Hey bros. Need advice!
I met a girl at a friend's party a few months back. We have been hanging and I eventually f*cked her. (We have also f*cked a few times.)
At first, she would initiate a lot,
message me out of the blue, send me pics, ask what I am up to. Generally very bubbly. She also actively interacts with me on social media. It was clear the interest is there.
Randomly at some point, she started to go cold and withdraw from those behaviour. (Mainly after we had sex). She would take hours to a day to reply me with short/bland responses. She stopped any form of initiation, always leaving it to me to initiate. I've even froze her out for an entire week at one point and heard nothing from her. Although she does occasionally stalk me on instagram.
The weird thing is, she still always agrees to go out with me, when I ask and we would f*ck. And when we are out she seems enthusiastic. She would also tell me she talks about me a lot with her friends. Stuff like that.
In the past its always very straightforward, if a girl is cold, she will not be reachable & she will flake like hell, clearly no interest. And if a girl is repeatedly f*cking me, it usually is very straightforward too, the signals are clear there is interest.
So at this point I am just curious and want to expand my understanding.
Is this some mind game or just low IL?
Have you bros encountered anything similar?
Sh!t is just confusing!