Are you talking about a real job? If you are one of the few people lucky enough to have one of those, you probably shouldn't fvck it up.
But if it's a job that is easily replaceable, then that is another story. Being a bouncer at a night club is probably the easiest job if you want to get laid as a result of the people you meet at work. Working at a restaurant would be second. Pretty much everyone in food service will party on their off time, so you just end up at someone's house party. One of these days, I am going to go get my old high school job back, flipping burgers at Wendy's, and then proceed to fvck every misguided young girl who works there. It's not like getting fired is that big of a deal.
My test for knowing what job is ok to fvck co-workers versus what job isn't is very simple. Do they drug test job applicants? If they do, that means there are other people who want your job. If they don't, that means that the company is lucky to get anyone to work at such a lousy job, and outside of blatant boss-to-employee sexual harassment, they will tolerate sex with co-workers.