Is she playing with me?


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
I have a friend who I'm trying to forget about. I think she is playing with me. She is married and has confessed to me that she wants to have sex with me. I called her out on her **** and set up a date. She told me that she cant do it because it will destroy her marriage and **** up her kids. I think her reasons are bull****. The only thing that keeps me from completely forgetting about her is that she has always been there in tough times as a friend. I have to see her everyday. I havent talked to her since Monday when all this occurred. On Friday she sent me a text asking me if I was ok. I'm trying to forget this girl. Did she play me or are her reasons legit?


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
JD83 said:
I have a friend who I'm trying to forget about. I think she is playing with me. She is married and has confessed to me that she wants to have sex with me.
Dude,women don't "confess" to wanting to have sex with someone,at least not DIRECTLY to the guy while the desire is still there.

They may confess to liking a guy or having feelings for him,but they don't confess to wanting sex with him.

If she really wanted sex with you,she would have said and done things to try to get you in a situation to were sex would have been more likely to occur.

If I were you,I'd try to focus more on what it is about myself that makes her think she can make a fool out of me,than on what she's doing.

JD83 said:
I called her out on her **** and set up a date. She told me that she cant do it because it will destroy her marriage and **** up her kids.
Well she's right,but she already knew that.

She already knew that having sex with someone other than her husband would cause chaos and turmoil in her marriage and children.

She knew that WHILE SHE WAS "CONFESSING" to wanting sex with you.

So that means she had no intentions of sleeping with you AT THE SAME TIME she told you that. Therefore,she had some other reason for saying that to you,and my guess would be simply to pump up her ego.

She "confessed" to wanting sex with you,you run off trying to set up a time and place for this sex to happen,then when she see how you reacted to her "confession",she's like,"Yes....I still got it! I'm a bad woman. I got this guy to want me just like that. All I had to do was make a little comment,and off he goes making arrangements and plans for me,hee hee..

JD83 said:
I think her reasons are bull****. The only thing that keeps me from completely forgetting about her is that she has always been there in tough times as a friend.
She's been there for you? Then that means you two have been around each other for a while.

You must have known her for some time and NOT shown any type of interest in her.

Women want to be attractive to and desired by ALL MEN,and that includes men OTHER THAN their husbands and boyfriends.

You must have been around her without showing any type of interest,so she threw her "confession" out there to you to see if you'd bite,and of course,you did.

At that point,she didn't have to go through with the sex to prove she was wanted by you.

All the plans and arrangements you set up let her know you wanted her.

JD83 said:
Did she play me or are her reasons legit?
Are her reasons legit? Are you serious?

Dude,this girl doesn't want you. She already got what she was after the second you went back to her and told her of the plans you made for the two of you to see each other.

When she told you she had wanted to have sex with you,you should have come back at her with something like,"Oh really? Interesting. Well I can't blame you,I mean usually get that type of reaction out of women,lol.

Oh well. You're married now,so we can only image what might have been,lol.

You should have responded with something like that,but instead,you ran off,went and set up a "date" (for a MARRIED woman),then came back to her and went,"Ok,I have it all set up for us. We can meet up at "so and so" place and have this sex you confessed to wanting with me".

This girl is either lacking something in her marriage,or is just a straight up attention wh0re.

So to answer your question directly.....

Yes,she played you.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks a lot. I think you guys are right. I got played. It sucks getting played. I want to forget about this chick. Its a little hard since I have to see her every day. Any ideas?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Jay Dee said:
Be civil, nothing more.
Hi and bye.
If only more guys understood this. There is no obligation to engage anybody. Nobody is pointing a gun at these guy's head yet we see post after post in this forum of guys continuing to reply to calls/texts/keeping them on facebook etc etc.

Women get the message when you don't want to talk to them but a lot of guys are too nice to send them that message.