Is the whole PUA thing just a scam?

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Jan 1, 2011
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And what are your measurable results? The one chick you managed to call for 3 weeks strait and get results from? All those close friends you don't have becasue you are too good for them with your ****ty MBA at the age of 27? Your throwing stones in a glass house. I wouldn't even compare you to me, let alone someone who has success like RT. Actually, its not even close both via content and personality who has more credibility than you. Actually the gang from Sesame street has more street cred. than you do.
Wow, someone is a little jealous of my MBA I see lol? I won't even bother responding to the TWISTED information you posted from my previous threads nor your jealous bytchy rants, all I will ask you is how in the hell do you know what type of "success" that Rollo has? That's my point, you don't. And because you don't know what type of success he has, it shows the flaws of the "Sosuave Community" for propping up a guy as a "EXPERT" when you don't have a clue who he is.

Gunwitch is a perfect example of this. Propped up as Sosuave King, yet, is facing damn near life in prison for shooting a chick in the face over DRUG money. The guy's picture looks like a 50 year old crack fein. That was the FIRST TIME anyone on this board ever seen Gunwitch's picture, NO WONDER according to "his theory" looks don't matter because he obviously is ugly as hell.

Remind me never to hire you for my next business when I need due diligence reviews. Awful. SS has people citing direct experience to back their claims. This is all I do, over and over. The others who simply post theory usually get called out. yes, they exist, but if those are the group you chose to focus on as a representative sampling of the community, than you are off base here.
Post a thread, right now, with ONE direct field experience from Pook and Rollo to back their theories. Go ahead, find ONE thread from Pook talking about a chick he's dating or a field report or something to back his claims OTHER then scientific theory? Then do the SAME for Rollo. These guys post nothing but claims from SCIENTISTS lol. The entire Secret of the Jerk post from Pook was based on what "scientists" said and not actual field experiences.

I have a PM box full of men from all walks of life, from a variety of cultures and ages thanking me for opening their eyes to what's been right in front of them. I've read the regular "what has SS done for you?" threads and I'm glad to see that the vast majority of the responses have been in the positive. For whatever reasons Men have found the ability to change their minds about themselves, their situations and how the women in their lives operate.
Haa, and THAT makes your advice credible? Because a couple members of the Sosuave Choir give you reps? You know there's a site called LOVESHACK and despite even worse advice, the guys over there get tons of REPS too! There are feminist forums and boards over the internet, members get REPS there too!

Really, getting reps from "the choir" really isn't significant.

Who am I? Does it really matter? I didn't start posting on SS to show anyone some path to perfection
You have countless threads on this site full of theories. If you aren't trying to lead guys down some "path" why post so many theories? Moderate the forum and keep quiet then.

What matters is the validity and thought behind the content and the ideas I present and THAT is what irks you. You have no real counter argument to those ideas, and it pisses you off that they conflict with what your narrow, lazy, comfortable scope of reality is.
Haa, oh really? You know something, I addressed your content Rollo, you never addressed MY responses to them. I have been addressing your content many times, I said the content was terrible.

For example, I said, that women aren't all the same, so how can you say "this and this will get you women" when no group of women are the same? You have YET to address that Rollo. That truth alone, dismantles damn near ever theory on this site.

The assumption behind Sosuave is that majority of women operate the same, I call a bluff. My experience is that women from Compton and women that live in Compton are nothing like the women in Beverly Hills. To further expand on that, when "Sosuave" gets together and creates theories what are the basis of these theories? Are they coming from a guy's PERSONAL experience? Are they coming from a scientist? Are they coming from a paraphrase of another "seduction expert?" MAJORITY of the Sosuave theories are coming from scientists and people that have been propped up as seduction experts.
Sosuave is nothing but a group of armchair seduction experts, that's it.

Don't rail at me because I'm pointing out the obvious. Those that aren't so drunk on the Sosuave/PUA community kool-aid know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, just like J. Darko and the guy in the blog.


Jan 1, 2011
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Oh and synergy, you asked where are MY measurable results? Umm....let's see, for one, I'm not propping myself up as an AUTHORITY over seduction, women, and dating like Rollo is. I post some of my field reports and go from there, in no way have I ever said nor presented myself as a category authority over this subject in the fashion that your "god" Rollo has, who you worship the ground that he walks on and sprouts off calling him "the great Rollo" or "no one has achieved as much success as the great Rollo has achieved!"

Wake up out of your Sosuave/Rollo wet dream.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Rollo Tomassi said:
I remain as anonymous as I can for exactly that reason - you simply don't know the first rule of debate: attack the argument, not the debater.
Actually, I suspect it's mild paranoia (on your part). I don't necessarily fault you for that though since there are logical reasons to be that way. I actually chuckled a bit at your unspoken denial of my recent, private request. If you ever want to be famous or write that book you need to write, you'll need to move past this. I'm not aware of very many successful "anonymous" authors. When people who are fond of your work are ignored when wanting to know something about your personally, many will generally just assume you're an a$$hole. I'm sure you understand that.

I also hope you don't mind the mild correction, but that's actually one of many logical fallacies. It is no greater or lesser than the others. And it is only a rule of debate in-so-much that the person your debating is aware that it's a logical fallacy. If I'm debating someone I know to be ignorant, I wouldn't bat an eye using one to "strengthen my argument". For what it's worth, I believe the technical name is "Ad Hominem".


Jan 1, 2011
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Ha! That's your response synergy lol?? Can't answer the challenge I gave you huh, I guess not because like I said, there are NO field reports, personal chick experience posts, or anything from those guys.

Thank you for proving my point.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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azanon said:
Actually, I suspect it's mild paranoia (on your part).
You might be right, but when you read screeds like JT's here can you blame me? I've never approached what I offer here from the perspective of trying to garner fame or create some cult of personality. As I stated above, I've never made a dime from anything I've written about intergender dynamics here or anywhere else. I don't get off on adulation and I certainly don't presume to be some God-like authority on women. In fact I'm a bit dumbfounded by JT's accusations. If anything, I'm one of the most criticized and scrutinized members of this forum. I've locked horns with you, JOPHIL, Collosus, Zekko, A-Unit, STR8UP, VU, all Men who's opinions, experience and insight I respect, over theories, ideas, observations, behaviors, reasonings and the conclusions drawn from all of them. Some I concur with and even adopt, others I might disagree with, but the importance is in the exchange.

I get a lot of PMs from people suggesting I start my own blog along the lines of Roissy, but I wont do so because it's too one sided. It limits the exchange of ideas between people. I prefer a forum precisely because I don't want a blog that's only an echo chamber full of sycophants. I also prefer SoSuave to the likes FastSeduction or RSD forums, because they tend to be more about PUA techniques and scripts than any real introspect into the social fundamentals and the building blocks as to why they do or do not work. Too many guys are just happy to watch the TV, I want to know how it works.

azanon said:
If I'm debating someone I know to be ignorant, I wouldn't bat an eye using one to "strengthen my argument". For what it's worth, I believe the technical name is "Ad Hominem".
Fair enough, and I would do the same, however, online I can be anyone I choose to be to a certain extent. KARMA, Rogue (a.k.a. Deep Dish), STR8UP and a few other local SS members know me personally. We've had dinners, been to clubs, promo events I've done, etc. They know what I do for a living, they know the car I drive, what my wife looks like, but after all of that they have to take anything I tell them about my past experiences at face value. You can do a background check about my credentials for some things, but when I say I was a minor rock star in the late 80s and early 90s, banging strippers and so on, you kind of have to take my word for it. You know me already from my online persona, and as I said there are a few members here who know I'm being honest about it, but what do you really know about me? What do you really know about a 53 y.o. guy like JOPHIL, who I'd deduce has at least 11 years more experience than I do? You have to take our word at face value to varying degrees.

While I will admit that it's useful to know you're arguing with someone lacking in pertinent experiences, or to know what their personal biases may be, those deficits are are often revealed in their opinions and the conclusions they come to.

JT7890 said:
,..all I will ask you is how in the hell do you know what type of "success" that Rollo has? That's my point, you don't. And because you don't know what type of success he has, it shows the flaws of the "Sosuave Community" for propping up a guy as a "EXPERT" when you don't have a clue who he is.
What would you like to know? What could I do to prove to you that I'm the 'real deal'? Produce a book? Start a seminar? Give you the Face Book profiles of the 40+ women I banged 20 years ago? Would you like a copy of my birth certificate, marriage license and university degrees? I could give you all of this and more and all you'd do is find some angle to prove your own bias. As I stated above, a great deal of hate is fueled by false premises. Concocting convenient scenarios, imagining the worst of your enemies, and reinterpreting their successes are a salve for the burned ego. If I linked you to a picture of myself and I looked like this guy your response would be "what a douchebag, of course he gets chicks, but they're all bar skanks and ho's". If I linked a picture of my self and I looked like this guy your response would be "OMG, WHO THE ƒUCK WOULD TAKE ADVICE FROM THIS CHODE?!!"

You see, it makes no difference who I am, what matters is the validity of my ideas. I don't have to prove sh!t to you, and no one else does either. I have posted countless threads and made too many posts to remember about "field experience" and using Game, or drawing from my own life experiences to make a point, and so have many other members, but NONE OF THAT IS DIRECTLY VERIFIABLE ON THE INTERNET.

JT7890 said:
,..when "Sosuave" gets together and creates theories what are the basis of these theories? Are they coming from a guy's PERSONAL experience? Are they coming from a scientist? Are they coming from a paraphrase of another "seduction expert?"
If I provably had multiple doctorates in behavioral psychology and human physiognomy you'd STILL find some reason to discredit my ideas, because they conflict with your very small world. People trust me. They benefit from my advice and put my "theories" into practice. I'm open to correction and adjusting those same ideas.

JT7890 said:
The assumption behind Sosuave is that majority of women operate the same, I call a bluff.
Bullsh!t. This was just recently covered in your own thread.

Rollo Tomassi said:
Romantic seduction has never been one-size-fits-all. In fact this is expressly spelled out in the introduction of the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. You can't just blindly expect one style of seduction to work for all types of women - that's why it's called an Art. Being a good artist of any sort requires time, discipline, an ability to improvise, creation, adaptation, attention to detail, etc. There are certain basic foundational principles women adhere to (hypergamy for instance) either due to social convention or biology, but the good seductive artist uses these as a basis for an individual seduction. For instance, the seduction of a church mouse and a goth chick require two separate seductive approaches, but they'll both be influenced by the underlying influences common to all women (i.e. hypergamy, etc.). A Man's Alpha prowess will appeal to those biological foundations, but his approach in seduction needs to be measured by the conditions presented by his target.
You lose. Pay up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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JT7890 said:
Ha! That's your response synergy lol?? Can't answer the challenge I gave you huh, I guess not because like I said, there are NO field reports, personal chick experience posts, or anything from those guys.

Thank you for proving my point.
If your point was that your a dime-piece with no reading comprehension, than you are quite welcome helping you prove that.

So you ready to shine my shoes yet? If you are lucky, i'll let you wipe my ass too.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Ach! Dammit, now I'm guilty of feeding a troll.

Please return to yourLack of Close Friends thread. They care about you over there Message Boy.

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