just so they can have access to the Facebook page without really giving up their stuff. Not that I am saying that this is the case, but it is possible.
It's an easy way for her to see all about you without even having to talk about it or go through all the work of asking herself.
I would have said "NO" to the Facebook and asked for an email instead. I don't want someone I just met to know ALL about me that quickly. I know people advocate Facebook as a medium for dating, but maybe more so when you MEET her through Facebook rather than meeting someone... then getting a Facebook request and THEN a phone number??? Sounds like a lot of work to me.
But then you have to wonder... what was your conversation like in the first place that led her to say that she'd want the Facebook instead of a phone number. You must not have developed enough rapport and comfort with her that she'd want that instead.
Which then again, rings true with what Cinamon said... a lot of women don't want to give out their numbers if they think the person is creepy.
So I guess there is one more question to ask:
Where did this conversation take place, what was the conversation about and what your demeanor?
The problem isn't that she offered Facebook... the problem is that she didn't feel comfortable enough to give you her phone number.