Is it wrong that I sometimes feel like instigating violence, beating up a girl's bf


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
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beating up a girl's boyfriend out of jealousy, anger, frustration, for hating having to approach, initiate, take charge, take control, make things happen, go after what you want, overall, the rules and standards, expectations of masculinity, seriously, i often times feel like i would rather use my balls to instigate violence instead of having to approach a girl and start a conversation, initiate things, ask her out, because i hate being rejected with a huge passion, yes it's part of life but i hate dealing with it, i hate it.

I hate how life, society, culture, the media, expect us guys to toughen it up all the damn time, that we are frowned upon for whining, complaining, we are expected to be strong all the time.

Society comforts women in peril. Men in peril are told by society that they need to "deal with it" and "tough it out". Society, Life tells them to "Man Up, Be a Man, Grow a Pair, Grow Some Balls"

Seriously, if I was in a Marine Bootcamp, eventhough i would not want to join the military because it's suicide, don't want to die for my country, i would love to punch the Drill Sergeant's life out, make him squeal as I break his ****in' neck.

Overall, I just wish there were alternative ways to prove a guy has balls, is a Man, is Masculine.:box:

I just want to show the world how pissed I am for inventing, creating the status-quo, social-norm, tradition, that the guy has to do the approaching, pursuing, chasing, initiating, etc. because i see that as a chore, burden, as work to do.

Sick and tired of being a Virgin as well, i also hate how everything or almost everything has to be a guy's fault but almost never a girl's fault.

It's like as if women just have to exist in order to attract men, to get a boyfriend, to get laid, but it's much more complex for men in order to attract women, to get a girlfriend, to get laid, as in, men have to make themselves stand out way more than women do.


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hey bro, I feel you, I really do.

When I was really young, 4 or 5, I used to kill pets in secret. Small things at first, dogs, cats, fish, then....

Anyway the point is bro, get control of this stuff EARLY because you never know where it may lead. Anger and desire are not easily controlled and when paired can be a disaster.

I am lucky, living in a relatively impoverished nation I have been alright. But there's always that one time you might get caught so don't risk it son.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
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The Summerlands
Let's just say that you need to build character.

Anger is a sign of weak character.
That's something we're all working on, I'm sure. I get angry quite easily.
Plain and simple, you must remain indifferent to EVERYBODY, not just women. If you are only indifferent to women, they are obviously different in your eyes than men.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
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Toast123 said:
Hey bro, I feel you, I really do.

When I was really young, 4 or 5, I used to kill pets in secret. Small things at first, dogs, cats, fish, then....

Anyway the point is bro, get control of this stuff EARLY because you never know where it may lead. Anger and desire are not easily controlled and when paired can be a disaster.

I am lucky, living in a relatively impoverished nation I have been alright. But there's always that one time you might get caught so don't risk it son.
if I was very extremely physically strong and a very skilled fighter, i would love to say this in front of a girl in front of her boyfriend:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
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the scene in Robocop where Murphy gets shot to death by Shot-Gun blasts from Clarence Bod****er and his gang, is so bad-ass, makes me feel kinda better, just makes me hate how life has to be unfair and cruel, tough, and how the world, life, society owes us nothing!, just makes me raging mad!


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I hear you brother and I feel your pain. I'm going to tell you something, f**k what society says about men and their feelings because at the end of the day we're human beings. Having and experiencing those feelings are what makes us human. However, (not to sound cliche) but we DO have the honor of being men and to be great men or the men we want to be, we have to do a couple of things.

1. One of them is to take responsibility for our actions and lives. Make the decision that you are the sole cause and creator for everything that happens in your life. You're sick and tired of being a virgin? Take it upon yourself to change that. Whatever amount of girls you're approaching, triple that amount. Vagina, as with anything in life, is not just going to fall in your lap. Go and get it! Fortune favors those who take ACTION! You might have a couple of moments where a girl will approach you but that's not how the game works.

And look at it like this, YOU are the one approaching. YOU are the selector. All girls do is sit and wait for some guy to talk to them and if nothing happens they go home sad. That can never happen to you because when you feel like it, you'll LITERALLY use the BALLS you have to pick one, approach and make her yours when you want. Girls don't have that pleasure.

And 2. I'm going to tell you what a real nice guy is. A nice guy is someone who doesn't stand up for himself when someone crosses the line. Check people the second they get too comfortable and tell them "HEY! THAT -ISH IS NOT COOL!" . Saying please and thank you, holding doors, and saying how you feel is to be human and a GENTLEMAN. That's ok.

I respect your rant. Go ahead let it all out. Take all the time you need. When you get it all out, come back to center, and have fun being a MAN.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Oh and I'm sure you probably know this but violence never leads to anything good. Make your own decisions and take it for what it's worth. We're all here to listen if you want to vent.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Throughout history men have been in this predicament.
A woman just has to have a vagina to be a woman, but a male has to prove himself worthy of being called a man by doing well in life, and generally exhibiting "manly" qualities like toughness, ability to provide and ability to fvck.
If you don't exhibit any of those qualities, you're just a male, not a man in society's eyes.
That's just the way it is. No need to hate the world.
Find some friends who complement you and your stage in life. Find guys who are into fvcking girls, watch them, learn and act.
If you're sitting in your basement with other guys listening to death metal and bytching about how life and women suck, you should fix that by making some fundamental changes to your life.
Take up a sport or hobby. Get out of the house, hit the gym, dress well, get a new haircut, make yourself more attractive and put yourself in positions to meet women and game them.
I saw a saying on someone's sig here which stated: "You deserve what you earn".
Only you have the power to change things and you already know the world isn't going to hand you pvssy on a platter.
Change your life, change your attitude and the women will come.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
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they are your feelings. you just have them. it is basically pointless to say that they are right or wrong.

now if you act upon them, that would be another thing. hope you dont.

then there is the question, are these feelings helpful to you? if so keep them, cherish them even. maybe they get you going instead of just accepting what appears to be reality.

if not maybe try to find out what need lies beneath them. what in its core is it that makes you feel that way. then make a plan so these needs are fulfilled. the questions are out there, the answer lies within. most of the time.


I think you should seek counselling for your severe anger management issues.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Toast123 said:
Hey bro, I feel you, I really do.

When I was really young, 4 or 5, I used to kill pets in secret. Small things at first, dogs, cats, fish, then....

Anyway the point is bro, get control of this stuff EARLY because you never know where it may lead. Anger and desire are not easily controlled and when paired can be a disaster.

I am lucky, living in a relatively impoverished nation I have been alright. But there's always that one time you might get caught so don't risk it son.
wtf :nervous:


New Member
Sep 25, 2012
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1. One of them is to take responsibility for our actions and lives. Make the decision that you are the sole cause and creator for everything that happens in your life. You're sick and tired of being a virgin? Take it upon yourself to change that. Whatever amount of girls you're approaching, triple that amount. Vagina, as with anything in life, is not just going to fall in your lap. Go and get it! Fortune favors those who take ACTION! You might have a couple of moments where a girl will approach you but that's not how the game works.

And look at it like this, YOU are the one approaching. YOU are the selector. All girls do is sit and wait for some guy to talk to them and if nothing happens they go home sad. That can never happen to you because when you feel like it, you'll LITERALLY use the BALLS you have to pick one, approach and make her yours when you want. Girls don't have that pleasure.

And 2. I'm going to tell you what a real nice guy is. A nice guy is someone who doesn't stand up for himself when someone crosses the line. Check people the second they get too comfortable and tell them "HEY! THAT -ISH IS NOT COOL!" . Saying please and thank you, holding doors, and saying how you feel is to be human and a GENTLEMAN. That's ok.

I respect your rant. Go ahead let it all out. Take all the time you need. When you get it all out, come back to center, and have fun being a MAN.[/QUOTE]

I will admit, because i knew i would get caught eventually, but i made 2 accounts on this site, forum, i logged in with this account because i could not post another on this thread, it said i have reached the amount for that time period and i don't have patience like that.

Yeah well I hate, despie, loathe taking responsibility for my actions and life, because it is a chore, and i don't see any logic as in why did life make it the chore, burden, work for the male, because just because you take responsibility for your actions and life, take charge, does not mean it will happen right away or instantly, there are times when your advances to make changes in your life are going to get denied repeatedly, it doesn't happen when you want it to happen.

Also, the argument against how we guys have to approach:

"All girls do is sit and wait for some guy to talk to them and if nothing happens they go home sad. That can never happen to you because when you feel like it, you'll LITERALLY use the BALLS you have to pick one, approach and make her yours when you want. Girls don't have that pleasure. "

Yeah, guys can still approach and go talk to girls, hit on them, ask them out, and when you said "make her yours when you want", the girl has the final say, she just has to welcome or deny advances, she just has to accept or decline, we guys can't actually force it to happen because that would be assault or rape, and plus, girls do not need "game", but guys do, and social-skills, conversation-skills, flirting-skills are far more important for guys to have than for girls to have, the odds are much more in a socially-awkward, socially-inept girls favor to land a date or relationship, sex, but vice-versa, the other way around, the odds are extremely against the socially-awkward, socially-inept guy.

and to the other way, yes, men are held to higher standards in life than women are.

I don't logically get is on how they say guys with balls, guys with game have all or most of the power, girls, women, the majority of the time, just have to say Yes or No, they just have to accept or reject, guys, men, have to jump through all of these hoops in order to make even an average looking woman attracted to us.

Overall, a woman can be a loser, a failure in life and still get laid, but men have to be successfull


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
A chore? The fact that you say taking responsibility says that you have a "poor me syndrome" thing going on. It sounds like you blame everything and everyone except yourself. That's a lazy, and childish way to look at things. And that point of view will not get you girls or guy friends for that matter.

Of course it's not going to be instant. Nothing in life ever is and the person who convinced you of that was a liar. Nothing great comes easy to anyone. And you're going to fail and get rejected many times. That's a fact that I'm going to lay on you right now. YOU'RE GOING TO FALL, F**K UP, LOOK STUPID MANY, MANY TIMES. You could do everything right and look like movie star but guess what? There will be times when you get rejected. This game isn't fool-proof. HOWEVER, there is a way to minimize those failures. PRACTICE! The more you practice it, the less rejections you'll get. That I promise you. And if it doesn't get better after you put in the hours of practice, you can come back and hold me personally responsible.

And I disagree about the socially inept part too. Girls with no social skills are considered weird and not worth having sex with. Their chances at sex/relationships may be higher because they are girls but the difference in those chances is very, very small. And yes, they do have the final say on what happens but they don't have control over how many guys approach them because they sit back and react to what life gives them.

Girls could say no 3 times a day because only 3 guys approached them. After that she's done. 3 opportunities at sex/relationship. Guys could try and get a yes an infinite amount of times simply because of the fact they are taking action vs not taking action (which will lead to nothing). Which means they have an infinite amount of chances at sex/relationships.

And forget being successful for women. Be successful for yourself. If you have any pride, you won't be content with being just average. Be f-ing awesome for yourself and women will just be a pleasant side effect.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Use your anger as a tool to drive you to success.


New Member
Sep 25, 2012
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alxrose04 said:
A chore? The fact that you say taking responsibility says that you have a "poor me syndrome" thing going on. It sounds like you blame everything and everyone except yourself. That's a lazy, and childish way to look at things. And that point of view will not get you girls or guy friends for that matter.

Of course it's not going to be instant. Nothing in life ever is and the person who convinced you of that was a liar. Nothing great comes easy to anyone. And you're going to fail and get rejected many times. That's a fact that I'm going to lay on you right now. YOU'RE GOING TO FALL, F**K UP, LOOK STUPID MANY, MANY TIMES. You could do everything right and look like movie star but guess what? There will be times when you get rejected. This game isn't fool-proof. HOWEVER, there is a way to minimize those failures. PRACTICE! The more you practice it, the less rejections you'll get. That I promise you. And if it doesn't get better after you put in the hours of practice, you can come back and hold me personally responsible.

And I disagree about the socially inept part too. Girls with no social skills are considered weird and not worth having sex with. Their chances at sex/relationships may be higher because they are girls but the difference in those chances is very, very small. And yes, they do have the final say on what happens but they don't have control over how many guys approach them because they sit back and react to what life gives them.

Girls could say no 3 times a day because only 3 guys approached them. After that she's done. 3 opportunities at sex/relationship. Guys could try and get a yes an infinite amount of times simply because of the fact they are taking action vs not taking action (which will lead to nothing). Which means they have an infinite amount of chances at sex/relationships.

And forget being successful for women. Be successful for yourself. If you have any pride, you won't be content with being just average. Be f-ing awesome for yourself and women will just be a pleasant side effect.
yes, unfortuneately anything worth having never comes easy, but overall, i hate, despise, loathe the standards that women have in men, i hate the traits, attributes they expect in guys that make a guy "boyfriend material" in her eyes.

and thats another thing I hate, guys have to live life for themselves, girls can be a loser and have little or nothing going for them in their lives and still get laid, get a boyfriend, but not the other way around, yeah it's the way it is but i don't like it, a lot of guys will accept or date, tolerate a girl who is bratty, boring, immature, has no life as long as she is decent or average looking, guys have to be the whole package, women do not


New Member
Sep 25, 2012
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a guy can keep constantly approaching a girls and still keep getting rejected you know, and unfortuneately it's always a guy's fault, never a girl's fault, almost never, a girl can keep getting hit on, approached, receiving advances all the time, yes 90 percent or more of those guys will be random creepers, losers, but the right guy is bound to come along, seriously, the girls, women, that expect men to be dominant, to take the lead, to be a leader, to take charge, control, be assertive, make things happen, to be in control, i hope those girls, women, end up becoming victims of rape or domestic violence, as punishment for rejecting the guys that are so-called not labelled "Man" enough


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I just wish there were alternative ways to prove a guy has balls, is a Man, is Masculine.

As opposed to a random act of violence? Nope, sorry, that's the only way :rolleyes:

You obviously have a lot of repressed anger. You need a positive way to vent it. I would recommend either boxing or a martial art. You don't have to compete; training by itself will help you take out your rage on a punching pad.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2012
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A man is someone with character. A "tough guy" or violent lunatic who likes to kill innocent animals and fight is a little boy.....with serious issues.
Life is f'n tough OP.
My favorite line is "Life sucks and they throw dirt in your face"
I don't know how old you are, but I can bet that if you let go of this anger you will get laid and most likely by more than one woman.
Keep your chin up and your fists down.(unless in a ring or cage or defending a loved one)
Just my opinion.


New Member
Sep 25, 2012
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mtnbiker said:
A man is someone with character. A "tough guy" or violent lunatic who likes to kill innocent animals and fight is a little boy.....with serious issues.
Life is f'n tough OP.
My favorite line is "Life sucks and they throw dirt in your face"
I don't know how old you are, but I can bet that if you let go of this anger you will get laid and most likely by more than one woman.
Keep your chin up and your fists down.(unless in a ring or cage or defending a loved one)
Just my opinion.
how does fighting, violence, make a guy a boy instead of a man? aren't men supposed to be strong, brave, tough? why do you think men have always been the first to go off to war?

This is something else i despise too:

"Women, girls are attracted to guys, men who have passion and fire for their lives. They aren't any more interested in prodiving guys, men, the validation for their lives than you are for theirs(that I disagree with, most guys, men, don't care, we are proud to make women, girls feel happy). When a guy, man has goals, male friends, and a life that inspires him, he'll be validated by what he is up to, and women, girls will want to be a part of his life.

If a guy's life is lonely and meaningless, that makes a guy look desperate, needy, clingy, insecure. A guy has to have something he is into, that gives his life meaning, above and beyond dating, relationships, love, sex. If a guy is trying to get meaning for his life out of interactions with girls, women, they will always notice it and reject him instantly, be repulsed by it. Guys too, won't respect that guy."

"They are attracted to guys who are passionate about their lives and have fire and drive. Some of these guys have money, some of them don't. Money is less important than being a dynamic guy, man, tackling his life head-on. We've all seen the garage-band guitarists who are able to get dates and girlfriends, hook-ups, sex easily, eventhough they never play anywhere except but in local bars. Their passion for something in their lives makes both these kinds of guys, the guys with money and the guitarists, more attractive to girls, women.

Along with passion, women, girls are very attracted to guys who have deep social connections. Which means a guy has plenty of friends, both guys and girls, is very outgoing, is frequently participating in social activities and is involved in several different social-circles."

yes, anything worth having in life does not come easy, but women do not have to do this work or have these traits in order to attract men, to get a boyfriend or sex, so thats why i feel it is easy for women