Is this a lost oportunity?


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys I was in the metro today and saw a hot babe. about 9.5. she was with another guy, then the guy left at another station and it gave me about 3 stations to talk to her, note that just the first trip from the station the guy left to the next was the only one where i could have opened her easily since there was nobody between us. then the metro packed and it was more difficult but i think i could have done it.The main problem was that i was blocked with what to ask her , i mean i didnt know what the heck to say, and I feel so sorry for that now that i just want to punch me in the face. Without giving up i was going to do what i have done some other days, follow her(the girl i have opened) so that in the next connection i'd open, asking for a direction, but she left to the streets, i kept on following without her noticing but she entered her apartment, i lost the opportunity i think , i have opened about 12 girls this month in different scenarios but INSIDE the metro never, just outside asking where the metro is heading and stuff. So i think that all the practice i did this month was useless since what i wanted was there and i freaked out like an stupid. Not fear but waitning for a good set which never came.

Is this a lost oportunity from your point of view or i am overpushing myself?



May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Its one miss, no big deal, just don't let it happen again. Your on the right track, you've made 12 approaches, thats probably more than 75% of the guys on this site. Your at the top of the class. However don't get focussed on one girl, when the metro got packed, there was probably 20 new targets you could have approached.

However I'll give you this, where I am, women have their b1tch shields up a little more when riding public transportation, but that doesn't mean it can't be done, it just means your going to get MORE resistance and probably have a slightly lower success rate, but it still can be done.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
I see...yes it depends in the girl i am in MAdrid, so I dont know how it is over the US, i have also noticed that the girls from universities are the most difficult they seem to get scared or maybe they are just shy

well, thanks guys