About two years ago I began doing volunteer work and this has a large positive impact on me. I got some social contacts and figured out that I can do a lot more than I thought about myself. I actually got a lot of compliments for my hard work. (I never imagined myself to be a hard worker and in my opinion I didn't even work THAT hard)
It is because of this work I attracted the attention of this amazing girl. Spending this much time with a girl has been an unique experience for me and I enjoyed it a lot (for a year we met up once a week). However it turned into one big drama for me because...you know...I don't know what I am doing, afraid, insecure and terrified of sexuality. She was literally naked next to me and I couldn't do it. Too much pressure, too little experience.
I didn't want to screw it up and because of this I screwed up.
I am 37 years old and never had a girlfriend and only recently got my first kiss. This "girl problem" I have is the very thing holding me back in my life. It makes me feel completly powerless, helpless and hopeless for I don't even know how to get a date. I literally don't know.
Should I do this cold approach thing? And where? Street? Shops? Bars (I never go there)?
I tried online, but even getting a response back is nearly impossible. I would also like to have social circle, but I have no idea how to get one. How do people make friends? Where to find people (especially girls because that is the goal)?
I am sitting at home right now and I don't want to. I want to take action to meet and date girls and I just cannot even think of what to do. This has been a problem for many years and I cannot think of a solution. So I end up playing yet another video game I don't want to play to distract me from this misery. I want to spend those hours, days, weeks, months on working on getting girls and I don't know what to do.
I have plenty of time and I could spend it all on solving this "girl problem" if I just knew where to begin. How to get dates? Normal people go on dates; where in the hell do they get them?
Is pickup still a thing? Is there anyone still doing it? Should I just go to a bar and approach every single girl? Many years ago I knew a guy, the most ****ty guy I ever met and he did this and managed, to my great surprise, to have lots of girls over at his place. But this was 20 years ago.
I want this ****ing problem to be dealt with as fast as possible. Only two years before I turn 40.
I understand the value of going to the gym and such things. However lifting weights does not automagically get me a date. Those are two separate things. Going to the gym takes me about a hour and no date.
And one date is not enough. I probably need a large amount of dates to get the experience and hopefully to finally get to **** a girl. Which in itself is nothing but practice for when I meet a girl I actually like (I did meet an amazing girl but screwed up because I never dated).
I am not ugly or fat or anything like that. Sure improvements can be made and I am not protesting improvements. That would be stupid even for me.
What do I spend my time on in order to get dates and to finally get to **** a girl? At this point I am not even aiming for a girlfriend because this idea alone is surreal to me. It must be amazing. The best thing in the world. And if anyone says a girlfriend is overrated I would like to judge that for myself.
I have many many hours, days and weeks at my disposal. I am willing to immerse myself completely. To go all-inn. To break all my limits. I don't care about rejections anymore. Why would I? It is not possible to hurt me more than I have done myself already.
Should I follow the PUA route? Is it viable? Or just fantasy used to sell books and bootcamps? What alternatives are there? What to invest my time in? What to go all-out at? What to immerse myself into?
Sorry for my long
text. I feel horrible lost for such a long time.