Remember, your goal in dating is to bang as many chicks as you possibly can
Your objective is to spend the least amount of time, money, and effort on women
You already spent too much time on this chick with nothing to show for it.....your goal and objective will not be accomplished!!
What's the point of calling her up for another date?
Most importantly, what do YOU think you're going to get out of it?
You had 3 dates with this chick and the most you got was a 1 second kiss......she canceled the 4th date.
Does this sound like a girl who is interested and attracted to you?
In Baseball you have 3 need to adopt a 3 strikes rule yourself......this chick has struck out....and you were willing to give her an extra strike to prolong the game.....and what did she do?....she made a excuse to cancel the date.
Women will determine within the first few minutes of meeting you if they will sleep with you or not.
Why do you think they fvck guys on the first date or wait at least until the 2nd to put out?.....because they already predetermined that after they first met you.....they will know if the guy is worth it or not.
Interest and attraction are the two key factors that determines whether you will get into her pants.....if both are not there...then you won't be getting laid.
Let's look at your situation had 3 dates.....and what did you get for all you troubles?....nothing.....a quick peck....she canceled the 4th you see any real interest and attraction in this scenario?
This chick spent enough time with you already to know whether she likes you or not.....after the 2nd date she would have known if she was still on the fence....nothing escalated on the third date....which is why she canceled the 4th date, because she didn't see anything happening and did something else instead.
Chicks blow off guys that they don't like.....chicks make excuses so they don't have to hang out....I've gone out with chicks who flaked on guys so they could hang out with me.....they send long winded
texts or short texts making up lies to get out of it....this is nothing new.
Interested chicks will always want to hang out with you......I had a chick show up sick for a date because she wanted to chill....a couple of others who were actually sick, still wanted to chill....those are interested girls!!
The last date I went on was Thursday night....I met this chick before Christmas but I was putting her off....her grandparents are in town this week and she still wanted to hang out......had a good make out session at the end of the date....that is an interested girl
Met a hot blonde chick on December 28th....but my plans changed and was leaving town on the I called her the next day told her I was leaving and won't be back.... .told her we should go out tonight instead...she said she was doing things with her friends but could get out of it...she called me back 5 minutes later and said she was free to hang out.....we also had sex on the first date.
Both of these chicks had interest and attraction......they made an EFFORT to hang out....they changed plans....chicks will change plans if the are attracted to you because they want to see you....they don't make excuses....they are excited to see you.....they also either make out or have sex with you because they are attracted.
If a chick is not making a real effort to see you, then she is not should start looking elsewhere.
If something does actually come up, then the chick will still hang out with you on another day when she calls you.
I'm not sure why guys on here want to keep calling a flake for a aren't going to get anything out of it....uninterested chicks won't fvck you...if that's your intended's a waste of time!!
WCS14 said:
She said "please don't think I am just blowing you off"
Let this chick put her money where her mouth is.....see if she is really blowing you already texted her back.....leave it at that.
Don't call her or text her at all.....there is no point....see if she calls or texts you....then wait until she shows some interest in you first before you ask her out again....this is how you should deal with flakes....otherwise you waste your time chasing a chick who has no interest in you.
Remember, uninterested chicks won't fvck why would you spend all your time trying to get them out on a date?..... that doesn't make any sense to me.
Read my threads on how to deal with flakes and uninterested chicks!!
Skip the Flakes and Fvck the dates!!
Uninterested chicks won't fvck you
WCS14 said:
She is 29, no college degree and on her sexual market value decline
Then why the hell are you wasting your time with her?....if you're in great shape at 36, you should have other women that you can date instead of a flake....this doesn't make sense to me.
Her step dad is trying to set her up with a guy who he find suitable.....that guy is you.....because he doesn't like the other guys she dates....the problem is, she isn't attracted to you, because you are not like the guys she is attracted to ....this is why you aren't getting anywhere with her.
WCS14 said:
This chick.has dated ******* loser guyz in the past and I am a normal looking straight edge guy who is not prick to girls I like.
That's the reason right there she isn't attracted to do you know they are losers?.....she was fvcking them, so she must have liked them.
WCS14 said:
As for me not making out with her in three dates? Perhaps she felt awkward making out
If she is feeling awkward making out, that means she is NOT attracted to you......awkwardness is lack of attraction....all you're doing is making excuses for her lack of attraction
WCS14 said:
Why would a girl interest say "please just dont think I am blowing you off"?
C'mon man...get with it!! Girls will say all kinds of sh!t to you....doesn't mean any of it is true....she thinks you're a nice guy, but she isn't attracted to you.
WCS14 said:
You.guyz.are thinking in black and white too much and telling me to throw in the towel too early.
I never told you to "throw in the towel"......I told you to take this chick at her word....Let her be the one to contact you if she is really isn't "blowing you off", otherwise you are wasting your refuse to listen to any advice....why did you even bother to sign up for help if you're not going to listen?
WCS14 said:
There are too.many to believe she has zero.interest since she has not shown ANY BLATANT low interest. holding hands, no kissing, no making out, no physical contact, no sex, no calls or texts from her, her blowing off your 4th date doesn't constitute any blatant low interest to you? LOL :crackup:
WCS14 said:
I have had since Thursday, I will be assertive and aggressive with a phone call On Monday like a real man.
If she wasn't blowing you off, don't you think she would get in contact with you already?
Let's say she is blowing you off......that means that she was lying to you about being sick.....that means she doesn't want to go out with you.....that means she has no interest in you....that means she is disrespecting you.....that means you won't be getting into her pants....and you want to call her up on Monday like a man?
Her interest level isn't going to skyrocket from Thursday to Monday when you decide to call......that's why you wait to hear from her if she is actually interested in you.
Being assertive and aggressive doesn't mean sh!t if the chick isn't into you
Meet other chicks who will give you positive results instead of getting negative results from a chick who doesn't like you.