is this a huge ***** test?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
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thorwynn said:
Guys, She Just Deleted Me On Facebook.
That's the exact thing you should have done to her. Oh well, you've learnt your lesson. Move on, plenty better out there for you. Next time you come up against these sorts of situations remember what you've learnt from this one.


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
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thorwynn said:
Guys, She Just Deleted Me On Facebook.
f@ck her anyway.

Just this weekend I took out a date, and she gave out this vibe that i should of paid for evverything. (which I didnt, I dont pay when i go out on dates)

anyway, the girl that i went out with deleted me off bbm and facebook. This was right before she sent me a msg saying that "when you ask me out, it would of been a good gesture on your part to offer to pay for dinner and entrance inot the party"

i thought "listen here you b#itch, Im Pokerstar. and Pokerstar does not pay for his dates. now get off your high horse and come back to reality" of course i didnt msg her back. i was just looking to get my d*ck sucked at the end of the night.

so, there are tons of fish in the sea bro. id say there are 1000 girls better than her.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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thorwynn said:
ME: I've always believed what you said before that when a person is important to you, you don't leave them. and you said that you don't want us to be hurt eventually.

I'm asking you if you still want you & me to go on. you're making me feel that you don't want me anymore. you are already being insensitive. you throw me out when we talk (in SMS). I'm still open to adjust some of my attitude but it will take time and patience. I'm still hoping that the person i once knew is still there. I am still trying to make this work out for you & me. but if you don't want just because of my imperfections I cant do anything about it. If you got problems with me do say so. I can't get a hunch on what you feel. I'm clueless. if you don't want me anymore tell me now. im not rushing you.
Holy fuck! Are you kidding me?

How do you know what a shit test is but you don't know how to not sound like the woman in the relationship? Her response is as it should be! Do not ever contact this woman again! You have no chance! You're probably going to do no contact with the intent of winning her back - - - Right? No, it won't work... Move on and find another woman and learn from this. Find 3-4 women... Do not ever get caught up in this needy bs again!

I'm not going to breakdown what she said to you - because she said what she should. I'm going to break down what you said to her and what it said to her. And why you should never say shit like this to her again!

thorwynn said:
ME: I've always believed what you said
What you're saying: "I'm not very experienced in relationships with women and I do dumb things like believe things they say in the moment. I don't understand that women live in the moment, and that most will despise me for bringing up stuff they said/felt in the past once they no longer feel that way."

thorwynn said:
I'm asking you if you still want you & me to go on.
What you're saying: "I'm just letting you know that i want to kill any hopes you had of me being a challenge. I don't want you to lay in bed trying to figure out how much I like you. Because obviously, that's what im doing. I'm playing the role of the female here. Please tell me you still want to be with me so my needy ass can sleep well tonight. Validate me!

thorwynn said:
you're making me feel that you don't want me anymore.
What you're saying: "I'm being emotional; like a woman. Please be emotional back to me so we can be like two lesbians."

thorwynn said:
you are already being insensitive.
What you're saying: "In case you forgot - I'm the sensative one in this relationship."

thorwynn said:
you throw me out when we talk (in SMS). I'm still open to adjust some of my attitude but it will take time and patience. I'm still hoping that the person i once knew is still there. I am still trying to make this work out for you & me. but if you don't want just because of my imperfections I cant do anything about it. If you got problems with me do say so. I can't get a hunch on what you feel. I'm clueless. if you don't want me anymore tell me now. im not rushing you.
This is a complete breakdown by you! Complete and utter fail!

Nothing good is above. NOTHING!

You're needy (due to not having other options)
You're anti-challenge (you're wearing your dam heart on your sleeve!)
You're making of her the prize.

It's so bad that - I'm sure if she said "Ok, i'll take you back if you bow down and kiss my feet everytime you walk in the door" that you WOULD!

I know this is rough... I know im coming off mean. But you MUST understand that you have to change this! You have to date more than one woman until you're sure you've found one that is good. You must never be needy like this. Do not wonder too much about how women feel about you - instead let them wonder about how you feel about them! Don't reveal too much in the feelings department.

You're bleeding right now from your heart... And the blood is thick. Buddy, please move on.... Please go find other women. Please come back here if you're having problems. Don't let things get like this. If they feel like they're out of control - get out! If she's out of control. If you're feelings are out of control. Get out!

Good luck. Spend time here and learn.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
Alright guys, im giving you an update. I wasn't logged in for a few days so I didn't find the time to read all of your advice.

As you all know, she deleted me on facebook Tuesday night in my country. I posted something on FB like I’ll be owning the house for 5 days, I think she noticed it. We were drinking with my neighbors and I was drunk when I got back. I tried to check her wall for any changes, there she deleted me already. So I called her up, like an AFC. I think she did that to get my attention cause I didn’t reply for two days on her last message (see the first post) I called, she answered “who’s this?” which gave me an impression that she deleted my number already. I was checking her out while talking to her and I said if we could take some time to talk, she was going to her nightshift duty work at the hospital. We were texting and she was fine, but I insisted the whole night if we could talk personally and not through text. I stayed up til morning (still drunk), and she was asking what is it that concerns me? We were already arguing through text about what to do, and she was telling me that she’s not angry with me. She told me not to demand like a boyfriend and stuff, well I got back to what I said in my initial post (the first post in this thread). There she said it. She said she likes me, but she thinks were better off as friends. She deleted me cause I didn’t reply to her last message (first post in this thread) and because I wasn’t texting her. She said it not me who’s wrong, but she only finds me annoying, too demanding like she’s obliged to do so. She said that I was stressing her out really during that morning. She said that by now she hopes that I got her point. I said, alright. I’ll add you back in facebook. So you also didn’t want me to take you for granted. You deleted me on facebook to get my attention right? Honestly do you still want to meet me some other time? Do you still want to see me? I didn’t know she was sleeping already. After a few minutes, She said I do like you ok....but I’m annoyed! Just let me sleep ok? You’re stressing me out like hell! That’s what I don’t like about you. That’s why I annoy you so much! Freak! Because of that I changed my mind! Ahhhhh!! Well I replied back, alright go to sleep ok? I’m sorry. Just…don’t change your mind. I’ll wait. I’m sorry again. She didn’t reply back.

Damn this guys, I think I didn’t handle this pretty well. I never did this thing since September 2010. I knew I blew it ok?

I’m trying to move on properly on this one. I know you’re advising me to meet other girls ASAP, but I think it would be better if I would get this **** off my heart properly…I know she’s fuming mad ‘cause I was the only one who she was hoping to get an LTR with because of the other guys she had in the past. She was dumped a lot of times before. We were both in getting to get into a relationship with each other and now it’s hitting me like a ton of bricks. Right now there are still other girls who like to get in on with me but honestly I don’t like them. 4 girls since september have invited me to have some sex, but they’re not my type. I still do meet them in school and in other places but **** I’m still thinking about what happened between me and her. It’s not that easy moving on when you get attached as you think guys. I know I need to get all my feet and spine back up, just like when she was attracted so much to me before. I'm trying to get my life back up again.

Yeah I know you guys know that I still want this girl, today is dec 9, 2012…what I’m currently planning right now is to get into NC mode for a couple of days, even weeks…just to cool off her mind and get this **** off mine. I’m going back to the USA on December 23 and will be back here in the country on 1st week of January. There I’ll try to contact her again.

What do you guys think? What should have I done, How should have I reacted during the situation? AND WHAT DO I DO NOW?
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Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
i have 2 suggestions.

1. learn from this. dont over analyze. and move on to the next one.

2. dont contact her. ever. itll only bring you back to AFCism.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
yo...anymore help? just 1 reply from you guys since last night

Super Hero

Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
No tips, no motivation will work here.In the long run he will suffer. The guy is facing some deep issues. Issues are not problems. There are no problems just frontiers. Jump over them and you'll walk on new lands. Dream Land.
Advices are **** anyway. Here's something to ponder upon fella..

what is respect and self-respect?
Do you like drama big fella?
how far are you willing to go and put your self respect on line?
What do you value in life?

you'll know what you're looking for, look hard enough.

All love is self love anyway.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
thorwynn said:
Guys, She Just Deleted Me On Facebook.
Good now delete yourself as well. Facebook doesn't mean a thing. 10 years from now you won't be thinking to yourself "gee I wish I spent more time on Facebook".

thorwynn said:
I'm asking you if you still want you & me to go on. you're making me feel that you don't want me anymore. you are already being insensitive. you throw me out when we talk (in SMS). I'm still open to adjust some of my attitude but it will take time and patience. I'm still hoping that the person i once knew is still there. I am still trying to make this work out for you & me. but if you don't want just because of my imperfections I cant do anything about it. If you got problems with me do say so. I can't get a hunch on what you feel. I'm clueless. if you don't want me anymore tell me now. im not rushing you.
Mother of God... this is the kind of messages I get. And you have a penis membership card? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU.

Highlighted parts are cringe worthy.

You're open to adjusting? NO. NO. NO. You never say that **** out loud. You can say on these forums and among very close friends but when it comes to women YOU DON'T SAY THAT KIND OF ****. If you had a boss that acted like you do, would you put any faith and trust into him? Or would you be scared and looking for another job?

Think about it.

Also I recommend contacting her again. You don't realize how badly you messed up, so contact her again and see for yourself. Do what your heart tells you my man, learn the hard way like the rest of us did. This is a perfect opportunity.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
yo guys, everybody. thanks for all the support and advice. i used all of your advice to stop contact with her and moving on. well i did, and i got these updates.

1. i got a new girl (we'll call her "JMG") the day after alle_gory's message. she's really into me and our mutual friends have the same opinion that she wants to get into a relationship with me. she knows my story. this girl has got a good track record...longest relationship was 8 years and then a few bf's. she also has good family background. this girl is really excited to see me when i come back and my friend(s) are supporting the two of us getting together. she's more consistent in contacting me than the others. this girl is a 7.

2. i got back here in the US last december 23 and will be returning to the philippines on january 6. well, during that last message and today i have 1 girl who's highly interested ("JMG") and 2 girls that I have on the side (who wants to be in a relationship first before u have sex with them...making backups just in is 7 and the other is an 8.5).

3. remember i was talking about a girl here in this forum? the one i had oneitis with? well, let's put her in the initials "DSJ". this girl, "DSJ", added me again on facebook after she deleted me. i havent accepted it yet but i was thinking of making her as a **** buddy when or even before i get into a serious relationship with "JMG".

I think i handled the situation i little bit late but it's fine i got better. This "DSJ" i think, must have texted / called me during the time i was not in the philippines. well this could have happened or not, i don't know the reason why she wants to add me up again (she might need some sex again...hehe). i need your opinion guys. need pro help asap. what do you think is the best thing to do right now?
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Don Juan
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
Thorwyn, please read the DJ Bible.

we don't need a sequel or well you.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
websterdic, im just thinkin of not getting into a relationship with "D". just like a ****buddy. ill text / call her up when i want to get some quick sex or not. or like she calls up / text up to have some. uhm what do the others think? you don't need to be harsh man. i'm just being open to suggestions or other possibilities.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Who cares, at least you fvcked her.. Now go fvck other girls. This b1tch is whack.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
i'm still open to other suggestions heheh anymore? will wait for replies here for the whole week

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
thorwynn said:
i'm still open to other suggestions heheh anymore? will wait for replies here for the whole week
Just move on man.. That's all you can do. I guarantee too this b1tch will hit you back within a month saying she misses you.. Don't succumb to this b1tch's pvssy power. Move on and bang other ch1cks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
This has fail written all over it. This girl was into you, but you became too whiney, pushy, demanding etc. You just kept killing the attraction more and more with every interaction. You are very needy and insecure; seeking approval, desperate to be wanted, in need of constant reassurance, and have low confidence. This girl is done, but unless you work on these issues - you're going to keep having problems.

You acted like a girl in this relationship. Not meant as an insult - literally, you acted like a girl. You gotta man up and take the lead. Don't ask if she likes you, if she's mad at you, what you did wrong, apologize, wait around, let her decide everything, and act like the nice guy. Everything you did here screams of the nice guy.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
@floyb25: dude, that was last month man...i got an update...look at my post written in bold letters...


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
you got a girl interested in you and still want to blow it away for the other chick who disrespected you ? I wouldnt even look at its your turn to delete her from FB,to dont return her calls and to tell her that she is annoying you...I guess self respect is still low...
the guys have given you best advises based on experience...whether chinese, filipina or american...a woman is a woman...
best of luck!


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
Forget Facebook, grow up! Don't be upset by WHATEVER she does. More fish in the sea, but patience is needed. Attachment to any girl that has clearly no commitment to you is a waste of time.