Is she just a REALLY good tease?


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
I'm getting such a mixed signal from this girl, but I'm starting to think she's just a tease or attention *****. We can talk about sex and she sometimes even brings it (or I bring it up) during small text messaging convos. Most of the time though (IN PERSON) if we talk about it and I hint at her and I getting into it she refuses. Still in text messages, she'll act like she would be into it. This is starting to just get to me. When I talk to her in person about this she isn't around anyone so I can't see why she would feel guilt about being judged. It's almost like anytime I escalate things she backs away. So what the hell?
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
My advice would be to ween yourself off text messaging. I have been there many times, and nothing good ever comes from texting.

You start texting a girl all the time you become her b!tch.

I have started to give up texting, maybe one or 2 every once in awhile.

And I have completely given up instant messenger.

If it's a girl you are already banging maybe it's another story. Anybody agree?


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Vlad the Impaler said:
My advice would be to ween yourself off text messaging. I have been there many times, and nothing good ever comes from texting.

You start texting a girl all the time you become her b!tch.

I have started to give up texting, maybe one or 2 every once in awhile.

And I have completely given up instant messenger.

If it's a girl you are already banging maybe it's another story. Anybody agree?
Yeah, Vlad, I agree 100%. Instant messaging and texting is a crutch. Everyone is a tough guy on the internet, and women are no different, they're all AW's on the 'net because it's a faceless means of communication.

I do use it from time to time but that's only until I can be rid of it completely.
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
Vlad the Impaler said:
My advice would be to ween yourself off text messaging. I have been there many times, and nothing good ever comes from texting.

You start texting a girl all the time you become her b!tch.

I have started to give up texting, maybe one or 2 every once in awhile.

And I have completely given up instant messenger.

If it's a girl you are already banging maybe it's another story. Anybody agree?
That's very true. Text messaging and IM are bad for attracting girls. I just learnt that recently. Plus IM and text messaging, most of the time, is childish and useless. That's why I have blocked almost everyone on MSN.

If I want to talk to a girl I'm attracted to, I'm better off talking to her in person.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
challenger her by texting her, "i dont think you can walk the talk" (it is safe to do this because you're not INVOLVING YOURSELF)

if she replies back assuming you want to have sex with her.. say something back like

"don't flatter yourself. i never said i wanted to have sex with you"