"Is she playing games with me or mabey she is not intrested"


New Member
Jun 6, 2006
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need help I’m not sure how to handle my situation. Usually I’m ok with women, but I don’t know with this girl.

Let me explain the situation from the being. Oh by the way I apologize if this is too wordy or boring.

One night I was with my good friend and we went to a bar that we frequently attend while we were there we got a couple. I decided to leave the bar and convinced my friend to join me for a walk around the city to see if we can pick up some girls. Well while we were walking I saw four gorgeous girls and I told my friend to walk faster so we could catch up to them as we were walking every single guy on the street was trying to pick up these four girls. Now I’m not that muscular and maybe not even that good looking but from my girlfriends in the past I’m not to bad, and I’m a very nice guy with out having women walk all over me. Anyway I remembered reading on this web-site that when you see a girl on the street and you want to talk to her you have to make eye contact be respect full and say hello with a smile and if they say hi and smile back start talking with her. Well that’s what I did and I got all four girls to talk to me and my friend. So we started walking will them, my friend started talking to one girl and I started talking to another one and their friends didn’t really want anything to do with us they were in a hurry to go to a club but the girls we talked to walked and talked to us on a nice pace. To the point where their friends left these girls with us while we escorted them to the club. It was a great walk and in the middle of it the two girls that were with us noticed that they had no idea where the club was and their friends ditched them. So I acted quickly and got us a cab to bring them to the club.

When we got to the club their friends were inside already and me my friend and the tow girls (which I’ll name as Jill and Kim so that’s it wont get confusing sorry) I was with Jill and my friend was with Kim. We waited in line with them. I got a weird vibe from the girls and I told my friend that we should leave because when these girls get in the club we are old news. So I said to the girls have a nice night and I told Jill to have a nice birthday and that me and my friend were going to get a cab and leave. Then it happen Jill and Kim looked at each other (and I was thinking to my self ok we crashed and burned) to my surprise Jill and Kim both said why? Stay guys I had to think fast so I replied that my and my friend don’t want to intrude on your girls night. They said no it’s ok stay so we did. Now the bouncer didn’t let us in so I said ok lets do something else lets get your friends and let so someplace. So at this point I was on could # 9 I got a cab to go back to my car and so that we can go to the bar I was at earlier in the night. When we got their Jill didn’t like the bar so we said ok no problem let me just go in and close my tab then she said ok well while you do that we will come in with you so I we got their I offered my Jill and Kim and their friends a drink. I might as well be nice to her friends too. We had a drink I paid the tab and then we were off to another bar but no luck then we walked to another place to eat and we were their for a little bit and one of the girls noticed that they were going to be late for their train so I got the food to go and got Jill a happy birthday desert. I offered to pay the check and Jill and Kim offered to pay which made me happy that they offered because a lot of girls wouldn’t even offer like their friend I said it ok and paid the check got in my car gave her the desert and she said that was nice and I drove them to the train station me and my friend were going to ask for Jill and Kim’s number but we didn’t have to they asked for ours. Usually I hate to just give my number and not get heir’s in return but I was not thinking straight we got to the train station the girls got out and then Jill got back in the car to give me a kiss on the cheek and say thanks for the desert. About for days passed and no call I would have forgot about the girl but I couldn’t forget Jill’s smile so I had to take matters in my own hands I remembered she told me that she worked in a car dealership and then I decided to find out which one and send her flowers and I did with a message and my Number. I thought to my self no more waiting when she gets the flowers and if she is interested in me she will call if not just move on. The next day the flowers arrived at work and latter on in the day she called me and gave me her number I tried to set up a date and she said Saturday and if she can bring Kim and I can bring my friend. I said ok the conversation was short because she called me during work. I told her I would call her later on that night to set up time and where to pick them up I called left a message and nothing happened so Saturday I called her in the afternoon I talked to her she told me she was not sure if her friend wanted to come out and she told me she was at work and that she was going to call me to tell me yes or no for that night she didn’t call neither did I it Sunday night and I cant stop thinking about her or what to do I don’t want to call to early but I don’t want to lose it either should I call ? When? (In my next conversation I wanted to be very direct and tell her that obviously I’m interested in you for sending the flowers and if you're not interested in me tell me so I don’t waste my time.) What do you think? Please help me out I think she is testing me but I can’t think straight I need help.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Something VERY similar happened to me a few weeks ago. This girl was very pretty but a real head-melt so I wasn't disapointed she didn't call. I didn't bother sending any flowers or anything.

Basically - It sounds like you where trying to pay for her affection and she knew it. The fact that she offered to pay anything at all probably indicates a bit of guilt on her part.

Mate, just leave it, she's not interested. She probably only gave you a maybe because she wanted to ask her friend if she was interested in your friend. That answer was probably no so then there was no point.


New Member
Jun 6, 2006
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ok well thanks i just need someone to tell me because i wanted to drop it but was not sure what to do thanks


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
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Just leave it alone, see if she calls you..... Chasing for a little bit is alright if you really feel the need, but knowing when to quit is always better than not.. You keep calling, and you wont have a chance... She calls you, your in.. Waiting is hard to to, so dont wait on her, get out and do what you were doing before...

I used to be like that, but all it does it tear you down.. Next thing you know your obsessing, your calling, nothing is happening.. Then you dont want to go out cuz your feeling bad.. Then, your just pathetic.......

I call first, if they say they will call, then I wait a few days.. Then I'll call again, try to strike up a conversation, if they dont respond then smoothly get off the phone, never call back... If they say they will call you again, then if they do they do, if they dont they dont, move on...... Some may say thats to much, but I realize that people are busy, and forget.. I do it all the time.. So I try to spark something up, if it doesnt work, it never will...

DJ McBuster

Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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my take

from what u said i think she was not highly intrested. I mean she did not call u for 4 days. But she maybe is testing u and u should call her out to be sure. so swing by her work one day and talk her. the flowers by the way r hurting your chances, u should have got her # at the train, when they ask for your # it does not mean anything, but if you get theres it shows intrest and agressiveness. Jill proably thinks u are a nice guy now and likes u, but she wanted u to take care of bussiness. So go to her have lunch or something and find out, make it about u and her and don't involve your friends. or if thats not your style just call her when she is at home and be on the level, tell her you want to hook up and if she says no tell her u had nice time and u wish her well....


New Member
Jun 6, 2006
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Yeah all you guys are right so i'm out and moving on.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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tetio said:

When we got to the club their friends were inside already and me my friend and the tow girls (which I’ll name as Jill and Kim so that’s it wont get confusing sorry) I was with Jill and my friend was with Kim. We waited in line with them. I got a weird vibe from the girls and I told my friend that we should leave because when these girls get in the club we are old news.

What's the weird vibe you got?? You seem to have low-self confidence and rather than getting a sure fire sign that these girls were not interested in hanging out with you and your buddy you assumed they would ditch you as if you weren't worthy. That's setting yourself up for failure.

So I said to the girls have a nice night and I told Jill to have a nice birthday and that me and my friend were going to get a cab and leave. Then it happen Jill and Kim looked at each other (and I was thinking to my self ok we crashed and burned) to my surprise Jill and Kim both said why? Stay guys I had to think fast so I replied that my and my friend don’t want to intrude on your girls night. They said no it’s ok stay so we did.

You could have played this two ways. You could have still left, # closed Jill and I guarantee she would have been thinking about you for the next few days. Then you could have called her and taken her on the one-on-one date without the run around she's giving you right now. Or you could've stayed with her like you did, but flirt with other girls infront of her, then give her a bit of attention, but I can almost assure you that you were hanging out exclusively with her. This is where you lost her.

Now the bouncer didn’t let us in so I said ok lets do something else lets get your friends and let so someplace. So at this point I was on could # 9 I got a cab to go back to my car and so that we can go to the bar I was at earlier in the night. When we got their Jill didn’t like the bar so we said ok no problem let me just go in and close my tab then she said ok well while you do that we will come in with you so I we got their I offered my Jill and Kim and their friends a drink.

What about you, seems like you and your buddy enjoy that bar since its your regular hangout, right? So if Jill and her friend didn't like the bar, then you should have # closed her, told her that your going to hang here for the night and you would give her a call, and let her go on her way. But no, you once again rolled out the red carpet of desperation and accomadated Jill like she was some A-list Hollywood celebrity. Buying the drinks for her and her friends wasn't that big of a deal, but you want to avoid doing things that every other guy does when they are trying to get a hot girl to hang out with them. This put off her "he's just trying to get into my pants" alert and its just NOT attractive behavior to constantly kiss her @ss.

I might as well be nice to her friends too. We had a drink I paid the tab and then we were off to another bar but no luck then we walked to another place to eat and we were their for a little bit and one of the girls noticed that they were going to be late for their train so I got the food to go and got Jill a happy birthday desert. I offered to pay the check and Jill and Kim offered to pay which made me happy that they offered because a lot of girls wouldn’t even offer like their friend I said it ok and paid the check got in my car gave her the desert and she said that was nice and I drove them to the train station me and my friend were going to ask for Jill and Kim’s number but we didn’t have to they asked for ours. Usually I hate to just give my number and not get heir’s in return but I was not thinking straight we got to the train station the girls got out and then Jill got back in the car to give me a kiss on the cheek and say thanks for the desert.

The fact that she asked for your number without you saying anything should have been your CLEAR CUT SIGN that she had NO romantic interest in you at all. Shiat I would've hung out with you that night seeing that you paid for the drinks, the dinner, dessert, the taxi faire. Fuvk man, you must have easily spent $100-150. Think of it this way. Your rewarding someone for doing NOTHING! This sets up a precident to where this becomes EXPECTED behavior. A girl will constantly expect you to one up yourself from the previous time and if you don't they're disappointed. In other words this is the CHUMP way to go about things.

About for days passed and no call I would have forgot about the girl but I couldn’t forget Jill’s smile so I had to take matters in my own hands I remembered she told me that she worked in a car dealership and then I decided to find out which one and send her flowers and I did with a message and my Number.

Now your going two levels beyond desperate into STOCKERVILLE!!! If she wanted you to know which car dealership she worked at she would've told you. You've watched one too many Hollywood movies that advocate chump, stocker behavior!! Yikes, that definitely freaked her out.

I thought to my self no more waiting when she gets the flowers and if she is interested in me she will call if not just move on. The next day the flowers arrived at work and latter on in the day she called me and gave me her number I tried to set up a date and she said Saturday and if she can bring Kim and I can bring my friend.

Your wrong about everything here. She called because she has common curtiousity to thank you for, kissing her @ss yet again! That didn't mean she was interested in you as you can see since she never called back. The fact that she wanted to bring here friend clearly shows that she wasn't comfortable being alone with you and she wanted you to know right off the bat that it was a friendly thing, NOT A DATE.

I said ok the conversation was short because she called me during work. I told her I would call her later on that night to set up time and where to pick them up I called left a message and nothing happened so Saturday I called her in the afternoon I talked to her she told me she was not sure if her friend wanted to come out and she told me she was at work and that she was going to call me to tell me yes or no for that night she didn’t call neither did I it Sunday night and I cant stop thinking about her or what to do I don’t want to call to early but I don’t want to lose it either should I call ?

Buddy, seriously TAKE A HINT!!! She is NOT INTERESTED!!! No you SHOULD NOT CALL AGAIN!! Again a classic mistake by you was telling her when your going to call her, that kills all the mystery, all the intrigue about her anticipating your call since she has no idea when it will happen. However, by this point it wouldn't have matter anyway.

When? (In my next conversation I wanted to be very direct and tell her that obviously I’m interested in you for sending the flowers and if you're not interested in me tell me so I don’t waste my time.) What do you think? Please help me out I think she is testing me but I can’t think straight I need help.

This girl has been SCREAMING that she's not interested, but YOU just can't read the signs!! By being direct and getting frustrated, your showing your true colors. Your not a NICE GUY, your a guy who wants to fuvk this broad, just like any other guy. And THAT'S WHY your whole kiss-@ss facade never works!! One, because every other guy does it, its the oldest role in the book and two because you want something in return.

You are a serious AFC!! You need to read the DJ Bible 100000x and then read it again!!



Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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tetio said:
ok well thanks i just need someone to tell me because i wanted to drop it but was not sure what to do thanks
Drop it. And don't ever send women you barely know flowers again.