Is this completely f***ked


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2013
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Ok, this is a continuation from an earlier post...
Areas of BOLD are what I'm getting at.

Quick BG:
Taken this girl out a couple of times, paid once each., played the indifferent & aloof card all along with minimal contact inbetween. I'm 28, shes 22.

Week last Sunday she was asking about when we were going out again, I was indifferent.

Hit her up on Tuesday about going out Wed, she said yes, I confirmed a time on Wed pretty late on. Anyway I rock up half expecting her to flake as I had not recieved a reply. Get a message saying she's stuck in another town but wants to meet for drinks about an hour later.

Fast forward, we go for casual drinks with other friends, end up back at a house gathering, she's very drunk by now. End up Kissing & groping on the lounge floor. There's others there so that was a far as she went. (Should of taken her upstairs) .

This is where I made the BIGGEST F' UP, I know I did, so there's no need to flame me for it, I've already beaten the **** out of myself for it & know what the concequences probably are.....

Then we get a cab back with others about 4am and she asks me to stay over.... AND MY REPLY (WHHYYYYYYY!????) 'Come back mine because I need my car to get work at 7 so I will drop you off' , she was insistent that I should come her's. Cut it short I kissed her in the cab & she left the cab. WHY oh Why! One of her best friends in the cab said she's really into me & I need to look after her when she returns from her holiday which she is currently on.

I wake up the next morning rueing this opportunity & I should of hit the forum for advice. I didn't.

She starts messaging me (on FB, she has no phone) the same day sounding very keen & because I''m now horny as F' .I respond but with less frequency as her. Drop her a couple of inuendo's in there. In my head I felt I needed to sext her before she went away which as helped to wreck my frame I feel.

Friday come's and we have a slight amount of small talk then I go out with one of my drinking buddies. One pint turns into 10 & this is when I think I've completely destroyed the whole potential.

I hit her up for a lift, she's in bed, but says 'I can come to get you but I need to go straight home to sleep because I'm up at 7' I say sound (thinking I can still try & escalate her)

She picks me up & we go for a drink. I then ask her to take me home but she takes me but with her friend also in the car & because I'm pissed and horny as I start acting a bit of a d**k. She takes me to my parents where I stay sometime (I have a flat with friends out of town) & I told her I aint staying there.
So we go back to her friends house for more drink. I feel like she is being a d**k to me at this point so she calls a cab for me. Long story short she shows me out but I get straight in the cab without a goodbye even though she's shouting me.

I know I was acting BUTTHURT here, mistake number 2, but In my head I thought if she was getting out of bed to pick me up, I was going to get some action.

Next day I realise I've lost my phone but I'm out all day. Check my FB on sunday AM and she's messaged me on sunday morning 3.30am 'Feeling alright today? hahaa! '(I presume she had been out). I replied with not bad, how are you... any chance my phone is in your car'. Check FB around 6.30 pm & she's replied 'yeah! found it last night, its in the pub! x' , I reply with 'Thank **** for that! Thanks'.

I was out on sunday so borrowed my mates phone to see if she was out for a drink around 9ish, no reply.
Saw on FB that she was flying out at 6am Monday and I've not spoke to her since.

Soooo..... How much have a f***ked this???
To me her IL was sky high on wed almost even more after I didn't stay over then I feel like I've lost the Frame on Friday & potential caused her IL to drop off the map due to me not sealing the deal on Wed then getting desperate to f**k her before she's free reign on holiday. I would like to think she is more LTR material than pump & dump which is why I'm writing this.

I know what I should have done to avoid this mess but I will have to live with that but what would your next move be???
I want to Avoid the Friendzone at all cost & would rather next her now than have her drop that on me.

Yes, I'm a d**k. Never turn sex down... I'm only just learning about game... FML


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Take it easy and stop beating yourself up, be aware that you cannot direct a relationship with effort. Don't fight for every step of the way, let things flow naturally. You've been making out with her, friends don't do that, so as long as you won't display beta ***** behavior, you won't get friendzoned. She still might sober up from the infatuation and turn you down though, since she's on holiday now and time can be a destroyer. Let her come back and see how it pans out.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah, can't really do anything at the moment. I'm going away at the weekend until Tuesday so won't see her. Any thoughts from veterans about what I should do / act. Stewing over it right now & don't want to go away with these thoughts....

Thanks in advance


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
house said:
Yeah, can't really do anything at the moment. I'm going away at the weekend until Tuesday so won't see her. Any thoughts from veterans about what I should do / act. Stewing over it right now & don't want to go away with these thoughts....

Thanks in advance
You gotta put it out of your head at the moment - you cant do anything whilst she's away.

Just don't get your self Friendzoned, keep doing stuff that friends don't do and you should be ok.......


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Hhmmmmmm. I'd just like to know her current interest level now because I feel though I may have wrecked it. I didn't wish her a good trip.... damn... over-analysing brain....


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Update. It appears to be completely f***ed. Sense IL is obliterated.... What a let down to men.... Ah well time to hit Ibiza !!!


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Geeze, who would want to **** you since your acting so ****ed up? Now I am not meaning to come on so hard here just trying to get you to step up and quit being such an **** to your friends and especially to yourself. Dude lighten up!

Rule #1 stop drinking, it sounds like it is a huge source of your problem.

#2 once your sobber for more than a couple of days you can ask her out on a real date - you know with dinner and casual talk. You could even tell her right out that you know you have been a real ass and your working on that but don't dwell on it. Only bring it up if you feel you need to and then NEVER revisit those bad experiences....NEVER....forget they even happened.

#3 don't drink on the date with her

#4 don't try to get her into bed - stop it - let it come to you and at this point it might take a while for her to venture into that space again.