Is She Playing me? What's my Next Move?


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
Bear with me. I want to learn from it.

Met her online. Second date we had sex. Then when I text her two days later she says "I am so glad you texted me, you made my day".

Two days later we randomly text at night for a hookup on a Monday.

So I text her on Wednesday about something amusing she responds "OMG I can't wait to tell you about the whole story". I reply "Cool tell me about it on Friday".

No response. I got drunk on Thursday at 1am and just text a "?".

Then Friday at 1:40 she says "Sorry I have to work tomorrow so Im staying in tonight & going to bed early."

I respond "No sweat, I'm going to the beach Sunday. YOu should come."

No response until 1:03pm on Sunday "What time are you going. I'm going to my friends company party at 8."

MY ANALYSIS - She's blowing me off. She set a pole at 8pm to prevent spending the night or, if i reply she will say "Oh, that wont get home in time.".

Am I right? I am deciding how to respond. Or maybe not respond at all.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for your analysis. I'll take that advice. Anyone else with a comment?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
I think Dan08 is right. If I were you I wouldn't respond, and I'll bet she'll text you within the next few days.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
My bad. I thought it would be easier to start a fresh thread than add-on to an existing one. Thanks for the advice.


May 21, 2013
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CaConfused said:
Bear with me. I want to learn from it.

Met her online. Second date we had sex. Then when I text her two days later she says "I am so glad you texted me, you made my day".

Two days later we randomly text at night for a hookup on a Monday.

So I text her on Wednesday about something amusing she responds "OMG I can't wait to tell you about the whole story". I reply "Cool tell me about it on Friday".

No response. I got drunk on Thursday at 1am and just text a "?".

Then Friday at 1:40 she says "Sorry I have to work tomorrow so Im staying in tonight & going to bed early."

I respond "No sweat, I'm going to the beach Sunday. YOu should come."

No response until 1:03pm on Sunday "What time are you going. I'm going to my friends company party at 8."

MY ANALYSIS - She's blowing me off. She set a pole at 8pm to prevent spending the night or, if i reply she will say "Oh, that wont get home in time.".

Am I right? I am deciding how to respond. Or maybe not respond at all.

I wouldn't bother responding at all.

If she wants to see you again she has your number. Shes a big girl. She can text you.

And if she does? Next time keep the text brief and let her be the last to send a reply. Also DO NOT ask her to go with you someplace anymore. Let her ask what you're doing etc. And you simply respond but don't invite her. Let her put in the effort to come on her own.

Unfortuantely no one can control anyone. In the seduction community most are either looking for advice they want to hear or some magic bullet that will always work with every chick every time.

You have to decide on your own if the advice makes sense whether you want to hear it or not and ESPECIALLY if a chick playing a power play/ puppet move is even worth it rather than dropping the nonsense and putting in work to find better chicks who don't hand challenges we unfortunately (all of us) will not win everytime.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
Yep. It's Tuesday, the ignored message she sent was 1pm Sunday.

Also notice the dating site we're on that she hasn't been active in a week.

Makes me think maybe she met someone else right after me, (hell I banged her after another online meeting she had - we laughed about it Monday of last week).... and maybe shes pursuing that guy.

Was a bit surprised she hasn't been active on the site.