Is it worth it to have female "friends"?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
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Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by DeathDealer
The only female friends I have in my life are: my girlfriend, my mother, my sisters, my cousins, and maybe one female best friend that clicks with me on all levels. The rest are either acquantainces or friends.

You should be having more male friends than female friends. Trust me on this, if you have a bunch of female friends that is good as "social proof" but it subconciously makes you effeminate. I know a guy that thinks he's the daddymac, he can't handle hanging out with guys because he seems more interested in hanging out with girls.
Female friends are good to have for social proof. But people might start to believe that you're gay if the only ppl you hang out with are girls.

Besides girls will never be there for you when you most need a friend. They'll never understand the problems of men.

Imagine the times when you talk about your problems, about break ups, or you see a smoking 10 down the street, about plain old guy stuff like games or sports. Believe me there'll never be a straight girl (heterosexual) that could understand you or have the same experiences as guys do.

Unless your friend is a lesbo, then you've hit the jackpot, having the best of both worlds. good luck and godspeed.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Its good to have female friends for social proof and meeting other women, but as "close friends" they make a lousy friends.

If you are an AFC, you will love to have girl-friends because they are just like you. Complain how the world is unfair, while not doing a thing about it. They will ask you for a lot of favours and the more you do the more they will ask.

Ask yourself what am I good for them? Because you are there for them when they need to b1tch about life. Most women like to sit down, gossip and go different places and you cannot have a conversation or a relationship like you do with guys. With women you usually have to clean up your act and not be yourself like your dirty buddies know you.

An Alpha male likes to do stuff, guy stuff. He is too buzy to chit chat with ladys about the latest Paris Hilton incident.

ALPHA MALE WORKS HARD AND THEN PLAYS HARD - therefore he is too occupied with working hard to make money and imporving his life. Playing hard refers to doing action sports with other men/ or fvcking a chick.

Therefore its better to find yourself male friends then female friends. Good close male friends, are those friends you can count on when things go bad. Women on the other hand are more selfish creatures. If they get involved with another man, all of the sudden your friendship will mostlikly disappear with it.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score

Act like and take them as your freinds for sex & social proof.But never beleive for one minute they give a **** about you.

The only reason I hang out with them is because of the above & guys being too nerdish nowadays.