Is living at home with my parents going to be a problem?

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
A woman just rejected me because I live with my dad even though he's more of a roommate since I pay half rent/bills.

She says she's "independent" and can't be dating an adult who still lives with his parents. Good riddance in my opinion if that's the most important thing to her.

Her questions were of the interrogating aspect and she didn't care to learn anything else about me, she was too fixated on this one issue.

Here's the kicker, before any of that information was disclosed she says "I'm tired of dating rich guys who just had money handed to them"

So you can't win them all OP! But in my opinion you don't want to and living with your parents is a good qualifier in all honesty. Shows what a woman is more concerned with in a partner.


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
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Excellent feedback here Gents. I'm in the same position as the OP so my thanks goes out to you all. Really clears a lot off my plate of worries.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
but there has to be women out there who overlook the fact that a guy still lives at home, I want to hear some success stories


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
A man on a financial mission shouldnt give 2 sh*t what a woman has to say about this. If you have a diploma and degree then great but should that be a deciding factor if a woman is going to date you? absolutely not. If you live at home at the moment, regardless of what your age is,.. Is it for a greater purpose? like building capital for a business, etc..? or are you slouching away at home on the cough eating pizza and not doing anything... Theres a difference.

Im speaking from experience because at one point i had to do it but i knew what i wanted to achieve further in my life. I did not completely graduate from High School and had to get an equivalent Diploma. I did not attend College, Does that mean i am a bum? Ha,... far from it. Because of my people skills, my character and determination to go for what i want without fear of what other people have to say, I've worked at some of the biggest Investment banks in the world as an engineer for financial markets. Not only that but was promoted several times in different positions without a degree. When the markets crashed in 2008-2009 I got axed along with A LOT of people in the financial district but when things picked up again... I was getting calls to come back and work for different banks.

I decided to follow my passion of financial markets and studied hard and did countless hours of real time market analysis all on my own. I was pretty broke for a while man while everyone looked at me as a bum without a job, i kept on with a greater future than just a paycheck in mind. Today my vision is becoming a reality of making a yearly salary in a months time.

F*ck what other people think and what woman have to say about this. Do what you have to do to secure YOUR financial future success. No one else cares about your money more than you do. If a woman looks down at you because you dont have a degree, tell her to take a leap off a bridge. The funny thing about this is i know people with 4 year Degrees and some without, Those without are more entrepreneur minded and make a hell of a lot more than those at Jobs. Woman say all kinds of stupid sh*t but as a Man, you need to follow your plan if deep down you feel a greater purpose for your life, regardless how you get there. There is another great quote that i think of and it goes "Do today what others won't do, so that tomorrow you can do what others can't".

A woman like that may only be hurting herself in the long run because the guy that turns out to be a great partner for her, will be brushed off because he doesnt have a degree or lives at home for the moment? give me a f*ckin break. Add that we arent living the in greatest economic times and things IMO are going to get worse.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
tryst type said:
A woman just rejected me because I live with my dad even though he's more of a roommate since I pay half rent/bills.

She says she's "independent" and can't be dating an adult who still lives with his parents. Good riddance in my opinion if that's the most important thing to her.

Her questions were of the interrogating aspect and she didn't care to learn anything else about me, she was too fixated on this one issue.

Here's the kicker, before any of that information was disclosed she says "I'm tired of dating rich guys who just had money handed to them"

So you can't win them all OP! But in my opinion you don't want to and living with your parents is a good qualifier in all honesty. Shows what a woman is more concerned with in a partner.
A relationship with a woman like that would suck azz. Consider yourself blessed! There are better ones out there. She sounds like one with her head in the clouds, while being a lowly beeyatch.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
A man on a financial mission shouldnt give 2 sh*t what a woman has to say about this. If you have a diploma and degree then great but should that be a deciding factor if a woman is going to date you? absolutely not. If you live at home at the moment, regardless of what your age is,.. Is it for a greater purpose? like building capital for a business, etc..? or are you slouching away at home on the cough eating pizza and not doing anything... Theres a difference.

Im speaking from experience because at one point i had to do it but i knew what i wanted to achieve further in my life. I did not completely graduate from High School and had to get an equivalent Diploma. I did not attend College, Does that mean i am a bum? Ha,... far from it. Because of my people skills, my character and determination to go for what i want without fear of what other people have to say, I've worked at some of the biggest Investment banks in the world as an engineer for financial markets. Not only that but was promoted several times in different positions without a degree. When the markets crashed in 2008-2009 I got axed along with A LOT of people in the financial district but when things picked up again... I was getting calls to come back and work for different banks.

I decided to follow my passion of financial markets and studied hard and did countless hours of real time market analysis all on my own. I was pretty broke for a while man while everyone looked at me as a bum without a job, i kept on with a greater future than just a paycheck in mind. Today my vision is becoming a reality of making a yearly salary in a months time.

F*ck what other people think and what woman have to say about this. Do what you have to do to secure YOUR financial future success. No one else cares about your money more than you do. If a woman looks down at you because you dont have a degree, tell her to take a leap off a bridge. The funny thing about this is i know people with 4 year Degrees and some without, Those without are more entrepreneur minded and make a hell of a lot more than those at Jobs. Woman say all kinds of stupid sh*t but as a Man, you need to follow your plan if deep down you feel a greater purpose for your life, regardless how you get there. There is another great quote that i think of and it goes "Do today what others won't do, so that tomorrow you can do what others can't".

A woman like that may only be hurting herself in the long run because the guy that turns out to be a great partner for her, will be brushed off because he doesnt have a degree or lives at home for the moment? give me a f*ckin break. Add that we arent living the in greatest economic times and things IMO are going to get worse.
So anyone know of any guys in their later 20's or 30's that still live at home and yet were still able to get a girlfriend, get laid?

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
JaegerPilot217 said:
So anyone know of any guys in their later 20's or 30's that still live at home and yet were still able to get a girlfriend, get laid?
Yes, me. I get dates/laid more than guys I know that live on their own. You need the right attitude man, I can tell it's bothering you and women will sense that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
tryst type said:
Yes, me. I get dates/laid more than guys I know that live on their own. You need the right attitude man, I can tell it's bothering you and women will sense that.
yeah its just I was asking previously in this thread but nobody was giving any specific answers that give proof, so if I know there are guys that are older than me that's still live at home and are still able to have a sex life, it gives me more positive influence and it tells me that if they can do it then so can I so I'm glad I heard that answer