He's good enough. Many started as Chad and got shackled into Marriage. What's going on is her girls are cheating or thinking of it. Women will match emotions and view point to their primary group.
This is what I think about groups and girls. It is a rant, but some useful thoughts.
Paying attention to the groups that we mix or allow mixed into our family is key. It takes RP awareness to choose well and is a topic to not negotiate on or give way. If she insists to be part of a group that we can feel/see is trouble then we are accepting the trouble if we accept that group choice. If that group is more important than us to her then we already know. If it is not, then we remove it because later it will be.
For LTR success it requires removing the girl from the mixed groups, permanently. This is really hard to do now due to social media, via social media the girl can be enticed back. Family and extended family can be her group with us as the leader or lead of the group. For all but the top 5 or 10% of men, mixing or letting your girl/wife/ltr invest herself in a group that includes men is a death sentence for the relationship long term. You will 100% chance get cut at some time no matter what if your woman is even a little attractive and more likely the more attractive as more will try.
We all know that social circle is the place and way to find women or men for a short time or a long time. We know about the female mating strategies and even lizard brain behaviors. our girl is not immune to all the reasons we go to the social circle to find her... and all the other dudes are also finding her.
If we want to be in the action scene, bumping and grinding and enjoying the party and our LTR does also. THINK about why we really enjoy the situation and understand it is the same for her. Our best friend will do her at the first chance and there will be a chance.
She can and should be in women's groups. And that is necessary for her and in turn for us that she does it. But it is better she has no group and only family if the only group choice includes men. This is why the really strong men's associations do not include women at all else the men will be busy trying on different women instead of focus on the reasons they have a group.
Don't make it so she MUST work to support our lifestyle( this is a huge mistake many men make), instead insist she lives as we can afford. Because we can not have success if she spends over half of her life with other men at work(social circle). Even the very best intention of girls will at some time go for it when it is so easy and they are in question of there own life if even for a moment. The men that take advantage of this are what we call players. The excitement, energy, and fake confidence of them will attract our woman every time if given enough opportunity. It is like facebook, our girls will see the presentation and not the cold and selfish heart. As they get caught in the status web of the group they will submit to the player and that will increase there perceived status instantly. This can not be avoided except by avoiding it completely. In response, we can put the player in the graveyard, but the girl is already damaged then, but it does make us feel better. The fault is/was not the girl, in the beginning, IT WAS US FOR ALLOWING ACCESS TO HER. He is a man and will always win with her if he is strong enough no matter what. It is HIS fault for what happens to our girls and ours for letting him. Our girls are what they are and always have been, but that man is something else; the dark side. We would not trust our daughters in that group.. and should not our woman either as there is not much difference in how it goes.
EVEN if we are top dog Alpha today the player will cut us because the player will be perceived above us by the groupthink. Later when things change we will not be top or the groupthink will convince that another is more top than us. Almost no one dies alpha unless they die young and even so being alpha is no protection from the player. The only protection from the player is keeping our women away and have a reputation for placing any offender in the graveyard. It has to be a reputation that is earned.
I am not saying all women are slutty, I am saying all women will fall to the player if given access and time(because of emotions). Players come in all shapes and sizes. Even players know this, and they have to dismiss plates when another player gets her focus.