expected it to be longer than expected (yeah I know)
Why is this so impossible? This girl asked ME to Christmas dance, so I figured it would be so easy to game her.
After school today I called her and asked what she was doing and she told me she was studying (at school), so I said "oh fun, call me back when you're done."
She agreed, but instead of calling me she found me talking with some of her friends in the school. After they left we were alone. I don't know about you guys, but I can't see hooking up in school, it's a little weird. Anyway, I said something like "so I just got my license and I have a car, let's go to your house." I had like 2 hours before I needed to be somewhere, so I figured we could have fun at her house. Boy was I wrong.
This is were I think I messed up .. I don't even know what happen to be honest. She kept making up the most bullsh*t answers to why I couldn't come over. (examples - she just moved and said "it doesn't feel like my real home," her mom will get angry, it won't be fun, she hates being home, she loves school; sh*t like that) I told her just to tell me whatever it was and that I didn't really care. She didn't.
It ended with her saying her mom would be angry because she didn't call beforehand, and her leaving telling me I could come over "eventually."
To put it simply, I'm f*cking confused. I thought her IL was extremely high, so WTF is this? God women are hard to understand.
I really am lost here