Is my routine good?


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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I have been doing full body workouts for over 2 months and i grew like crazy so far, i look totally different. But its too exhausting and i overdo it got sick twice so far which is weird for me in the summer. i think i wore out my body. Ive been reading that its much better to get definition by working 1 muscle a day instead so u can focus on it and do more sets for that particular muscle as opposed to only 2 sets for each muscle becuase of time constraignts in a full body workout.

I am about to start a workout routine i found online and i made some slight changes of my own, is this any good? I dont have enough time to go every day, is this enuff? Should i do this routine 4 times a week? (meaning doing mondays again on sat) I have been doin it for 2 weeks so far, i feel good, but i dunno its only been 2 weeks, too early to know if this is gonna make me grow. This is the wrokout below:

Monday - chest and triceps (4 sets of bench, 4 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of dumbell flys, and 3 sets of the thing where u pull the handle bars together, up, or down, it has cable wires, not sure what its called.) (For triceps - 4 sets of skull crushers, 4 sets of straight bar pushdowns, and 3 sets of watver else i can think of that day)

Tuesday - rest or cardio

Wednesday - Back/Biceps (3 or 4 diff back exercises with 3 sets each (not sure wat any of them r called but a trainer showed me so im sure theyre good, and for biceps, 3 sets of barbell curls, 3 sets of dumbell curls with palms facing in, and 3 sets on a curl machine.

Thursday - Rest or Cardio

Friday - Shoulders/Legs (for shoulder 12 sets of anything, usually do dumbell shrugs, a machine, and various dumbell exercises (no clue wat theyre called but their normal) (for legs - 3 sets of squats, 3 of leg presses, lunges, and a calf exercise or 2)

Sat - Rest or cardio
Sun - Rest or Cardio


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Too many sets. Too many exercises same body parts.

Don't do 4 days.

For the love of god don't do 12 sets of shoulders.

If you can do leg presses after squats you're squats aren't heavy enough.

What's your mom's phone number?


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Ok i can understand the too many set son shoulders thing, but not for chest is it? Ive read alot of routnes in books and the net and they say that kind of workout is good for the chest - 12 sets (3-4 sets of 3-4 diff exercises) If im only doing chest once a week, wouldnt less than that be too little?

Ur right bout the squats tho, i always do the leg presses before squats. I usually wanna collapse after my squats, i use plenty of weight.

Im a beginner, leave my momma out of it. Help a brother out. The full body routine i was doin made me go from chubby with not an ounce of muscle to almost cut in 2 months, but i dont seem to be growing anymore thats why i switched routines. Ok im not cut yet, but my gf said i look buff, and when i started i hadnt lifted a dumbell in 3 yrs i was totally puny.

mrRuckus said:

Too many sets. Too many exercises same body parts.

Don't do 4 days.

For the love of god don't do 12 sets of shoulders.

If you can do leg presses after squats you're squats aren't heavy enough.

What's your mom's phone number?


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska
A rule of thumb, if you don't know what the exercise is called...learn.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Skilla_Staz said:
A rule of thumb, if you don't know what the exercise is called...learn.

No sh*t sherlock. At the current moment i didnt know, theres a ton of exerices gimme a break.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska
That's a pet peeve of mine. It's right up there with people not knowing how to spell, and using the wrong words.

I'm going to take a random guess and say it's cable crossovers


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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DJinTraining06 said:
Ok i can understand the too many set son shoulders thing, but not for chest is it? Ive read alot of routnes in books and the net and they say that kind of workout is good for the chest - 12 sets (3-4 sets of 3-4 diff exercises) If im only doing chest once a week, wouldnt less than that be too little?
It doesn't that take much of a stimulus to get a muscle to grow. A little extra weight or a few extra reps than last time and you're good to go. Your chest really isn't any more special than any other muscle. There'd no need to completely destroy and fatigue it. All you're asking for there is many days of being sore for no reason.

stimulus + food = growth

I don't know what you read but i read online and books and don't see ever see 12 sets being recommended. I don't read muscle mags though.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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OK so i know alot of guys have posted good workout routines on here, but as far as the one i suggested wich basically would be

Mon - chest/triceps/abs
Wed - back/biceps/abs
Frid - shoulders/legs/abs
(a couple days of cardio in between)

Is this general idea ok as far as body parts and how often to do em?

Is it ok to just do chest once a week like this, and back once a week etc. How many sets would u reccomend for each body part generally speaking using a workout like this? I did 12 sets of chest and wasnt even sore. And i was using alot of weight. 115 on becnh is alot for me since i just started. i had a trainer tell me that was my current weight a week ago. I like this routine cuz i have a busy schedule and it doesnt seem to kill me like full body workouts do.

mrRuckus said:
It doesn't that take much of a stimulus to get a muscle to grow. A little extra weight or a few extra reps than last time and you're good to go. Your chest really isn't any more special than any other muscle. There'd no need to completely destroy and fatigue it. All you're asking for there is many days of being sore for no reason.

stimulus + food = growth

I don't know what you read but i read online and books and don't see ever see 12 sets being recommended. I don't read muscle mags though.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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DJinTraining06 said:
OK so i know alot of guys have posted good workout routines on here, but as far as the one i suggested wich basically would be

Mon - chest/triceps/abs
Wed - back/biceps/abs
Frid - shoulders/legs/abs
(a couple days of cardio in between)

Is this general idea ok as far as body parts and how often to do em?

Is it ok to just do chest once a week like this, and back once a week etc. How many sets would u reccomend for each body part generally speaking using a workout like this? I did 12 sets of chest and wasnt even sore. And i was using alot of weight. 115 on becnh is alot for me since i just started. i had a trainer tell me that was my current weight a week ago. I like this routine cuz i have a busy schedule and it doesnt seem to kill me like full body workouts do.

should give you some ideas. I'm working on the rest of it but basically there'll come a time when I say "soreness = not an indicator of a stimulating workout" so don't worry about being sore or not. although train heavy enough, and you will be. ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Warboss Alex said:

should give you some ideas. I'm working on the rest of it but basically there'll come a time when I say "soreness = not an indicator of a stimulating workout" so don't worry about being sore or not. although train heavy enough, and you will be. ;)

Is there anything wrong with the breakup of days i got tho? Chest/tris monday, back,bic on wed, and shopulders/legs on fri. is that general idea ok?

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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DJinTraining06 said:
Is there anything wrong with the breakup of days i got tho? Chest/tris monday, back,bic on wed, and shopulders/legs on fri. is that general idea ok?
looks good to me. have at it!


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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DJinTraining06 said:
OK so i know alot of guys have posted good workout routines on here, but as far as the one i suggested wich basically would be

Mon - chest/triceps/abs
Wed - back/biceps/abs
Frid - shoulders/legs/abs
(a couple days of cardio in between)
If that's how you want to split it up i'd do

Mon- back/biceps
Wed - chest/triceps
Fri - shoulders/legs
(abs whenever)

That way you keep squats and deadlifts away from each other as they're the hardest two lifts.

You can switch Mon and Fri too. I actually wish i did deadlifts on friday because my lower back gets pretty sore and doing cardio the next morning up a slight incline with a sore back kinda sucks... and i only do cardio on weekdays. Weekend is for relaxin' for me

2 sets each is good enough. give em your all


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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2 sets each is good enough. give em your all[/QUOTE]

2 sets really? that sounds so little. dont the people who dod full body workouts 3 times a week do 2 sets too? I guess ur saying to go very heavy on the weights then if its only 2 sets huh. Also wats better u think, deadlifts with knees bent or stiff?


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska
I would imagine the regular deadlift would allow you better results. Stiff legged deadlifts target the hamstrings more I believe...