Is there a need for an Asian Man’s Pick Up Guide?

Is there a need for the Asian Man’s Pick Up Guide?

  • I’m Asian and I vote Yes!

    Votes: 51 28.8%
  • I’m Asian and I vote No!

    Votes: 27 15.3%
  • I’m non-Asian and I vote Yes!

    Votes: 16 9.0%
  • I’m non-Asian and I vote No!

    Votes: 34 19.2%
  • I don’t give a flying ****.

    Votes: 49 27.7%

  • Total voters


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
this is an interesting topic... cuz im asian and dealt with this problem as well... but i've noticed it's all in one's head... i think the key is to look and act a certain way where NO ONE can categorize you... meaning if you look like the typical asian guy.. i say you're pretty much screwed with the other races cuz you are not gonna stand out... so try something new that won't put you under the category as "asian"..


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Originally posted by upcomingDJ
this is an interesting topic... cuz im asian and dealt with this problem as well... but i've noticed it's all in one's head... i think the key is to look and act a certain way where NO ONE can categorize you... meaning if you look like the typical asian guy.. i say you're pretty much screwed with the other races cuz you are not gonna stand out... so try something new that won't put you under the category as "asian"..
Good inner game, man. PM me.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
Malandro Will Takeover the Asian Playboy Blog Whilst I Travel Overseas

I will be departing next week on July 7th to go backpacking through Viet Nam. In my stead, Malandro will be taking over the blog, providing inspirational advice and stories to everyone.

After him and his long term girlfriend broke up and he traveled to Europe, Malandro declared that he would be no chump. No loser, desparately waiting for some mediocre woman to grace him with her presence. Malandro has only been in the Game since March of 2005, but he currently has three steady German girlfriends, one of them a well known German actress.

As a Korean American, he has been steadily swaying the beautiful German women and showing them the sexual prowess that is the Asian man. Yes, that's right, even with three girlfriends, Malandro somehow has the time, nay the pleasure, and dare I say, the graciousness, to go forth and enlighten German, Scandinavian, and French women about the delight of Asian manhood.

Day game, night game, Malandro was like all us, starting out fresh and inexperienced. But through action, self-discipline, and the willingness to not only learn, but experiment, he has turned himself into a true Asian Playboy.

Please e-mail Malandro directly after I leave for any advice or if you'd like to share a story on the Asian Playboy blog. I will be returning in August.



Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
I just got done with doing a 1on1 with LittlePUA, Asian dude up in Toronto who got beat up by neo-Nazis. Here's to helping out all my Asian bros out there.

As APB( Asian Playboy) was talking about in his blog, I've tremoundesly improved from not being able to start a conversation to able to hold a 40 min one with a chick isolated, Ya she was 7.5 on my scale. Overall what skills I learned from APB was the opener, the conversation, the kino, and body language along with mid and late game. In the field, both street and club, IT WAS A BLAST! Just being able to joke around and have fun with chicks and get kino with them, its just a experience that you just have to do to know. I remember my 2nd night out with APB, he was talking to this waitress in Montana's eventually he got to the point where she gave huge IOI's, then used her for social proof for me that night.

Over the 4 nights, I was able to open more than 30+ chicks easily, islote quickly, have fun, talk to a celebrity, and get some #'s, while buidling up social skills.

A bit of background from me: Socailly I was never " savvy" as the popular kids were, I've been beaten up by " Neo Nazi's" on more than 1 occasion in the past, and sadly was socailly ****ed by the "matrix".

Now APB wanted to know overall how he did: To me I'd give him a 10, and I'm being truthfully honest on this, he was able to show me thing and make me do things, I wouldn't even have the balls to do before, it was a amazing experience to be able to talk to chicks get kino etc. AND I LIKE TO THANK APB for that.

My finally word I like to say to everyone out there. If I a "HIGH SCHOOL kid who was beaten up by neo-Nazis can do it... YOU SURE THE **** AS HELL CAN!"



Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
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Ottawa,Ontario, Canada
I'm sorry but what the **** makes asian males any different than white males, black males or hispanic males? Why not make a black or hispanic pick up guide. That's ridiculous.
Asian females are the same as white females... if anything this is discrimination.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
I voted yes cause asians deserve some attention on this board.

But i never said they needed it. Pooks and senor fingers and the bible is for generalized everyday use, no race requirement. Honestly if everyone on this board got their life intact and overcame their fears & problems, this site would become useless. In the real world pick up lines dont exist, scripts cant be followed.

In the end its up to the person's potential and mental capacity to overcome society's barriers and stereotypes. Every man on this earth was born with a fvckin ****, and they were meant to use it whatever way they please, as nature intended. If you allow society & prejudice to walk over you, then you dont deserve to be here. That is why we adapt to the environment. IF everyone got their **** together, things would fall into place...such as women of any race. But dont forget, in the end the majority of earth's population posess a personal preference to date and procreate within their own race, so dont take it offensive if that WF or whatever doesnt look your way.

But i woudlnt say what's preached here at sosuave, david deangelo, or the bible is universally effective. Every girl comes from a different upbringing/background/environment/culture...that they respond to certain actions and communication uniquely & differently.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by syncmaster
Why not make a black or hispanic pick up guide.
Tariq Nasheed - "The Art of Mackin" is pickup guide targeted for Blacks but people of all races read it.


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by JT47319
In college, it helped me acquire a LTR with a pretty, blonde WF and it later turned into a group of other fellow AMs, two of which also had cute blonde WFs.
Ooo - A sticky subject.

The racial separateness and discrimination that Asians experience is actually two-sided -

Asians (in the States, at least) often complain that they are separated from the rest of society and yet, by doing things like creating a poll made especially for the Asian male, they are labelling and marking themselves as separate.

BTW - I get the distinct feeling that Asian women are thought to be less desirable than WF's - It can be read between the lines of a great number of these posts -

Which seems rather hypocritical and a form of self-hatred for an Asian male, don't you think?



Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
The Collected Thoughts of Successful Asian Playboys on Race

Thought I'd share this with you guys. Fellow Asian playboy and blogger Spirit Fingers recently wrote up an introductory manual for theApproach guys and he addresses race. Well written and to the point. I get that question all the time and Spirit Fingers was able to articulate my own thoughts on the subject.

You can download the free report here:

The image you put forward has to be stronger than any negative stereotypes about you.

A common question I get is, "I'm ____ race, can I get ____ race of women?

Just last weekend, I had a student ask an interesting question. He was a cool guy, decent looks, good style. And yet he asked me.

"Can I get white women even though I'm Asian?"

I was blown away - and I told him of course he could, but he had to have a stronger image than something generic.

My image is not 'white'. If the first thing a woman thought when she saw me was 'This guys is white', then I'd be in trouble. I'd be super-boring.

Think typical 'suburban guy'. I don't have a suburban guy image.

The thing is, Caucasian is the majority in America. If you're Cauasian in America, any image is stronger than the fact you're white.

Wheareas if you're another race, it might be a stronger image.

This works for and against some races that are stereotypicall as being powerful and masculine.

But what if you're not one of those? The sad reality is that some races have stereotypes attached to them in certain places.

Here's what you need:

The image you put forward has to be stronger than any negative stereotypes about you.

I used to work out at a gym that had guys that looked to be Triads in them. Y'know, Chinese mafia. Ripped, dragon-tattooed guys, shaved heads, hot girlfriends and luxury cars and nice clothes and a 'Don't mess with me' look.

When any woman looked at one of those guys, she didn't 'He's Asian.' She thought 'He's powerful' or 'He's a gangster' or 'He's buff.'

As an example, let's compare two Chinese guys I knew. One went to the gym. He was about 5"5, but he was "jacked." Muscles upon muscles.

They called him 'the bull.' No joke. I called him 'el toro' very, very respectfully. This guy had women all over him - black, white, latin, and of course Asian as well.

On the other hand, I knew a Chinese computer-programmer. He had thick glasses and wore frumpled clothing and slouched over.

He had no image, so women would lump him into the category of 'asexual Asian guy' - They'd buy into the stereotype that he's asexual, because -

The image he put forward was not stronger than the negative stereotypes around him. When I told this to my Asian student last weekend, he started to 'get it.' By the end of his program, he was picking up girls of various races normally.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
The Collected Thoughts of Successful Asian Playboys on Race

Loverboy's thoughts:

I don't deny it used to be a limiting belief of mine, but with every new HB I kiss close or sleep with the limiting belief diminishes. If I somehow get a bad result, it's easier to blame it on my race/looks esp since it's one ofthe easiest things to blame it on (such as getting bad grades, it's easier to blame it on me not being smart enough, or being unlucky in the exam, orthe teacher being biased vs. me simply not doing enough work). Now I'drather just say it's because my game is not tight enough if I am not getting results I want.

Sure, racism exists, and there WILL be some girls who have no interest in certain races, just as some white guys not interested in black girls, or asian guys not interested in latino women, or even white girls notinterested in white guys. This is INEVITABLE, and is HUMAN NATURE. But time and time over, the top dawgs are still managing to plow through this social limitation based on their skillset to pull and defy this, showing how powerful a strong skillset can come in hand.

It's easier to work at something that you can do something about. There's nothing you can do about your race except embrace it and make the most of it. I know how you feel if you think that it's a limitation because it was my biggest limiting belief when I first found the community, and now, still occasionally (WAY less) does because it's imprinted in my head since I was a kid, but that makes me even want to get a bigger skillset to make me STAND OUT from the rest.

The main thing about Asians is probably us being stereotyped into asexual, small penis, bad english, touristy, cowardly, intelligent, stingy, nonthreatening, etc. So the way to convey would be to be SEXUAL (something I personally still need to work on as I definitely don't nonverbally show this **** as much as I should), I even joke about a small penis (I had a girl yesterday ask if I got a big **** and I threw the ijjjji line and it worked wonders, but I'm careful to use this DLV because of the stereotype). Confidence, good english, being local, strong will break the stereotype and the fact that you're UNIQUE makes them think you're SPECIAL.

It's like peacocking. Because you're so DIFFERENT and cartoony the chicks will think you MUST be a celeb of some sort. I think when i go to A crowd venues and sound american and open girls confidently that alone makes them think 'he must be someone money, rich.. etc'.

The advantage of being Asian is being able to slip under the radar so there are advantages of being non threatening. Hoobie and I discussed thisbriefly before. I do find that I open better than my wings, but whether that's my race or skill.. I'd rather attribute it to my skillset :)

Only thing I disagree is that American chicks are harder to PU than European / non Americans if you're Asian. American chicks are more open to Asians IMO because there are ALOT more Asians there than over here especially in Cali. Asians in the states are mostly Asian Americans so they are also westernized. Asians here (or Oreintals since Asians are indians/pakistanis here) most of them anyway, do fall into the stereotype of working in chinese restaurants or are tourists. It's annoying at times but ****, what can you do about it. In fact, it makes you look like the most money asian guy they've ever met. I had an American chick just recently climb all over me within 2 minutes when I was helping my wing out in a split set and she saidthat alot of American chicks love Asian guys. They said probably more than European chicks, since theirs the whole Royal Hierarchy of blonde hair blue eyes and the tall, dark handsome italian stereotypes more prevalent here.

What I DO agree about is that if you have TOURISTS from europe visiting it's easier to PU. Just as American tourists here in the UK, probably. I also find the game working better on American chicks because they are more responsive and have more to say back therefore making the whole game feistier in general. It still works here beause the culture is literally very similar, just that people here have a different social vibe.
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Well being black has made me more aware of the cultural differences and racial things that go on within the game.

Asian guys in American I can say do have a much harder time of getting WHITE WOMEN and now sadly even many of their own women are added to that problem as they want to date "white guys cause they are more agressive."-as quoted off that video on youtube.

Non Asian guys particularily white guys have no idea what its like to be asian and they will say it shouldn't matter which is down right ignorant.

Talk to women. I just gave a 3 hour lecture on dating in my home town and unfortunately asian guys were not top of the list of preferred dating material for the white women there.


I think in part is is because of the asian guy hanging onto his differences. Notice the guy hollowpoint stating that he dates whatever. It is his type that just doesn't give a fvck about what race he is and carries that laid back attitude into the game.

I study people and and constantly watching. I often see cool laid back asian guys like this with super hot white women. They don't act all nerdy or do that asian thing.

The cool asian bro's are able to get beyond all that cultural programming **** and don't come across as just asian but just as a man first and are more agressive in nature.

You don't get the feeling that your talking to a guy who will only buy a asian made car's.

I said this once and one of the guys on my forum got all upset cause I saw this cool asian guy driving a old chevy nova muscle car and how he looked tough.

I am sure he gets called a version of my races word for Uncle Tom which is a black guy who talks acts white. And to the hidden blacks on here you know there is a difference and what I am talking about. And if your one of those mo power to ya.

I hope nobody here is that ingnat (ignorant).

Unfortunately we live in a land separated by racial differences and it is the stereotyping that is killing our asian brothers game here in the states.

White America has sterotyped them into the super geek and nerd range.

When I was studying computer programming way back in the dawn of that field 10 years after we opened our borders to the vietnamese those classes were packed with asian folks though...and the teacher was viet. And today you see more asian guys studying to be engineers more than ever. But so what. If you have that kinda mind so be it.

Now convince the hot chicks out there of that point.

We here in the states live in a world controlled by our media. Gayhollywood decides what is in and what isn't.

Look at that dweeb screaming guy staring in the movie Eagle Eye. Hollywood is building this punk up as a sex symbol. They like boyish lack of masculine looking men.

Within my own race light skinned blacks were the in thing until hollywood promoted darker ones like Westly Snipes and Morris Chestnut. They within my own community darker ones became the in thing.

Look at how they are changing the black white dating thing to white guys dating mulatto or black women now and look at how it is happening more and more in society here in the states.

I can see the tide is slowly changing for asian guys. I just saw a star of a sci-fi film was a Korean dude. The girl who fell in love with him was white.

Until the stigma is lifted I do think asian guys need a bit more of something to help em.

Yes they are mostly nerds just like most of the guys who come here looking for answers.

Most of what is taught for handling that nerdy side will work but then there is the cultural programming issue that is forgotten.

I am not saying a asian guy cannot get women of whatever race. Cause if you follow the law of attraction you will pull to you women who are not racially blind. 1% or slightly more of the population.

And there is the struggle and frustration.
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
The bad thing about a post like this is that it creates and exposes a bunch of whiners who do let their race hold em back though.

If I whined about being black and quit every time a white girl pulled her girlfriend 5 feet away from me on the dance floor to scold her for dancing with a black guy I would never of grown in this game.

Hell or in life either.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
i'm asian, and i vote yes.
most white women are turned off by asian men at first glance because of the assumptions she makes, so it forces us to adapt and overcome that prejudice.
i've asked a lot of white chicks and it's not just my wild guess.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I vote no.

The principles are the same for everybody.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
A pick up guide tailored for Asian men is as necessary as pick up guides for Blacks, Mexicans, Europeans, Russians, Pacific Islanders, Indians, Native Americans, Muslims etc.
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
A pick up guide tailored for Asian men is as necessary as pick up guides for Blacks, Mexicans, Europeans, Russians, Pacific Islanders, Indians, Native Americans, Muslims etc.
Now this is what I call ignant. No offense maxtro.

Let's just take blacks for example since I qualify. Are you aware or have you ever even considered that the majority of white women (since everyone wants white women for some reason) do not want nor will they date a black man?

What you bought into was hollywood hype.

Your forgetting about the social pressures and family pressures that goes on in a girls head for her to even talk to blacks.

If your a white guy look at how many other white guys frown down on a super hot white chick with a black guy.

Now when she wants to marry and she has been known to date blacks which of those white guys would marry her knowing that she has had big black dyeck up in her?

Which is another stereotype.

Think about what her father would say

Think about the embarrassement her family has to go through

Think about how she will fear getting pregnant and having a black mulatto child.

You see this is what goes through their heads that you didn't think about.

You bought into that pua thing that all you gotta do is run up in a woman's face no matter what race you are and just keep yelling a story at her.

Well eventually if you are not white maxtro you will find a girl who won't mind going beyond the social crap here in the states and fvck you.

But that percentage is kinda small. It has gotten better in the last 25 years that I have been in the game but not that much.

If your a mulatto then your chances are better.

Now if your asian what do you think will be going through her head and her families and friends?

At least blacks are considered kinda cool and if she is rebellious enough then it will work.

Use your head fellas and open your eyes if you live in America land of the free.

Look at the racists on this very site. I think I read a post recently about how some dweeby white guy hated blacks. Sad but true.

But those type should rest in the assurance that most white girls out there want to get married and have kids who look like them so we are not stealing their women.

NOr are asian males.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
TheRealSupreme said:
Now this is what I call ignant. No offense maxtro.

Let's just take blacks for example since I qualify. Are you aware or have you ever even considered that the majority of white women (since everyone wants white women for some reason) do not want nor will they date a black man?

What you bought into was hollywood hype.

Your forgetting about the social pressures and family pressures that goes on in a girls head for her to even talk to blacks.

If your a white guy look at how many other white guys frown down on a super hot white chick with a black guy.

Now when she wants to marry and she has been known to date blacks which of those white guys would marry her knowing that she has had big black dyeck up in her?

Which is another stereotype.

Think about what her father would say

Think about the embarrassement her family has to go through

Think about how she will fear getting pregnant and having a black mulatto child.

You see this is what goes through their heads that you didn't think about.

You bought into that pua thing that all you gotta do is run up in a woman's face no matter what race you are and just keep yelling a story at her.

Well eventually if you are not white maxtro you will find a girl who won't mind going beyond the social crap here in the states and fvck you.

But that percentage is kinda small. It has gotten better in the last 25 years that I have been in the game but not that much.

If your a mulatto then your chances are better.

Now if your asian what do you think will be going through her head and her families and friends?

At least blacks are considered kinda cool and if she is rebellious enough then it will work.

Use your head fellas and open your eyes if you live in America land of the free.

Look at the racists on this very site. I think I read a post recently about how some dweeby white guy hated blacks. Sad but true.

But those type should rest in the assurance that most white girls out there want to get married and have kids who look like them so we are not stealing their women.

NOr are asian males.
Yes your right I would say the majority of white woman would not marry a black guy or get serious with one. I would say probably 85-90% of them. However I am sure some would have a fling with them. Probably 25-30%. The numbers are probably only a little higher with black girls and white guys.

As far as white guys looking down on white girls who date black guys. Black guys will do the same to black woman who date a white guy especially if the black girl is hot. Her parents and relatives will not be happy about it either in most cases.

The world is changing. Right now the number is 25-30%. In 15 years it will be 50%. We have a mulatto who very well may be president. Everyone would rather marry there own. An asian usually wants to marry an asian. A white with a white, a black with a black....

Being black can have its advantages and being white as well. If your black and go to an all white club you figure 15 of the girls are into black guys they are going to come on to you because your a rare catch there.

Same thing with white guys. I went to a black club once and had tons of black woman hitting on me. I am not going to say race doesn't matter but I have seen many black guys with beautiful white woman, and my best friend is going out with a beautiful educated black girl.

If you have game I feel you will have game with every race. And if you don't than you will be a bust out with every race.