I think we may be near the end of the line here... Things haven't really got better.... Her weight is still a big issue... I appreciate what you say LogicalLefty.. and I have had the same views which is why I've kept it together. Unfortunately I am not sexually attracted to her and it's been very challening getting her to lose weight. I've tried various approaches and she just can't seem to stay consistent. I am thinking down the line her weight may even get worse

When I told her this was the biggest issue for me it made things worse and erupted in a hurtful fight...
She is also unhappy with me. I won't commit to having kids with her until the issues in our relationship are worked out. We also fight about her forcing me to go to family events and wanting to move near them. She is also is mad I don't show her my savings account and finances etc.... We have tried various marriage counsling services and while they seem to give us temporary hope we keep falling back into our same patterns of dissatisfaction with each other.
Last night we had another fight and she actually started packing up things.. We talked this morning and she said we should get divorced. I didn't argue with her and I said I agree if that's how she felt. Although throughout our whole relatinship she's threatned this many times... this time I am really going to call her bluff... I think the one thing that bothers me is that when it comes to marriage or even commitment, the most important thing is love... So if that isn't enough for her maybe that is the true deal breaker on my end as well. I don't know... I am just confused and will probably be messed up for a while