Is Prostitution Really so Bad?

May 14, 2011
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Jaylan said:
By that same token, women pay too. They drive, take cabs, buy makeup and clothes, etc.

Btw I have never, ever, bought a girl a drink who I was not already dating. And even after weve started hanging out a bit I usually get the girls who bring their own cash and even by me a drink from time to time.

And about prostitutes. I think its pathetic for any man to ever need to pay for sex when I go out and get it with ease if I wanted to. Hell one of my one night stands was at a house party and she gamed me actually. I was on the rebound after a bad breakup but she was a lil persistent. I did not buy new clothes, or use gas, or spend any money that night. I mean outside of buying a five dollar cup for the kegs of beer.

Im too prideful to need sex that much that Id be weak enough to waste my hard earned cash for it.


well obivously if you can get easily sex why would you use your point of view is skewed.

But what if you want a model type attractive girl. You can pay for a hooker like this but chances are you cannot get a girl like this for ''free'' unless you are good looking etc...

Plus what if you are not sociable and dont meet girls for whatever reason sure you can work on it but thats working on it if you want sex paying can give you instant sex.

Its all fair and well for a good looking socaible guy who regualry meets women to say ''im too prideful to need sex and waste money on it''

But for those who are not getting sex and not attracting the girls they want then as much as it sucks its still a viable option.

I admit I like cute young girls, now maybe no cute young girls like me? And can I even approach cute teen girls now Im in my 20s? But if I knew a hooker that was 18 and cute and turned me on then sure I would pay to have sex with her.

I like Czech pornstars, now how many czech pronstars want sex with me? How many Czech pornstars do I meet?

Not many but I know there are Eastern Euro hookers in my town and abroad that are attractive I can have sex with...worthwhile? Or should I settle for a fatter uglier girl for free?

AS someone who has paid for hookers I can tell you how I felt.

1. At home it sucks. you come out feeling wasted money and embarassed.

2. Abroad. It was great. Hot girls and I enjoyed with no embararssement etc..

At home Ill stick to street walkers for Bjs and private escorts to come to my house.

I will not visit a brothel again its too embarassing


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
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Winston-Salem, NC
Seeing as few guys can get sex with attractive women "with ease" as some people have posted, prostitution is a good alternative. Now, it's not a first choice for me, but I do believe that as men most of us do "pay for it" in a sense. If you add up the money you spend on dates, and if you could monetize the time you spend approaching, talking to, seducing, and finally sleeping with a woman, it would probably add up to the same amount with an escort as it would if you went the more traditional route. I don't have a problem with prostitution. I think if most of the posters here were from Holland, they would be much less up-tight about it. The main reason we feel it is so wrong and pathetic is because it's a huge social taboo and has a heavy stigma against it in the U.S.....


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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donnyjondeppjuando said:
well obivously if you can get easily sex why would you use your point of view is skewed.

It is not skewed. I just have to much pride to pay for sex. Most men and women can get laid if they took the time to work toward their best potential

But what if you want a model type attractive girl. You can pay for a hooker like this but chances are you cannot get a girl like this for ''free'' unless you are good looking etc...

I am about a 5 to 8 in looks based on what ive ever found out from when girls talk about me, so I am not empirically good looking. However, my ex is model good looking and has done small shoots for small zines around the city. Btw beauty is subjective, so what you may find model attractive, I might not

Plus what if you are not sociable and dont meet girls for whatever reason sure you can work on it but thats working on it if you want sex paying can give you instant sex.

And paying for it does nothing to teach you how to actually MEET women. Its sounds pathetically chumpish. Losers do that IMO

Its all fair and well for a good looking socaible guy who regualry meets women to say ''im too prideful to need sex and waste money on it''

I may be a naturally outgoing person who likes to talk to everyone, but it aint that hard being sociable. Try it, its not scary.

But for those who are not getting sex and not attracting the girls they want then as much as it sucks its still a viable option.

I admit I like cute young girls, now maybe no cute young girls like me? And can I even approach cute teen girls now Im in my 20s? But if I knew a hooker that was 18 and cute and turned me on then sure I would pay to have sex with her.

Im 24 and have had 18 and 19 yr old chicks into me, but personally I dont find much fun in it because I see them as girls, not women. I feel they offer no challenge the way a mature women over 21 might. Either way, paying to **** a teenage girl....lame

I like Czech pornstars, now how many czech pronstars want sex with me? How many Czech pornstars do I meet?


Not many but I know there are Eastern Euro hookers in my town and abroad that are attractive I can have sex with...worthwhile? Or should I settle for a fatter uglier girl for free?

You only have to settle if you choose to settle. Unless you only think you can get fat and ugly for free. You must not be very attractive then. Im sorry for that. Hey how bout this. Hit the gym, get sexy, buy some new threads and that right there will start to build confidence. Then read "Attraction isnt a Choice" and go sarging with some pals

AS someone who has paid for hookers I can tell you how I felt.

1. At home it sucks. you come out feeling wasted money and embarassed.

2. Abroad. It was great. Hot girls and I enjoyed with no embararssement etc..

At home Ill stick to street walkers for Bjs and private escorts to come to my house.

I will not visit a brothel again its too embarassing

And by paying for it, you really only perpetuate your cycle of low confidence in my opinion. Get out there, man up, and start to see yourself as a prize.
My reply in bold

jglide123 said:
Seeing as few guys can get sex with attractive women "with ease" as some people have posted, prostitution is a good alternative. Now, it's not a first choice for me, but I do believe that as men most of us do "pay for it" in a sense. If you add up the money you spend on dates, and if you could monetize the time you spend approaching, talking to, seducing, and finally sleeping with a woman, it would probably add up to the same amount with an escort as it would if you went the more traditional route. I don't have a problem with prostitution. I think if most of the posters here were from Holland, they would be much less up-tight about it. The main reason we feel it is so wrong and pathetic is because it's a huge social taboo and has a heavy stigma against it in the U.S.....
Read my post on the last page. I dont pay for expensive dates, we do something at my house or something cheap that we split most of the time. I take away the pretense that its a date so Im not pigeon holed with using my money on a girl Im not sure I want to keep in my life yet.

So no, courting women is not equal to buying a hooker. Its not that we are upright, its that we are of the high value mindset many women(all around the world) have. We see ourselves as a prize and know we can get sex for free, so why the hell would we pay? We dont need it so bad that we have to stoop below our sense of value.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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It should be legalized all across the nation but isn't due to Christ lunatics, feminist freaks as well more importantly how the criminalization of it is just another justification as with marijuanna for there to be a large police force (in the states that outlaw it) and encourage people to form government/state controlled marriage corporations instead where only the woman benefits from the arrangement.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
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Winston-Salem, NC
Jaylan said:
My reply in bold

Read my post on the last page. I dont pay for expensive dates, we do something at my house or something cheap that we split most of the time. I take away the pretense that its a date so Im not pigeon holed with using my money on a girl Im not sure I want to keep in my life yet.

So no, courting women is not equal to buying a hooker. Its not that we are upright, its that we are of the high value mindset many women(all around the world) have. We see ourselves as a prize and know we can get sex for free, so why the hell would we pay? We dont need it so bad that we have to stoop below our sense of value.

When I wrote that post, I didn't have anyone in particular in mind. I was simply referring to what the average guy spends when he is courting a woman during the courtship phase, and if you could monetize your time, it would be the equivalent of paying for sex from a hooker. Also, It's always good to have standards and value yourself. All I was saying was that if a man wants sex with no strings attached, without all the headaches that can come from pursuing women, I personally don't see anything wrong with paying for it. Again, it wouldn't be my first choice. I simply don't condemn it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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It's not only sad, pathetic losers that are paying for sex. There are escort services out there that charge thousands of dollars an hour. Many of their clients include Hollywood celebrities, athletes (e.g. Tiger Woods) politicians (e.g. Elliot Spitzer) and highly successful businessmen. These aren't exactly guys that have hit rock bottom in life. Most of these guys could get with high quality women too. Tiger Woods' wife wasn't half bad looking, for example.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. If an adult consensually provides sexual services in exchange for a fee, there is no victim. Sometimes dudes just want to have dirty hot sex, and if they can afford it, there's nothing wrong with paying in order to get exactly what they want.

I've never done a hooker. It's not because I am against it out of principle. I don't have the money to afford a good one. But if I did, I wouldn't mind paying for a really sexy woman to come and fvck me. Could I maybe land a similar quality woman if I had that much money and good game? Sure. But I bet I could make some of the dishes they serve at nice restaurants too if I bothered to put in the time and effort.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
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Winston-Salem, NC
Lexington said:
It's not only sad, pathetic losers that are paying for sex. There are escort services out there that charge thousands of dollars an hour. Many of their clients include Hollywood celebrities, athletes (e.g. Tiger Woods) politicians (e.g. Elliot Spitzer) and highly successful businessmen. These aren't exactly guys that have hit rock bottom in life. Most of these guys could get with high quality women too. Tiger Woods' wife wasn't half bad looking, for example.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. If an adult consensually provides sexual services in exchange for a fee, there is no victim. Sometimes dudes just want to have dirty hot sex, and if they can afford it, there's nothing wrong with paying in order to get exactly what they want.

I've never done a hooker. It's not because I am against it out of principle. I don't have the money to afford a good one. But if I did, I wouldn't mind paying for a really sexy woman to come and fvck me. Could I maybe land a similar quality woman if I had that much money and good game? Sure. But I bet I could make some of the dishes they serve at nice restaurants too if I bothered to put in the time and effort.

Well put....When people hear the word prostitute, they automatically imagine some drug addict selling it on the corner. The show on HBO (I forgot the name) that features the Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Nevada-- which is a legalized brothel-- has very nice looking women working there. It monitors the safety of the women, and makes sure that they are disease free.

I believe that in relationships of all kinds there is often some type of exchange. Traditionally, a man of means would use his wealth and security to attract a beautiful woman (or women). What's wrong with a woman using her good looks to profit from men?


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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Sad, pathetic losers are the least likely to pay for sex because it is too expensive. If you don't have money all you can afford will be bottom-feeding past-their-prime crackheads and dope fiends who've had to drop their prices.

As long as you have enough money for these high-priced hookers, on the other hand, then you will always have access to at least some women. This is why most customers of prostitutes are men with wives, long-term partners or men who are divorced, separated or widowed.

Middle-aged and older rich men and middle-class professional types are the main customers of hookers in wealthier countries nowadays. Poorer and younger guys can't afford it so they rely heavily on game, nightclubs, porn and so on.

Elliot Spitzer and Tiger Woods are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to rich/successful/powerful/famous men paying for sex. Other celebrities caught paying for sex include radio host Rush Limbaugh (caught with viagra at the airport on his way home from popular sex tourist destination), Charlie Sheen, actor Hugh Grant, football player Lawrence Taylor and so on. Then there are lots of less well-known wealthy lawyers, businessmen, doctors and various professionals who pay. For example, a billionaire businessman was charged a few years ago with roughing up an escort.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Fred_Scuttle said:
Why pay a wh0re when you can ride a slut for free. Paying a cheap hooker should make you feel like a total loser. You can buy a new suit and look good for that money you waste on an used up hooker. Buy a suit and get a woman the real way.
If you go with an "escort" with a new suit and look good you'll probably get better service. I think there is a disparity of service where the "escort" seems to be really into it or is just a clock-watcher and is mechanical and even those elements may depend on game, etc...

As for the other arguement about riding a slvt for free. A slvt is still not a "normal" type of girl that you are seducing in a normal way. You do not have a choice, like a shopping catalogue, as to what girl you will end up with, and have to settle with whoever will deal with you (probably dependent on your own looks and game?). Also, there is little chance that there will be false rape allegations afterwards.

The peace of mind that an "escort" can not make a fale rape allegation or cause trouble afterwards pegs a cost of an escort as a type of insurance.


I have not used an escort or prostitute to date and defer to other people on here who have - but I believe I know how the system is.
A cheap hooker is disgusting. "Escorts" that have an appearance of being students or being drug free while you are in your late 30's or 40's, are fat and have a bald spot and no personality, sound more viable.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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Depends IMO. If you go for a high class hooker who does the job because she wants to then no, I don't have any moral objections. It's not for me, because I like the conquest and I like being wanted by a girl, but I don't think of it as morally wrong either. When you go to 16 year old girls who are forced to prostitute themselves though..