Is there a RedPill endgame?


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2013
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I've been thinking about this all night after reading Rollo's latest blog post...

It basically turns the table on our current reality, where nice guys are the ones who get girls, and jerks and alpha bad boys are not what women want. It makes me wonder what the endgame is to all of this! Am I here to find the one or just make it easier to get laid? Do I, as a redpill male, have an obligation to my fellow man to spread the philosophy we speak here? And if I do, if we all do, what kind of repercussions would that have in the world today?
If every man on the planet were suddenly unplugged, would that really make things better or worse? I can honestly say I can't answer that.
I do know, if the entire mgtow and redpill community made a concentrated, but covert effort, we could probably convert thousands if not millions of men into redpill guys.
So should we? Is that the endgame we need? Or do we keep this to ourselves and keep the status quo?


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2011
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I'm not going to read the article, as tbh, I've never really gotten into Rollo's stuff. Even the word "Manosphere" turns me off.

But from my own personal experiences, people don't really want to know. They are so entrenched in what they perceive to be reality that unless they suddenly have a eureka moment and relate it back to the words that you've told them, people will just ignore and laugh and your suggestions.

A lot of my friends know I'm into "pickup". It's a running joke for them, some of them have read The Game and can throw out the odd word such as "negging" etc. My brother thinks it's a joke and continues to treat girls like the perfect gentleman and get's walked all over. I have tried to help people, I genuinely have.

But you can't. IMO people need to find the answer for themselves.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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TL;DR. That sums up my feelings on Rollo's writing.

It think the whole "red pill" thing is becoming a joke. It's becoming this internet cult of sorts where men think they have some esoteric knowledge of humanity that can't be readily discerned with critical thinking and experience.

There is no need to call "our" body of knowledge all these names. If you have the ability to think critically, reflect, and draw rational inferences from your experience, you will figure out the way women, dating, and modern relationships really work. It's not rocket science, it just takes enough real-life experience with women.

Notice how all the "game" writers out there who have breadth of experience tend to make the same observations and conclusions about women? That's because after enough "reps" (dates, lays, STRs and LTRs) the reality practically slaps you in the face.

I love helping out younger or more inexperienced guys. I think it's a service to your fellow man. But as the saying goes, you can only lead a horse to water.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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Kinda skimmed over the article.

Lots of the teachings here to me seem a bit geared towards a simple understanding of things. "If being nice doesn't work, be a jerk instead."

See, the words "nice" and "jerk" are easy concepts to understand.

Now what you really have to do is just to respect yourself, value your time and resources and do so in a way that is evident to women you are dating who are pushing you the opposite way. Or... yeah be a jerk...

The teachings here as with any similar teachings need to be digested and internalized. You have to make them part of you, not the other way around.

Honestly i'm a pretty nice guy to the women I date. I do not even come close to taking anything here by the letter. But I know where my boundaries are now and why. I know whats acceptable, what's not and why. So with the understanding of how things work I can now find my place in these teachings. I can apply my personality to successful strategies, not losing unhealthy ones. Eventually, you are not even going to notice that you are practicing the things you have picked up here. They will become a part of you, but only if you find your place in them.

And this ^^^^^ is the endgame you search for.

Even a married woman that doesn't need to work, happily married with 4 kids will jump ship if her man doesn't keep her engaged. And this is endgame. You have to internalize your game and eventually you will be applying it without conscious effort till your last days my friend. Because it never ends and it doesn't have to be hard.

As far as sharing this information with others goes it's a bumpy road. Because it's easy to be judged by saying things like "don't be nice, be a jerk instead." when the real intention goes deeper than that. And the people you are trying to convince are not going to have the patience in learning the true ways. They will just be judging what you are saying at face value. Only after someone has felt the bitter sting of blue pill can they begin to comprehend what we learn here every day. You have to see these things yourself, it's almost like seeing a ghost for the first time. Seeing is believing...

Awesome quotation from that article:
"To me, being an alpha “bad boy” just means going after what you want. It means pushing the envelope and being aggressive in pickup. It doesn’t mean being antisocial or violent, or being a **** to people. It often happens that an aggressive guy has these tendencies, but I don’t think they contribute to his success with women unless they bring him some fame, too."


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
Upon discovering these forums, my frame of knowledge shifted from "How to get women" to "How to become a better ME".

Once I did that, I realized my life was much better for it and my social life followed suit. The blue pill, the red pill, self-awareness, getting unplugged, manosphere... whatever you want to call any of these things... are just a part of the process.

Your endgame should be to evolve into the best possible version of yourself. When men stop caring about the outcome or the effect a woman has on their life, then they can proceed accordingly.

A lot of what I see on these forums are questions on how to react... why don't we as men start asking the right questions, like how should we act in order to make others react? I get that this is a "seduction forum" or whatever, but man, once I became aware of how much better my life was once I became my own priority in life and how much happier I am for it... that's when everything started falling into place for me.

I no longer worry if I am too nice of a guy or if I am a jerk, I solely become focused on being a good man and living within my moral/ethical parameters and being true to myself. There are people (men and women) that are drawn to this part of me and there are people who aren't. I don't care for the people who aren't and they don't get to shape my life... I do.

My current reality is shaped by myself. My endgame is myself.
I just choose to bring others along for the ride.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2013
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When I say "endgame", I'm referring to an ultimate outcome for all the manosphere, mgtow, redpill guys or whatever term someone is using on their site or blog. I'm thinking big picture here. Are we ultimately looking for a supreme worldwide patriarchy where feminism isn't a reality. A world where we don't have to consider hypergamy, because a womans power is limited due to the majority of them being inferior to men in most aspects of life.
What if we didn't need game, PUA theory or any of this stuff... What if we left nature take it's course without the interference of feminism? Shouldn't that be what we're doing here?????


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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slikkmeister said:
When I say "endgame", I'm referring to an ultimate outcome for all the manosphere, mgtow, redpill guys or whatever term someone is using on their site or blog. I'm thinking big picture here. Are we ultimately looking for a supreme worldwide patriarchy where feminism isn't a reality. A world where we don't have to consider hypergamy, because a womans power is limited due to the majority of them being inferior to men in most aspects of life.
What if we didn't need game, PUA theory or any of this stuff... What if we left nature take it's course without the interference of feminism? Shouldn't that be what we're doing here?????
This is natural selection if you think about it...

So, change the world huh?



Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Like the others have said, exposing the truth to the masses wouldn't work out. Not everyone wants to see the truth. They would much rather live in their fantasy world where nice guys and other losers with no self-respect get laid, married, and live the perfect lives.

Actually, I think the better question would be, "what would happen if feminism took over?". If they successfully killed off those of us who possess this knowledge. Those of us who have seen the truth.