I haven't had many negative experiences with exes besides that of my demonic wife.
I shall now recall 3 of my exes who I'll never forget...each special in their own ways...the names aren't their real names.
Things are about to get cheesy, folks..so get ready.
EX 1:
Name: Tasia
Her age (at the time): 19
My age: 22
Location: Fayetteville, NC
Background: I am an Army vet and at the time I was stationed at Fort Bragg, NC. While in Iraq, I was able to save a lot of money in the 7 months that I was deployed. When we got home, I had about 15k of tax-free money at my disposal.
While in Iraq, I had planned to secretly get my an apartment off post and turn it into a w#ore house. I was young, horny, and ready to have some fun.
So, that is what I did.
I got an apartment off post and every weekend, I would get a taxi and go to my man cave. The apartment was a one-bedroom with no furniture...but I lucked up...the guy that ran the place hooked me up with a unit that already had a queen-sized bed and a dresser.
There was a Target across the street where I purchased linen, cookware, a TV, and a PlayStation 2.
Those were good times.
I spent my weekends calling up escorts on Craigslist and having them come to my mancave (which is where the bulk of my money went; not something I'm proud).
Another way I would get women is via Facebook. This is 2007, and back then FB had what was called "Networks"...and Networks were synonymous with "City".
Back then on FB, you could search all of the people within a Network and filter it to "all females in Fayetteville, NC", and the listing will provide page after page of all females within that Network.
I searched the Fayetteville network and while browsing the many profiles, I came across this dark-skinned, thick young woman, let's call her Tasia.
Her skin was so dark and she wore a blue top...to whereas her skin complexion matched her blue outfit lol.
She had an attractive face, too.
I added her as a friend and sent her a friend request and we began communicating. She was a young college student, studying Foreign Language.
If I'm not mistaken, she came to my crib the following weekend...and now I will discuss why I'll never forget her....why she is so special to me and I'll never forget her.
1. Sex A: From the first time she came to my place, the sex was remarkable. We had sex that night and it was some passionate lovemaking. I will say it, she had the best puzzy that I ever had. Her puzzy was so good, I told her I loved her after we were finished (beta-simp shiit, I know).
2. Sex B: One time while we made love, she began to cry. She let off a crying moan with every thrust I gave her (missionary) style. She was crying, all while holding me tight, which was the most emotional lovemaking experience I've ever had.
When we finished, I asked her why was she crying...and she said "Because you were hitting all of the right spots".
3. Sex C: She gave me my first (and only) rim job. Yup, she ate my ass...and it felt GOOD. I did the same for her.
3. Scooped me up: Every weekend, she would come to the barracks on post to pick me up and from there we would go to "our" love nest. I would look outside my room window, and see her little car parked there, waiting for her man to get released for the weekend.
4. Bonding: We would lay in the bed, literally all day from the time we woke up in the morning, to the time we went to sleep at night...naked in the bed and
spooning. We would lay in the bed playing word games and eating gummy worms. We would eat the gummy worms and suck the worms from each other's mouths. We would lay in the bed playing word games..which consisted of one of us saying a word and the other saying a word associated with that word (if I recall). So much bonding, and the time just flew by.
5. Things she did A: She bought shower curtains and a bathroom rug lol...she was shocked that I had neither...I told her I didn't need that shiit lol. Nevertheless, there we went, across the street to Target, and she bought shower curtains and a bathroom rug lol.
6. Things she did B: On my 23rd birthday, she bought me a big cupcake with some candles...she sang Happy Birthday to me and told me to blow out the candles. I attempted to blow out the candles but they didn't blow out, no matter how hard I blew them (no homo). As I stood there puzzled while trying to blow out the candles, she burst out laughing.
Apparently, these candles were made to
not blow out...which she knew and I didn't. It was a bit of a prank lol. It was sooo cuteee.
7. Things she did C: Speaking of my Birthday; she told me she had a surprise for me. She told me to close my eyes, which I did. Then she told me to open them. When I opened my eyes, she had her jacket open and she was wearing a leopard patterned bra (she knew I liked titties) looking SEXY AS HELL....and she stood there in a "flashing" stance with the biggest smile on her face as my mouth salivated over those titties in that bra...omg...I dug into the titties and we GOT BUSY on the be.
8. More memorable moments A: We had gone to Red Lobster one day, and the place was PACKED. They gave us the device thingy and we waited outside in her car until they had a table ready.
While in the car, I began singing "Before I Let You Go" by Blackstreet, and she was acting as the background vocals as I sang...we were jamming to that song acapella. That was followed by probably the longest makeout session I've ever had...tongue kissing for damn near 10-15 minutes nonstop, and in sync and rhythm.
9. More memorable moments B: This one is funny. So, I have this thing where I have a habit of blurting out random rap lyrics. I was once an aspiring rapper but for the most part, I have lyrics from songs in my mind and sometimes, I can't help by recite the latest lyrics in my mind. I even do this via
text lol.
When she first noticed this habit of mine, she thought it was a bigger problem of
Tourette Syndrome lmao.
So, one day, we went to a relationship counseling session with her Pastor (Tasia was semi-active in Church, and the Pastor at her Church was a cool black sista).
During the counseling session, the Pastor had each one of us mention some things about the other that we didn't like...and when it was her turn, she said "Well, he has this thing where he blurts out these raps" hahahahahahaha. That was so cuttteeee.
10. More memorable moments C: One day, while we were chilling in bed. She received a phone call from an aunt..and while she was on the phone, I began to suck on her titties...and she gladly let me do my thing while she was on the phone. I guess her aunt had asked about me, and she said
"Girl, he is on the titties right now".
Yeah, of course, anything involving titties is memorable.
11. More memorable moments D: So, Facebook used to have this feature where you could write short stories...and it was usually on the left-hand side of your profile page. About 6 months after she and I broke up, I wrote a short story about Tasia on my page, similar to what I am doing now (like how things are
And somehow, some way, she was able to make a response to
every single point I made, giving her own point of view as she reflected on our relationship as well. To this day, I don't know how she was able to do it. It was very special..very sweet.
Why did we break up, and what were the issues?
We broke up because I had reenlisted and was getting ready to move and be stationed in AZ. I tried to get her to join me in AZ, but she refused because didn't want to leave her family and she was also still in school.
She said she would come to AZ only if we got married first...while my stance was, come now, and the marriage will eventually fall into place.
We both stood firm on our positions, and we broke up amicably.
Were there issues? Yes. I mentioned the counseling session with her Pastor.
As much fun and love that we had for/with each other, we had a few philosophical differences and sought to get an independent opinion on, but nothing major.
I will always wonder how our lives would have turned out had we remained intact.
Where is Tasia now? I had touched bases with her about 8-9 years ago..she was still single at the time...but when I last checked on her, she had gotten married.
I wish her the best and thank her for the loving experiences we shared.