the_stig said:
Guys just getting into online dating missed the boat. The golden years were pre-2010.
I used to line pof dates up in my sleep. Now, the same perfected profile and techniques yield very little results and it just isn't worth the time commitment or aggravation anymore.
I'm with you on that! I tell my friends that ALL the time. Online dating was pretty good between 1998-2005. Now it is more hassle than it is worth. Sure you can get a few dates & lays off of it, but only if you are willing to go 2 notches below your attractiveness.
For example, if you consider yourself a 6-7, don't expect much better than a 5. It is basic supply and demand theory. Online dating is a SELLER'S world and we ALL know who the sellers are.
If you're not sure, make a basic profile with an attractive female picture. Make a similar profile with a handsome male picture. Guess who gets more attention? I have done this experiment myself and was shocked at how staggered the odds are AGAINST attractive men online.
I put a male model's picture, but not one that was so good it looked too good to be true. Just a good looking guy in a believable picture that was not professionally done or photoshopped. I got ONE unsolicited message from a girl in the first hour or so. And the girl was pathetic, she was fishing for compliments. She was obviously attracted to the picture, but she didn't want to be the first to make a move. She was waiting for me to tell her how beautiful she was, etc, etc.
The female profile? I got 8 messages and IM requests within the first
3 minutes. After one day I had close to 50 messages on the female profile. The male profile? Still ONE. After this experiment I unregistered and never tried online dating again. Waste of time. I get more attention from girls offline anyway.