Is it wrong to continue hoping for your EX?


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
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Was in an intense relationship for a year with this woman. She was in love and so was I and we even discussed marriage. I freaked out and told her I needed space to think. For an ENTIRE YEAR she tried everything to get me back! I was still just too confused and scared. Well eventually she hooked up with another guy and I think they've been dating for a year now.​

Well one of her good friends told me six months ago after a conversation as to why I never frequented some places anymore and I told her that I was still deeply in love with her and I did not want to have a run in. She said I should contact her and flippantly dismissed that she was seeing someone else. So after a letter of apology for my actions was received well by my ex thanking me for my kind words. I thought so far so good.​

Then I confronted her in person not long after and I spilled my guts and told her she is the one and that I was in love with her and would do anything to get her back. She was shocked and at a loss for words. She did though, without hesitation, agree to meet me for coffee. We hugged. This was all in public by the way and her supposed boyfriend works right next door! It seemed like everything was on track.​

I never heard anything about that coffee for two weeks. Her friend that had been telling me to try, started dropping hints in a very indirect manner as to where I should be and to continue trying. She never said that she was trying to help me but it was obvious! I even remember hearing from one of my friends that she took my ex to two bars that I go to and she never goes without any sign of her supposed boyfriend with her! Just her friend!​

For a solid month I began going to the coffee bar where her friend, who incidentally worked at this coffee bar, indicated quietly I should be and she gave me the times. I wanted to see if I could get her comfortable with seeing me again. Well after three encounters there, she acted nervous and uncomfortable. It was just me saying hi and how have you been, and I would finish by reminding her of the coffee she promised me. She always acknowledged with a "Yes. OK", then she would go about her business with her other friends with her. I even remember turning to look as I walked away her friend (the one trying to help me) and her lock eyes and smile big. Everything seemed to be on track.​

Well here comes the finale! The last time I went there I decided to go for broke and ask for a specific time to have lunch. I was going to be bold! So I arrived, she was there with a friend drinking coffee. I approach her giving loving squeeze to her shoulder, we exchange hello's, then I moved to get my coffee. On her way out of the place I turn to her, she smiles at me and touches my shoulder and squeezes a little. I then thought: "I'm In!!" I stop her and ask if she wants to get lunch Saturday. She went from smiling to stone-cold straight faced. She said she would think about it. I assured her was was no big deal.​

Two hours later I get an email stating that she was very busy, had many problems in her life she needed to solve and had no ENERGY to have lunch or a coffee with you and to please stop trying to ask.​

SO WHAT IS GOING ON!!!! I'm confused. Her friend was obviously trying to help me and knew something I did not and I never asked as I could tell she did not want to say much except to try! I have thus stopped going to the coffee bar out of respect for my ex's wishes. But I suppose sooner or later I need to ask her friend what the truth is! Is there still hope or am I just delusional?​


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
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The dance floor
Agree with bradd80. She's had ample opportunity to explore the possibility of getting back together. From here on out every move you make will only push her away (you probably have been doing that anyway without knowing).

Move on dude. She had her chance and she blew it. It's time to reset your brain on this issue:

- You are a man of quality and value - any girl will be lucky to have you
- You will not wait around for any idiots who don't realise this

Repeat it ry76!!

By the way, she will come around when things go bad with this dude, they always do. But by then it will be too late because you will have found someone hotter and way more fun. Muhahaha :rockon:


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
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Well I agree I should move on as though nothing is going to happen. However, this does not solve the mystery of her friend encouraging me to try. If things were going that well, why bother sending down the kamikaze course? It makes not sense, and when I get the opportunity I'll ask her directly because I'm kinda of upset!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2012
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I think you move one and letting her go it will be the best thing for you.. move on with your life and don't look back. you need to worry for your own life and don't care about her , she blew it up so f@ck with her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Her friend is the one who wants you. She wanted the girl to reject you, because then it will be ok for her to date you. Otherwise, she would be stealing a guy that her friend wants, which would make her a hated b!tch. But now, thanks to her clever female manipulation of the situation, you are all hers.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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Bible_Belt said:
Her friend is the one who wants you. She wanted the girl to reject you, because then it will be ok for her to date you. Otherwise, she would be stealing a guy that her friend wants, which would make her a hated b!tch. But now, thanks to her clever female manipulation of the situation, you are all hers.
I never thought of it but this is probably right, it wouldn't surprise me. Either way you need to move on from your ex, no going back.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2011
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With so much information on these forums why do these threads keep popping up??