Unless you learn from this situation, you'll repeat your future mistakes. Situations will repeat themselves, but the individual semantics will vary, causing you, or any man to return to this site and ask the same questions, packaged as different occurences.
The Micro issues are the regular posts..."What do I do..." "What should I say..." Second guessing your initial actions. Worrying what she thinks. Emotional reactions, rather than logical actions. These are all MICRO issues.
There's ONE macro issue, just like there's one TRUNK to a tree, but MANY branches. And that you 2 are not compatible, evidently, or you're not "right". This conflict is within you, like some split of the mind. If you were affirmed of your own actions, you'd never have to post here. But because you're unsure of your actions, you post.
I'm not meaning to harp, but I see the pain and the pain will continue so long as you follow the path of your current beliefs to their ultimate end. What guys here provide are small bandages to your minor cuts and bruises experienced in various relationships. Yet, over the long-run, if each choice and decision and relationship isn't building a successful one, then you're building a track record of UNSUCCESSFUL ones, and ultimately, you'll not have gained the habits and beliefs that will make you a successful relationship-type of guy, or PUA.
There will be FEW, if ANY girls who matchup well enough to have a relationship with. In fact, there's perhaps 2 handfulls. The only way we know is by engaging in relationships. Overtime, the differences come to the surface, and the relationship ends, or continutes INFINATUM...There's 2 fates for relationships. A fixed time period or forever (as long as we're alive). You might remain friends, if you can handle that, but few relationships become friendships. Yet, many friendships can become a relationship, b/c in a LTR you have to be FRIENDS and LOVERS. Unless most of your time is spent boning, the largest % of your time in a NON-ons relationship will be spent together in NON-sex, NON-romantic activity. Such as, activities, sports, beach-going, hobbies, family and friend activities, working, goals, etc. If you're not in common there, at least philosophically, you won't hold together well. You might enjoy private time, but if she can't let you be you, and you can't let her be her as you were BEFORE you met, it will fail in the long-run, and perhaps even quicker.
The type of men that ARE fixable or changeable by women are the type they won't last long with or won't end up loving very deeply. They'll become complacent and unhappy. As long as you remain UNFIXABLE and UNCHANGEABLE, she'll always find that fun, because it's a NEVER-ending project. She will be discontent if and when you changed. The most important part of being in a relationship is BEING wonderful with who you are. That's it. When you lose yourself, guys end up bouncing back to who it was they were/are that made their SO happy. And then they're even more lost than they were.
Figure out what singular problem it is that's vaulting you into this situation and squash it now, or be prepared to continue it forever. It's your choice either way, and Sosuave will be here for the majority of guys to forever bandage themselves, but never wholly FIX it.