Scorring On The Net
IF U AINT GETTING AT LEAST 60% RESPONSE RATE from the emails U sent out.............U ARE SCREWING UP BIGTIME!!!!!!! HUH..........U heard me...if U contacted 20 chics, 13 of them should be responding, IF NOT MORE.
Its a skill set just like anything else. Way too many guys think they can load up a pic, write some crappy words and call it a profile. Then wonder why no success. Others just contact girl after girl with variations on a theme and get absolutely ZERO results.
HEY CLUELESS.........PAy attention FOR THE LAST TIME.........ITS NOT A NUMBERS GAME ITS A FRICKEN SKILL SET............say that out loud 3 times..........ready go.........ITS A SKILL SET....ok 2 more times.
OK so now on with the lesson.............lots of guys claim its what you write in your profile or how great your picture is or how many females you contact.............READY FOR A SHOCKER.........NONE OF THAT STUFF I nuts, have I bumped my head, am I on crack, did I just escape from a mental institution.............NOPE. Get this its called imperical research.......ya I tested which actual method actually reaped the most success. Ok so spill it, whats the magic, top secret method for SCORRING on THE NET.
FIRST CONTACT-yup thats it, that alone will PROPEL you into rockstar status. Its the difference between climbing a mountain to get to the top and using a JET PACK rocket.
THE SPECS-focus on making a KILLER first contact email and adjust it for each individual slightly to personalise it and make it less "cookie cuter like".....chics hate that by the way.
1) SUBJECT LINE-this is your virtual opener, the hook, it's your key to unlock the chic vault, without this KEY COMPONET you WILL BE LOCKED OUT!!. See, when women get tons of fan mail they skim through the list and open which ones that stand out first. U gotta get your email read to get a response. If you don't PEACO CK your subject line you WILL ALREADY blend in with all the other fan mail.
Example: My name is Jim, Hello I read you profile, You are cute, Hi, I liked animals, blah blah blah B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!
YOUR GOAL IS TO GET YOUR EMAIL READ...........U have to make them want to read your email first. EXAMPLES-Love the Hair, Hate the...., I THOUGH IT WAS YOU........, U ARE KIDDING RIGHT....
2) THE KILLER EMAIL-now this is where you truly hafta shine guys. If you can tie it in with the subject line you maintain congruency. U hooked them with the bait, now its time to tug the line and test wether to reel 'em in or continue with some more bait.
Lets borrow one of the Subject lines from above......
EMAIL-Hate the fact you are wasting all your time reading fan mail, instead you should be meeting me for a drink. Don't tell me your one of those chics that lives for virtual ego boosts and remains in cyber space, etc, etc......................
REPEAT THIS 3 TIMES............the purpose of an email is to get a response. Go ahead say it 3 times, I will wait......................
Now after she responds......
3) CALL 2 ACTION EMAIL-this is where U reel 'em in. U dropped the bait, U hooked them, tugged the line, now start reeling them in.
Respond to her email to you by further injecting a slight tease and then challenge her to part with some form of contact info. Phone number extraction is bold but a more time tested method that is consistant is opt for INSTANT
MESSAGE name. Then U can extract a number after you exchanged more banter.
*other important stuff-U should have a cool profile name like JIMDAMAN, GUYNEXTDOOR, JEANSGUY,LUV2MEET. So when she reads the emails from who sent them, shes looks at your user name that stands out as opposed to JAMES1978, IMALOSER2009,ETC
*Have a cool IM name too, again stand out instead of blending in.
*make sure you assign her a nic name (something U poked slight fun of from her email or profile) then use that tease in your SECOND EMAIL or IM conversation. EXAMPLE : OK miss too busy to respond, hey american idol wannabe, Yo Crazy Girl, Whats up Beer Bimbo, etc
* do keep in mind its a lot more than teasing, go easy on the SLIGHT teasing, make it playful, keep it fun, light ,etc.
*the other stuff (pictures, profile, profession, etc) well those do help but thats another article for another day.
and if U want even MORE SECRET tactics to get your email read first, cut n pastes for every type of chic on any website, U gonna have to get serious and get the help of a professional.
I tried ONLINE DATING SECRETS, INSIDERS DATING, NET2BED, EMAIL2FEMALE, ETC..............they do have some killer stuff from A to Z but some are better than others. My book has just the ones with reap success and now It's under 10 bucks.
WHAT CAN U EXPECT-u can go from zero to hero, get more azz than a toilet seat, bag more chicks than KFC, see more vagina than a gynocologist, attract more women than a 1 day shoe sale.......and so much more........Like the guy with the hats with goggles said "ITS A LOT MORE THAN JUST PICKING UP WOMEN".
Lets see hang on computer reading more lame stuff or become a MASTER ONLINE PICKUP ARTIST...........