Is Seduction Seminar a fraud?

May 23, 2006
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I'm talking about Payton Kane's seduction seminar ( that occurs twice a year in Cancun Mexico. The cost is about $ 3500 US, not including airfare, and it includes accomidation for 7 days and 8 nights, all meals included on a 5 star hotel. It consists of seminar training and coaching in the art of seduction.

The question that pops in my mind is are these seminars in those types of environment really authentic, or would it be the case, that if a foreigner from any wealthy country were to go to a poorer country thay would most likely be targeted by locals and played for passes or money, or their culture may simply make for 'easier' pick-ups or relationships anyway than in North America. Or is Cancun a place that people internationally go to, and these types of variables dont exist, so such a seminar would be authentic?

Opening the floor for comment. I personally cant see myself putting money into something like that, but, it's a supposed 'investment in yourself' that you can transfer back to North America based on learning and applying seduction techniques, which I would prefer having a resident back of mind concept over a short-lived sex-tour concept any day (which I've never been on, or plan to go on). I dont intend to act on any of them, would still like to know if this seduction seminar is for real, or is it a fraudulent concept.
May 23, 2006
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Oh, so that is 'Cancun'. I've watched a DVD last November about a group of students going on their spring break in Cancun, so I guess that's as much as I know about it other than what you have told me.

Well, this helps me allot, because, I'd just pick up a plane ticket and go to Cancun Mexico and just look for the best deals in terms of both flight and accomidation, and probably net similar results from going to a Seminar and it's likely to be an easier club atmosphere there than in North America. I mean, you are bound to get somewhere even if you are a total moron at seduction in that environment, wouldn't you say?

So, if one is thinking of going to go on a 'vacation sarging trip' then Cancun, Mexico, would probably be the best place.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
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Man, save your money for a seminar outside Cancun, or use that $$$ for yourself in Cancun because you don't need teachers there, really. If you look decent, dress nice, get in the adventurous mood, and party hard in those clubs for hours you will be surprised with the things you will experience. Without the need of gurus. Guaranteed.

Whatever you decide, have a good trip and enjoy!


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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Damn. It's unbelieveable that ppl pay for things, that are wired to happen naturally. That's just insane.