is this good DHV?


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ease said:
Your forum account is aptly named.
ahha +1 that gave me a chuchkle...

I agree , there is a difference between DHV and making things very awkward. After that she would probobly feel bad and think you were weird/crazy/anti social etc.

DHV doesnt have to be negative toward girl, best DHV's are when you actually raise your value by telling stories. For example telling her stories how you went on vacation w friends and had so much fun or how beautiful your last gf was. This needs to be natural and incorporated into the story so that it doesnt feel like bragging. Also stories can be fake , FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!!!

If you want to go with lowering her value , it has to be light and playful. Best example i saw was in Mysteries video when he said "NICE NAILS! Are they real...No...oh ok (dissapointment tone) well they are still nice."

I have actually used that on a Blonde hair girl but only instead of nails i used her hair... " I LOVE YOUR HAIR , IT LOOKS REALLY NICE! IS it your natural color or did you color it... etc etc"