Is there a need for an Asian Man’s Pick Up Guide?

Is there a need for the Asian Man’s Pick Up Guide?

  • I’m Asian and I vote Yes!

    Votes: 51 28.8%
  • I’m Asian and I vote No!

    Votes: 27 15.3%
  • I’m non-Asian and I vote Yes!

    Votes: 16 9.0%
  • I’m non-Asian and I vote No!

    Votes: 34 19.2%
  • I don’t give a flying ****.

    Votes: 49 27.7%

  • Total voters


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Luveno
JT, I can see exactly what you are saying about feeling the pressure of the majority when you are a minority. It does feel like we have to work harder to get to the same place as some white guy.

However, that we have to work harder isn't true. It just feels like it is. Once a man truly embraces his inner game, and shows SUCCESS in life, the color of your skin or country of your father doesn't matter. All that matters is the confidence you carry and the dominance you command. That's assuming you're in a larger city without any racial animosity.

You said that you grew up in the southern states which is very preducial. I grew up in a very preducial town as well. The problem then is not your game but the blatant ignorance of everyone else. You could be as good looking as Johnny Depp and as charismatic as Jesus but it wouldn't matter because of your name and your blood. The best advice I could give to any minority who lives in a bigoted place is to MOVE! It's the best decision I've ever made, and in those cases it is the only option.

Once that is done, the playing field is level.
Exactly. There is no advice you can give to an asian male having problems that will solve the underlying problem....that is PREJUDICE. This is society's problem, not the asian male's problem.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
So it is now officially the beginning of 4th week of my Dallas residence. Here's a recap of the full three weeks I've been here:

1st week: 5 numbers, 1 makeout

2nd week: 2 dates w/ EmoAsian (placing her on the friends list because she's almost exclusively into white guys, too much effort for me to change that, and she has a lot of girlfriends); 1 number taken on the downlow from ThaiGirl, 1 number from KirstyDurnst, and a few others I can't remember

3rd week: partied with the pseudo-stripper girls, made out with one of them; had a date with the ThaiGirl at her friend's bday, went skinny dipping, got threatened by a biker gang; couple of more numbers; had two dates lined up on Saturday, flaked on one, ****ed the other (paid for only one drink and the hotel room)

Flakes: I still get quite a few flakes, I'd estimate around 50% flakage. Some girls call back, some don't; some girls flake on the first date, some don't. I need to start improving my phone game because I think that's where I'm losing the interaction because during the MOMENT, I know I have them hooked.

Page visits: Up to 100+ from the 40-60s that this blog started with

Guys helped out: Jackson Power (Asian) started his blog and his hard road to being a confident lady's man after being inspired by LoverBoy and myself; seven (7) Asian American men e-mailing for advice and/or providing material to put up on my blog

Not a bad 3 weeks of starting out, if I do say so myself.


New Member
Jun 20, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
I've thought about a pick up guide for Asian guys before and I'm glad that other guys are here wanting to help out. I'm all for it because as Asian guys we have the worst sense of what attraction is; combined with an ingrained duty to provide, it makes it really hard to be the guy that attracts girls.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by AsianPlayboy
So it is now officially the beginning of 4th week of my Dallas residence. Here's a recap of the full three weeks I've been here:

1st week: 5 numbers, 1 makeout

2nd week: 2 dates w/ EmoAsian (placing her on the friends list because she's almost exclusively into white guys, too much effort for me to change that, and she has a lot of girlfriends); 1 number taken on the downlow from ThaiGirl, 1 number from KirstyDurnst, and a few others I can't remember
Stay away from emo kids. They're useless.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
women might come in different colors, weights, heights, and sizes, but theyre all programmed to love the C O C K. Men might come in different colors and sizes but they all have C O C Ks, of course theres exceptions to both of these statements, but the point is that there is no need to do this little asian guide to dating. Instead of wasting time making it, start with the concepts already in the bible. I respect asians bc they have a huge potential bc most of them are so determined at what they do, so start being determined *****es thats all yall need... yall dont need no ****ing asians mens pick up guide.


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score

I go back and forth on whether an Asian male specific guide is necessary or not. In the meantime, I'm in the field pursuing white, asian, persian, indian, latin women, whatever whatever. The following example is of a cold approach on a white female target. I'm not sure what difference race made in this approach (I'm Asian, she's white), but it just goes to show race is not necessarily a barrier. I thought I'd post this field report here since my original thread (mature man's bootcamp is dying a slow death due to lack of participation and defections).

Question: Did I essentially flub an invite back to her place that night when she told me where she lived? My gut reaction is that I stupidly followed a "venue change to a bar, followed by an excuse to go to her place" script too dogmatically in the following approach. Feedback welcome. Live and learn....


DJ Boot Camp,

Week 7, Day 13 (Friday):

6/10/2005, 6 PM:

I head over to another cafe after number closing a HB7.5 Asian girl at Starbucks. I walk in the door and scan the environment. There are two HB7.5's; one to my left and one to my right. The HB on the right has a pretty face and a cute dress. She is seated alone but the table closest to her is six feet away from her, too far to have an intimate chat with her table to table.

There's an empty seat right next to the HB on my left however. I take that seat. I take out my papers and start working for about five minutes. She's studying and seems to be concentrating intently, occasionally looking out of the cafe window. She's about 5' 2",
blonde streaked hair, maybe 21 yrs. old. She has a thin body and very pretty face. I'd say she's 7.5, at least.

Me: do you have a final coming up?
Her: (This girl's body language is much better the Asian HB earlier this afternoon. She has a big, big smile, her eyes are wide open, and she immediately turns her body to me, with her arms back and on the armrests rather than folded across her body). Yes! I had one yesterday and I have one on Tuesday.

We fluff for a while. I ask her what her major is, where she works what she likes to do for fun and so on. I ask her name. She asks mine. I give her my hand. She shakes with one hand, and places the other on top
of my hand. Nice.

I tell her we should get a drink and celebrate the end of the year. She looks very, very surprised. Her mouth is wide open and she just stutters: uuuuuuh. I tell her to give me her number. I get out my cell, punch in her name and major...

Her: Yea, that's good.

...and give her the cell to punch in her number.

I click 'call' on my cell after she punches in the digits.
Me: hey, you're (cell) phone's not ringing.
Her: It's my home phone.
Me: oh ok, I wanted to call you so you'd have my number.
Her: you'll get my answering machine. You can leave the number on there if you want.

I ask her when she's finishing up her studies today. She says she's going to go to another cafe and study for another two hours. She asks me how long I'll be working tonight. I remain vague and say I have to work a bit longer.

Me: I'm getting a drink later. Come with me.
Her: She thinks for a second. Nooo, I have finals. I can't!
Me: Yea, I shouldn't drink either. Come get a drink with me.
Her: ha ha ha! Noooo, I can't!
Me: yea, I shouldn't either. Come get a drink with me.
Her: haha ha! Nope, I can't!
I repeat this like three more times, kinoing her by rubbing her arm or tapping her arm each time.

We talk about some good bars and cafes in LA. I tell her there's a great place I want to check out within walking distance of my place. I tell her she should get a drink with me when her finals are over.

Her: (Next) Wednesday? Maybe!

She asks me where I live. I tell her I live a couple of miles from here (the cafe). She tells me she lives on street x, cross street y. 'Do you know where that is?' She says her place is right around the corner from the cafe, pointing outside. I tell her I have to get going. I tell her that I'm going to give her a
complimentary massage.

Her: oooooh.

I get behind her and rub the base of her neck, her shoulders and upper arms.

Me: oooh, you're really relaxed through the shoulders--if you were tense, you'd be scrunched up like this (I imitate someone with their shoulders scrunched up).

Her: (moans softly). ooooooh, mmmmmm. I slowly rub her shoulders and arms, up and down.

Me: I better get going. (I lean down and place my cheek next to hers).

Her: she leans over and gives me a wet kiss on my cheek.

Me: I bail, but as I swig the last of my coffee, I'm so nervous I spill the coffee on my shirt! I hope she didn't see that!

Lesson learned: I need to work on my inner game. I have some self defeating/self limiting beliefs. I tend to believe that you need to 'take a girl out' or 'date' her before she wants sex. This is totally untrue. The second girl above was good to go with me back to her place within the hour, even with her finals coming up. She gave me her exact address and wanted to know where I lived. She reacted well to my kino/massage and initiated kino with hand holding and a kiss.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
"Her: (moans softly). ooooooh, mmmmmm. I slowly rub her shoulders and arms, up and down.

Me: I better get going. (I lean down and place my cheek next to hers).

Her: she leans over and gives me a wet kiss on my cheek."

I'm not calling u a liar, but the story seemed a little fictional after that point


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
"I'm not calling u a liar, but the story seemed a little fictional after that point."

Translation: "you're not a liar, but your story is a lie!"

---Whatever. I am truly flattered by your accusation in any event. It only took me two months to get to the point where one of my field reports was 'hot' (or at least warm) enough to be accused of being fiction! But no one's answered my question yet. Let's say I completely made the story up: what should the fictional male character have done to close?




Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Wheee! This story just warms the ****les of my heart.

My buddy, OCBoy, has been helping out this Chinese dude with direct style. Blade has a moderate Chinese accent, he's a FOB, but he has good dress style and is tall, but has practically never kissed a girl let alone ****ed one.


Well, I just got a txt msge from my boy who's been helping Blade out back in SoCal...


Way to go Blade!


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Backstory to KD before the

Someone asked me for clarification on how I met up with KD. Here's the backstory:

I closed KirstyDurnst when she approached me for a light at a posh bar/club while out on the patio. She had been previously engaged in a heavy discussion with a small, Indian guy.

After I ****ed her, she later told me that night, she had been very upset about something and had been talking about life and other heavy **** with the Indian guy. All hail the emotional tampon!

So anyways, I feel a tap on my shoulder and she's asking for a light. A regular guy think she's simply asking for a light. A CONFIDENT MAN knows she's actually saying, "PLEASE TAKE ME NOW YOU ASIAN STUD!"

Needless to say, I never lit her cigarette, held out my hand, she placed her hand in mine, and I slowly pulled her into me. We basically started talking to one another with less than an INCH between our faces. I also pretended not to hear a word that she said so was forced to get even closer to each other and whisper into each other's ears. I would say it was 15 minutes of gametime before the club lit up and they started kicking people out.

KirsteyDurnst introduced me to her Indian friend. Poor guy, I felt really bad about stealing "his" girl from him since I could see him grasping ineffectually at her hand to hold it in his and trying to be the wannabe Boyfriend/Cuddle*****. I asked her for her cell phone, programmed mine in, saved it, and rang my own cell phone.

I think this was a Thursday or Friday and I called her on Sunday to hangout. Never got a callback (though she later explained why even though I never bothered to ask why) and then I texted


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
hey i'm asian also and i do think we should have a Asian Man's pick up guide. Asian women act pretty diffrent from white women.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
Speaking as a Korean male, I vote 'No'. I don't think this is necessary at all. Making something like this seeps of insecurity. Not to mention the very notion of it is racist at heart, something that is definitely not needed here. As someone pointed out before, why not have guides for everyone with perceived disadvantages then?

All the resources for potential success are right here, whether you're white, black, yellow, brown, etc. Stop focusing on superficial things and work your inside to out.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Mr. Asian Playboy...maybe we should start a seperate forum for middle easterns, blacks, whites, asians, latinos, cats and dogs. If theres anything this world needs more of...... ITS SEGREGATION!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
I concur with So Fly. . Although i voted no for an specific Asian Man's pickup guide, I find that asian women do not respond the same way non-asian women do. Having that said i want to cancel my "no" vote and vote yes for an asian-asian pickup guide ^_^.


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
How's the guide coming along AsianPlayboy?

Maybe you can give us whatever draft you have, would be a cool read.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
PM me.

Check out my blog. While there is no one consolidated Asian Man's Pick Up Guide, I've put up stories, inspirational thoughts, (mis)adventures, and advice that's applicable to everyone, but especially for all Asian males. If you're Asian, PM me.


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Big Bad California
While it might sound racist for posting guides only for asian males, but I hope it might clear some confusion to Asian males. Asian is the only race that has different facial structure. Every part of our face is different than the other races. We generally have small slanted eyes, while others have big round eyes. Large cheek bones, small noses. These differences can sometimes make an asian person (female or male) think that him/herself is unattractive compared to the other races. So many times I have seen cosmetics or makeup, or even plastic surgery, designed to hide and change these unwanted features.

Beta Asian males think they are unattractive, which hinder them from having social interaction with other races. Female asians suffer the most since look is everything for women, which probably, I think, is the reason why they love white boys. My girlfriend, who is a German/Spanish, say that it's natural to be interested in other races' features, which perhaps spark the interest for having a caucassian bf/gf/spouse. But why Caucassian that Asian is targetting?

Anyway, I am sure 99% of this forum population is guys, and guys shouldn't care about his looks. We all know it's all about the delivery of the presentation, not the presentation itself. I am sure the guide will help some Asian folks who is having trouble with his presentation. Why not?
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
Alright, my $0.02 here. I'm South Asian (brown), and we have our own stigmas to deal with. Is it possible to get girls? I've gotten more in the few months I've been single than most of my white friends have in their entire lives. Difference is that I do in fact have to try harder with white girls; I come off as extremely alpha (I'm big, on a boxing team, throw parties, etc etc), and thats necessary. A white person definitely has to try less.
I think that there may be a need for an asian PU guide simply because more assertiveness is needed on our part, as the media tends to emasculate us. Thats it. Theres no concrete difference between absolute ability to get girls, but there is a perceptual one. Most white girls I date tell me that they'd never thought they could date a brown guy, but i'm "different". I have a few other brown player friends, and they too are in phenomenal physical condition, are in sports teams, or DJ in nightclubs, etc.
So while the rules SHOULD be the same, they aint. That said, it might just be easier for Asians to get perhaps we shouldnt raise too much of a fuss. Nonetheless, make the pick up guide, and if someone doesnt like ti, they dont have to read it.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
My Method of # closing

My Method of # closing

Use it if you wish:

Assuming you've established both attraction & rapport and neither a **** close or a venue change is in the making, then you go for the #-close.

What I like to do is simply TELL the girl to give me her cell phone (or you can ask, "You have a cell phone, right?" ...I've done both). I simply program my # in, save it, and then ring mine. First, she doesn't necessarily know that I have her # and so she may decide to take the first step and ring me up. No guarantees of course.

Secondly, if you decide to call her up, you're saved on her cell. ALL HOT GIRLS SCREEN THEIR PHONE CALLS. If they see your name, they're more likely to respond since you're in their book as opposed to a random number (especially if you're like me and you're calling from a totally different area code).

Hopefully you've also established a "bridge" or some sort of future projection. You've stated before hand that you two are going to hang out and **** (or get coffee or go surfing or whatever and then LATER ****).

Disadvantage: If you don't ****ing remember her name (which always happens to me), programming her number from a missed call can be messy cause she ain't typing her name in, you are. More messiness can ensue if you've #-closed multiple girls.

Another #-close method that comes to mind is Style's. He takes out a piece of paper, tears it in half, and gives the girl one piece. He writes his # on his piece and waits for the girl to write hers down and exchange it. I'm not a pen & paper kind of guy, but if you are, it's a money move. You can also tell them to draw something on their piece of paper, write a poem, write something about them on it, etc. etc. etc.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
is there a need for a black man's pick up guide?