"nearly 60 percent of heterosexual married couples are within two to three years of each other; a union separated by 15 years"
Maybe it's a little because the older guys have already gotten divorced and wised up.
"near-constant May-December romances is wholly out of step with what's actually going on in the culture."
We can solve this problem by removing these women from a lot of these roles and putting a male in their place who can actually perform some of the feats of athleticism they are portrayed as doing, since we're going for accuracy and all.
"But shouldn't we want more for our best young actresses than an onslaught of onscreen age disparities that evoke the notion of a trophy girlfriend?"
Right, can't just want to get with women I can actually bang because my penis will actually respond to them. Nooo it's to show my nerdy buddies.
It's not too often I'm exposed to these women but I had a Swedish 18 year old all over my bald headed, bearded old man self a few weeks ago. "Your language is just a bunch of gibberish." *Swoon*