is there a DJ matrix


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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ok, i thought i'd start a topic which im sure is going to get me reamed like there is no tomorrow, but so be it.

a lot of guys go on about how there aren't enough hot chics, or how hot chics are b*tches / AW / disrespectful, or how every hot chic has 20 guys pursuing her at any given time.

now i'm goign to lay down some truth that a lot of guys do not want to hear. and it goes against the DJ principles that you can score any chic.

you can't. some women are going to be out of your league.

the reality is that some people are more attractive than others. that's life. and while people don't want to acknowledge this it is a HUGE factor. if you can't tuck in your shirt with your flab hanging over your belt you have a very low probability of scoring with a hb 9.

and yes, i know everyone is going to throw out examples that prove me wrong. examples of a short guy with a tall hot chic and stuff. but in those scenarios i guarantee you that there are other factors at play (status, money, etc.).

if you're an average looking joe, with an average job and average income and average status - using DJ principles will not score you the hb9. or to score her you are going to have

1) work your ass off like no tomorrow
2) constantly be working your ass off to keep her
3) will eventually lose her to guy with higher status.

that is life.

what i think a lot of guys need to do is ask themselves... honestly and brutally... what league they are in terms of looks. I have a feeling there are lots of guys who average looking in here (which isn't a bad thing!) who want to believe they are da bomb. who wan't to believe that the only thing holding htem back from scoring all the hotties is their attitude / technique.

this is what id call the DJ matrix.... this absurd belief that you can score any chic with the right attitude.

instead, what guys should be doing is coming to grips with who they are. there is nothign wrong with being average in looks! and theres nothing wrong, in such case, with hooking up with average women. things are going to flow much more naturally in that pairing than if you manage to score some chic that is in a different league.

now when i say different league, im not saying that she is better than you. what im saying is that she is being chased by guys who are more attractive, and who know all the same DJ skills you've got (but in truth they dont need the skills to get hte girl, looks and personality will do that. although they could use the skills to keep the girl, which they are often bad at doing).

anyway, the only problem with the DJ matrix is that it almost creates a fantasy world. im all about REALITY, which is why im making this post.

ironically, the problem with both the DJ matrix and the common world matrix, is that they both espouse (directly or indirectly) that men MUST score hot women.

but both matrices are flawed. because the reality is that there are only so many hot women to go around and 95% of them are going naturally hook up with guys of respective attractiveness.

what would serve men better is coming to grips with who they are in terms of their attractiveness. once a man can say 'you know something, i've got what god gave me, and i'm probably about a 6 on the attractiveness scale' , so much of life would fall into place for them.

they could then either hit the gym to get their rating up, or they can stop worrying that they can only score hbs 5-7.

this is a tough post to make because im encouraging men to acknowledge that there are limitations to the dating world. that sometimes they have to lower their standards.

but im saying this because i think it needs to be said. i think there are a lot of guys out there who don't appreciate women who are interested in them because they are secretly wishing they had a hb9. then the relationship goes to sh*t and they can't figure out what happened. what happened was that they were often giving off vibes that they weren't happy with their partner.

women do this also. plenty of women will date a couple notches below their own hb rating. and over time they start getting b*tchy and what not for no apparent reason - but the reason is that they don't feel satisfied, they don't feel like they got all they could.

i know, this makes the world sound pretty cut throat, but this is the way it works.

if you are a 6, and a woman is an hb9, she is NEVER goign to value your attention, opinion, etc. the way she should.

whereas if you are a 6 and are dating a hb6, she's going to appreciate you a hell of a lot more.

i think the guys who are REALLY successful with women have a very realistic understanding of the range they can work in. the guys who score tons of numbers know, for instance, that their chances are very good with hb7-9 or hb4-6 or hb5-7, etc.

anyway, the reason im posting this is that there is so much discussion on these boards about hb9s and 10s. and i'm not upset or saying anyone has to stop, but i really wish people would stop. i wish folks would re-orientate their focus from this obsession with hb9s to how to best interact with women.

but to do that people have to accept that we all have limitations. until you can look in the mirror and say 'you know, i'm a 7 and that's fine. because im a 10 out of 10 as a person! so im goign to go find me a good woman who is at least a 7 and she's going to go nuts for me." - until you can do that i don't think you're really ready to be scoring with chics.

the reality is i think a lot of guys on here are not even thinking about their own attractiveness rating, and they are going out into the world and ignore women in their own class and pining over the hb9's and 10s (which is why these women are such b*tches, because they get way more attention than they should).

hey, i wish i could come on here and tell everyone that how you look doesn't matter. but it does.

and i think a lot of guys are not dealing with reality. sometimes you've got to just say to yourself 'forget the hb10s, they aren't worth my time. i'm going to plough the fields that will reap me the harvest."

and when you do this, often times, you will no longer resent the hb10s. heck, its not their fault they are hot. if god made you a 7, he made them a 10, so be it, no big deal. and you will actually find yourself appreciating women who would actually be good for you and your life.

and the big kicker is that you may even find yoruself being able to be friends with an hb10 without wanting to get in her pants. and ironically enough, a few of them may actually jump your bones for this exact reason!

alright, i've said my peace. i think there is a DJ matrix and a real world matrix, and i think guys need to unplug from both of them.

i dont want to see guys constantly having issues with AWs and being in relationships where they are treated like crap just because they are playing the game a little out of their weight class.

now, a lot of you are going to say 'oh thats bullsh*t. no chic is out of my class". and im not saying that most chics are. most of them probably aren't.
but i think a lot of guys pain would go away if they'd stop focusing on picking fights with heavy weights when they are middle class. there are lots of middle class fights that you'll enjoy a lot more and probably win.

anyway, its a mistake i've made in my life. i'd say im about a 7. but im a VERY good conversationalist. i mean, i'm VERY VERY good at getting inside a woman's head. you know those guys 'in the hood' who can strip a car bare in like 5 minutes, that's me when it comes to people (including women).

as a result i've had the interest of plenty of 8's and 9s. and i passed up on tons of 6s and 7s (not all, but many). and looking back on it, it was stupid. while i was able to score the 9, keeping her was another story.

a week? fine. a month? ya, ok. 3 months? mmm, ya. 6 months? no way.

because at the end of the day, as time goes on, discrepancies in your compatibility will erode the interest level you have in each other.

as usual when i post on a whim my thoughts are not as clear and precise as they should be. but the ultimate point is that i really wish most gusy would STOP pining for the hb9's and 10s (in essence putting them up on pedastals) and woudl start eating some of the fruit that is readily available to them! if they did that many of them would go from low self esteem guys to suddenly high self esteem ladies men.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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Another flame-baiting looks thread.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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aliasguy said:
Another flame-baiting looks thread.

no. not flame baiting. i think most of us have all acknowledged that looks matter.

what im talking about is something more. that not landing an hb9 or 10 somehow is a bad thing. that somehow, as a man, you have failed.

this is the DJ matrix.

and its f*cking up a lot of guys in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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We each can get what we can get. There it is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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It's not "bad" if you can't get a 9 or 10.

But, you ought to look into it if you can't.



Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Alias, your post breaks fvcking kill me. I know they're attention grabbers but use words instead. They have a longer effect.

Now then, I do not agree that any woman is out of any man's league. Not no way, not no how. What positivity does this "enlightenment" provide a man? Not a goddamned thing. It's defeatist and puts a ceiling on any higher state of attainable manhood he wishes to achieve. JoeKerr, I like you and I like your posts but you're becoming more and more jaded brother. I don't know what's happening but I'll extend my hand to you in any and every way I can.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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thats all i was getting at.

but while it sounds common sensical it is not.

a part of the common matrix has been woven in to the DJ matrix, which is that women are the prize and that the hotter the woman the more valuable she is.

but im saying that is not true. im saying that in REALITY, if you are a 6 you will be happier with a 6/7 than you will with a 9/10.

but guys dont appreciate having a 6, because everyone is telling them the hb 9/10 is the prize - anything less is second place.

but its not. and the further damage that is done is that if an hb 6 woman is of low value, then guys who are 6's, by association, must think of themselves as low value also.

and while we may get widespread agreement that you 'can get what you can get', deep down guys 1) don't believe that 2) don't believe that is acceptable and 3) if they HAVE to acccept it, they do so with a negative attitude and feel they are getting ripped off in life.

anyway, nothing particularly confrontation about the ideas being discussed. just that i think they are more important in terms of mental roadblocks that men face with women than we realize upon first inspection.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Well, the real deal is there is no HB10s or HB9, etc. There's just women, and us men.

There's women that we find attractive, and there's the women that find us attractive.

I'm starting to think this HB rating system is pure BS. My HB10 may be Joekerr's HB8, and Str8up, would probably be a HB5 to him. ;)

I guess what I'm saying is that attraction is subjective. I'll focus on the women that bring out that attraction, and I'll work on generating that same attraction with them.

So, for what it's worth, I'm going for my HB10. I see no reason to settle, even though other's may think she's a HB8, 7, whatever..


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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KarmaSutra said:
Alias, your post breaks fvcking kill me. I know they're attention grabbers but use words instead. They have a longer effect.

Now then, I do not agree that any woman is out of any man's league. Not no way, not no how. What positivity does this "enlightenment" provide a man? Not a goddamned thing. It's defeatist and puts a ceiling on any higher state of attainable manhood he wishes to achieve. JoeKerr, I like you and I like your posts but you're becoming more and more jaded brother. I don't know what's happening but I'll extend my hand to you in any and every way I can.

hehe. i dont think im being jaded. i think im maturing and evolving my perspective on male / female relations.

im by no means saying that a guy has to go out and get himself a woman he's not attracted to.

what i am saying though is that men really need to stop thinking that hb9s are the end all and be all. this is the very thing that creates the pedastal mentality.

i mean, certainly you can conceed that there is a bit of a paradox associated to the DJ principles - ie. don't put women on a pedastal BUT get the hottest woman you can.

whereas my perspective is that it woudl be better that instead of focusing on getting the hottest woman you can, instead focus on getting a woman that is best suited for you.

anyway, i know my post wasnt as thought out as it could have been. but hopefully in the insuing discussion the ideas get worked out more.

its just important to note, i'm not making the suggestion that guys should lower the bar, im just suggestion that they not set the bar so high that they never get over it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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Mr.Positive said:
Well, the real deal is there is no HB10s or HB9, etc. There's just women, and us men.

There's women that we find attractive, and there's the women that find us attractive.

I'm starting to think this HB rating system is pure BS. My HB10 may be Joekerr's HB8, and Str8up, would probably be a HB5 to him. ;)

I guess what I'm saying is that attraction is subjective. I'll focus on the women that bring out that attraction, and I'll work on generating that same attraction with them.

So, for what it's worth, I'm going for my HB10. I see no reason to settle, even though other's may think she's a HB8, 7, whatever..

ok, this is more what i was getting at.

and while mr. positive has it figured out, all im saying is that i think a lot of guys don't.

like mr.p says, the hb rating is bullsh*t. all guys need to get this in to their head.

and the reason for my post was the constant referral to hb9s and 10s. it perpetuates this notion that if you don't score what is generally considered an hb9 that you are failing.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
joekerr31 said:
but im saying that is not true. im saying that in REALITY, if you are a 6 you will be happier with a 6/7 than you will with a 9/10.

but guys dont appreciate having a 6, because everyone is telling them the hb 9/10 is the prize - anything less is second place.
Thank you!

MotherFvcker. This is it. This is the fvcking Matrix right here. These two are it. Men equate beauty with self importance. This is the fallacy, the rabbit down the hole we chase endlessly. This is why men still slumbering in thier mental coffins believe they need to make more money, buy bigger cars, houses, boats, rings, other worthless bullsh!t. To make them feel as though they're recognized in the world by the beauty on thier arm. Once you wake up and the circuitry in your brain is activated and you see what's "real" then you realize the more you let go the more free you become.

Bravo! :up:


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
KarmaSutra said:
Thank you!

MotherFvcker. This is it. This is the fvcking Matrix right here. These two are it. Men equate beauty with self importance. This is the fallacy, the rabbit down the hole we chase endlessly. This is why men still slumbering in thier mental coffins believe they need to make more money, buy bigger cars, houses, boats, rings, other worthless bullsh!t. To make them feel as though they're recognized in the world by the beauty on thier arm. Once you wake up and the circuitry in your brain is activated and you see what's "real" then you realize the more you let go the more free you become.

Bravo! :up:
dude, are you sh*tting me?

one moment you're saying im jaded the next you're saying this is it. :crackup:

i dont think you are being sarcastic, but i can't tell.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
KarmaSutra said:
Thank you!

MotherFvcker. This is it. This is the fvcking Matrix right here.
Bravo! :up:

well actually its even more down the rabbit hole than that...

i dont think peopel will get what im saying, but i'll give it a shot. i'll use an analogy.... there is a coin. on one side of the coin is the matrix that we all talk about. this is society and everyone who is 'plugged' in to the matrix.

but then we have this other state that we call being 'unplugged', the DJ state. but what im saying is that the DJ state isn't as unplugged as we think. in fact, its just the other side of the same coin - the ying to the yang.

but its STILL the same coin.

to truly unplug you have to go all the way down the rabbit hole, truly unplug.

and one of the major problems with teh DJ matrix is that its the mirror image of the real world matrix - but since its a mirror image, everything is the opposite. instead of putting women on a pedastal we put ourselves on a pedastal (at least we say we do). instead of worrying what women think, we overcome fear and learn to approach. etc.

and all of these things are good. they are good for men. but they are not the best thing. to truly unplug its shouldnt be about the mirror image, but rather about no image. a new perspective on life that is not derived from the old one, from the real-world matrix.

what im arguing is that there are elements of the DJ matrix that are bad for men. and these elements come from the fact that the DJ matrix is still the same coin as the real world matrix, just the other side.

and what im arguing is that we have to let go. like you say, the more you let go the freer you become.

anyway, this is getting overly complicated to explain.

ultimately what im getting at is that to be a true DJ (actuallyt eh term DJ doesn't apply, to be the best YOU that YOu can be let's say) you have to transition into a zen like mentality towards life. where you simple 'are'.

im almost arguing that to be the best man you can be is almost liek a three stage process...

1) unplug from the matrix (forget everything you know)
2) plug in to the DJ matrix (absorb knowledge)
3) unplug from the DJ matrix without plugging back into the matrix.

unfortunately i dont have time tonight to discuss what i think step 3 entails. because its a tricky thing to learn all the good things fo the DJ matrix, but then to see that you have been just as brainwashed by the DJ matrix as you were from the real-world matrix, just in different ways.

anyway, i no it all sounds like a total mess, which is why i hesitated to post this thread, must less actually go into what i was really getting at about unplugging from the DJ matrix.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
But the lesson is that you're expanding your ideas and broadening your consiousness.

Activating your circuits are what's paramount, not chasing the rabbit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
KarmaSutra said:
But the lesson is that you're expanding your ideas and broadening your consiousness.

Activating your circuits are what's paramount, not chasing the rabbit.

well, you are unplugging from both matrices and then accepting life for what it is.

because the DJ matrix is just a counter to the real-world matrix. but its still a matrix - a system of rules to help you manipulate your surroundings (to better chase the rabbit if you will).

but the real question is, are the things of true value to be found outside of both matrices - is that where an authentic life materializes, where you become blissfully content with who you are and your life at any given point in time.

is that where you truly overcome fear. is that where if you like a hb6 you don't second guess whether you should talk to her because she's only an hb6 (and heaven forbid what that then says about you!).

is that where you realize what your passion is in life. is that where you come to truly love yourself. is that where you stop being your ego and simply become you - and in essence, is that where you become truly free.


anyway, i just know when people wake up tomorrow im going to be in for a royal bashing when they start posting on this thread :eek:

but im glad you got something from it KS.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Your points are valid, Joe.

I don't believe that any woman is out of any man's league though. There is a TENDENCY for a woman to stick close to her own level of attractiveness, yes. But as many have pointed out, there are always mitigating factors that compensate for something that is lacking.

Is a but ass ugly dude gonna get a supermodel? Doubt it. But with looks being so subjective i don't see it out of the question for a 6 to get with a 9. That's an exception, of course, but it's possible. I feel as though I have gotten women a few points higher myself, and i don't think it was the looks discrepancy that was our downfall.

I understand what you are saying about accepting who you are and your GENERAL capacity to pull women of a certain level. You just have to be careful how you phrase that because it can become a self limiting belief.

What rating would you give the chick from my other thread? I know that's part of the reason you posted this.

I would give her a solid 9. Definitely upper crust. What would I give myself? I dunno, maybe a 7....i don't photograph well so it might be hard for others to judge.

But my status as a westerner automatically elevates me in their country. That's the mitigating factor. Walking down the street in the capital city the girls working in the stores and cafes would literally STOP what they are doing to watch us Americans walk by. And it isn't like they have never seen Americans before,.....there are lots of Americans working for the oil companies over there. (And incidentally you see them in the pubs with cute young girls on their arms).

Moral of the story- fukk as many feminist American women as you desire till you turn 45, then head to eastern europe (or whatever part of the globe works to your advantage) and find a pretty, intelligent woman who appreciates the man you are. Sadly that is lacking with American women.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Men equate the beauty with his own self worth and the way he sees himself. If you want to see a guy's self esteem and self worth, look at the girl he is obsessing after.

AFC mostly obsess over UGs, so there you go, self esteem rating.

STR8UP own self worth is past above the roof, so he believes he can get any girl, HB or not. And most probably he can keep the girl as well, cos his skin is so thick, his self confidence will smother the girl alive. -Hence keeping the girl as long until his confidence still dropping.

Joker is right on the ball when he said there is a DJ matrix. We were taught we are able to keep any girl, any race, any type, and keep the attraction while remaining alpha. So we tend to shoot really high, like the party chick that looks half like paris and half britney or something, because HEY IM A DJ SO I AM ABLE TO GET THIS GIRL!

I think Joker might be aiming along the lines of "Find the girl you are most compatible with, the one that you can connect with, and leave the ones like looks of a goddess to the ones who look like gods."

I believe strong attaction and lasting relationship is built not on just pure good fun times, but with difficult times like a sick child, natural disasters and trails that couples face together in darkest times of need. Neg hits, DHV and all the DJ thingy can create attraction, but the ultimate test we can give the woman is by showing her some hardships. Not after marriage, but during dating itself. If not, after marriage, you think the relationship will not fizzle if you both did not experience hardships?

But as a DJ, we learnt we must never allow the girl too deep into our troubles lest she lose interest and find us more of a chump, always show our good side.. then wow, thats very unrealistic already.

But humans, fall in the catagory that they have downtimes, and retreating into the cave period. During that time, everything we have learnt became a blur, you can don't give a fark still when you came out of it, but always remember females is our counterparts. They have friends, family and have thier own emotions/opinions too.

True we can flow along the stream of life, but if the one you selected isn't flowing with you, no matter what you do, she will still leave.. so that goes against the DJ principles that we can keep any girl we want.

Lastly, Im almost in an etheral state while typing this, and im not smoking pot. I think Im halfway down the rabbit hole, or Im in a totally different hole altogether. Let me know if Im on the right track Joker, I like your post, and I wholeheartedly like the replies you gave STR8UP on the "Im tired" thread.


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
joekerr31 said:
no. not flame baiting. i think most of us have all acknowledged that looks matter.

what im talking about is something more. that not landing an hb9 or 10 somehow is a bad thing. that somehow, as a man, you have failed.

this is the DJ matrix.

and its f*cking up a lot of guys in my opinion.
I hear what you're saying, I say sarging a hb9 or 10 just for her looks is a bad thing anyway. But I think what aliasguy was getting at was that your reasoning for why guys don't get or keep hb9's or 10's is primarily because of their looks.