My flat mate met this girl on the internet and got her to the house and had sex with her( this was about 2 weeks ago). This girl constantly called him, wanted to come see him all the time, told him she loved him and all that crap but he wasnt interested so never returned her calls and she just kept phoning constantly. Now he is away on holiday for 2 weeks and yesturday she phoned me asking me to go out a drink with her and her friends - i refused and thought that was the end of it. Then i get a txt msg to my house fone tellin me her number incase i change my mind - i never changed my mind as i think the girl is a bit of a nut. This morning at 4am! i get a phone call from her asking if she can come see me and if i could pick her up i replied no i have been drinking maybe some other time and she said can i come see your 2mrw i really have to see you i said i think im busy 2mrw and said look i have to go im really tired. I went back to sleep and she foned again at 6am and then again at 10am i ignored the phone. Today i went out to the gym came back done 1471 ( to check who was the last person to phone) and its her number again - please advise how i lose this psycho.