Is My Girlfriend Trying To Change Me Or What ?


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Have a girlfriend of 8 months ... last Wednesday I went out of the blue to see her ... we started to kiss and cuddle when I asked if I could lock the door. (we only lock the door when we have sex) ... when we begun to kiss and get a little horny ... she said out of the blue I am menstruating ....I went
"what ?" ....then she said "I am also concerned that may be if we do it during this period I might get endometriosis" ...and then i went "what ?" ... I tried to understand but I felt horrible anyway... she said "I thought you wanted to close the door so anybody could bother us" ... I said to myself "***'on !" .... I said to her very gently "please do not let this happen again" ..she said "ok" ... but during the month I would have to skip SKIP 5 days without sex ...and we only sleep together during the week saturdays ...sometimes fridays... ... this friday(a night wouth sex within the 5 days) we are sleeping together.... MAY BE ... well because of this situation and because of the following too:

today she called me and said during the conversation that she had a horrible dream ...she was pregnant and I left her because of that ...she was totally alone and the dream was very real ...
she said "could it be that this dream is predicting something ?" "may be in the future it will happen?" ...she wanted me to say "no it could not happen beacause I love you" ....she persisted so hard in me trying to tell her that(I love you) that I do not know what to do... ... should I sleep with her this Friday? .I feel she is trying to change me .... she said that when I stay with the funny like Jim Carrey and avoid answering to her question she feels rejected .... she feels stupid... she was also crying ... someone trying to change you IS ugly ... I feel that......



Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
Okay...she sounds young, (I'm guessing late teens???) and she's feeling that she's falling in love. She's scared to death she's going to loose you & get her tender heart stomped on. She wants reassurance that the relationship is stable and you aren't about to vanish.

The so-called-dream was simply a "what would you do if" kind of question. PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you're using birth control. And I mean YOU, not relying on her.

(Girls will "accidently/on purpose" get pregnant if they think it will keep a guy they like. I'm not saying your girl will do this, I'm just saying it happens.)

Good luck and keep us posted.:D
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
How is she trying to change you? Don't see it!

Anyways, a hor told me she had a dream that I was in her bed holding her baby and that I was the father - YIKES!!! I stared at her as if she was a psychic listening to her every word, and when she finished her words I swallowed my spit so hard it made a loud gulping sound - "GULP!!!" Needless to say, I got the hell out of there and never returned!!!!!

Take heed to a woman's dream!!!! Get out while you have a chance!!!!

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Guys, it's simple.

If you're in a relationship with a girl, she IS trying to change you.

And the irony of it all is that 9 times out of 10, she's trying to change you into something she doesn't want anymore.

Say you're a wandering free spirit, a guy who's always looking to have fun. Spontaneous. Exciting. Always doing new, interesting things. That catches a girl's eye, and next thing you know, you're dating her.

Everything's great, and you decide that you like her so much that you'll take it to the next level. You become exclusive, and she sometimes says that she wishes she could see more of you. So you spend more time with her, and everything is going awesome. Eventually, you're over at her place so much that it just makes sense to move in together -- cheaper rent, more sex.

After a while, though, she starts to get to you. She thinks you're TOO spontaneous, and that you should be more stable. She thinks that some of your friends are idiots and doesn't like it when they come over. She wants you to stop playing in a band and delivering pizzas because there's no future in it, and you end up with a 9-5 job as an accountant. Pretty soon instead of white water rafting she's got you buying groceries and discussing which kind of cereal you both like. Instead of hitting Vegas with your friends for the weekend, you're going to a flea market with her on a Sunday.

Then one day it hits her. You're boring. You're not the exciting, spontaneous guy she fell for. You're a domesticated guy. You're not a rock star, you're an accountant. You're not a super popular guy with tons of friends, you spend all your free time with her.

Next thing you know, she's f*cking the rhythm guitarist for the band that's playing at the bar she goes to with her friends while you're at home fixing the goddamn dishwasher.

She changed you into Mr. Stable, Mr. Boring. But she doesn't WANT Mr. Stable or Mr. Boring. She wants Mr. What-the-F*ck-is-Going-to-Happen-Next?

Tread carefully, at all times. All of you.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Giovanni Casanova
Guys, it's simple.

If you're in a relationship with a girl, she IS trying to change you.

And the irony of it all is that 9 times out of 10, she's trying to change you into something she doesn't want anymore.

Say you're a wandering free spirit, a guy who's always looking to have fun. Spontaneous. Exciting. Always doing new, interesting things. That catches a girl's eye, and next thing you know, you're dating her.

Everything's great, and you decide that you like her so much that you'll take it to the next level. You become exclusive, and she sometimes says that she wishes she could see more of you. So you spend more time with her, and everything is going awesome. Eventually, you're over at her place so much that it just makes sense to move in together -- cheaper rent, more sex.

After a while, though, she starts to get to you. She thinks you're TOO spontaneous, and that you should be more stable. She thinks that some of your friends are idiots and doesn't like it when they come over. She wants you to stop playing in a band and delivering pizzas because there's no future in it, and you end up with a 9-5 job as an accountant. Pretty soon instead of white water rafting she's got you buying groceries and discussing which kind of cereal you both like. Instead of hitting Vegas with your friends for the weekend, you're going to a flea market with her on a Sunday.

Then one day it hits her. You're boring. You're not the exciting, spontaneous guy she fell for. You're a domesticated guy. You're not a rock star, you're an accountant. You're not a super popular guy with tons of friends, you spend all your free time with her.

Next thing you know, she's f*cking the rhythm guitarist for the band that's playing at the bar she goes to with her friends while you're at home fixing the goddamn dishwasher.

She changed you into Mr. Stable, Mr. Boring. But she doesn't WANT Mr. Stable or Mr. Boring. She wants Mr. What-the-F*ck-is-Going-to-Happen-Next?

Tread carefully, at all times. All of you.

thank you man ! .. thats an answer I needed ! ... EUREKA ! ... just be careful to be ME ... all the time ...