Is it really this bad? Am I really this doomed?

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Sep 27, 2008
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That's just it,I have a hard time applying the advice,I would rather wish it would get better. I realize it's the look at me I have problems side,it's the I want to talk about it till I'm blue in the face. It's just trying to put something together,a soild plan,a course of action. All I can focus on is getting laid,and inexperience. It's something else. Well,you know where I stand and how I feel. I mean,it's you give me the advice,and I counter argue it,it's a habit.

I mean,when I found this site,I was overwhelmed by the success of others,so it caused a reaction in me. It brought up some painful feelings,feelings I felt even off of the site. That's the only way I can explain it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
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South Carolina, USA
Yeah, I agree. Get off the site for 3 months and get out of your head completely. Stop thinking about chicks and just concentrate on the basic needs of life. Start over like you never even heard of dating gurus or anything of the like. Start to do things that you like. Anything. Sports, video games, anything that will distract you from women. Don't do anything new for a while until you do it out of natural instinct instead of taking advice.

Just be a man for a while and then come back. Don't use any tactics out there, just go with the flow and don't try anything special. Things will start to click after a while.
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Ok. I will try that. It will not be easy,cause I am so used to coming on here,the site,the internet,etc. Not even gonna go into how much time I have waisted. It's gonna be hard,cause alll I can think about is sex,and getting laid. Is that what's been throwing me off? I mean,I see myself having success,it's just the lack of effort. So how do I get around any awkwardness's?

"Natural Instinct" That's it,I am always thinking,wondering,asking questions,not just going with that natural flow. Is that a biological thing? A mental thing? Cause those are the guys that of course,have the more success right? The natural ones.

I mean,I have been walking around feeling like the miserable,lonely guy for the longest time. So that need to change/go out/whatever,is like low. I mean,I would like to be more like this guy at least:
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Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
fertileTurtle said:
-some stuff-
Go back ONE page.

CapedCrusader does not want to fix his problems.

I know you're trying to help, but you're making it worse. He is a male attention wh*re. This attention you're giving him reinforces his behavior. He loves it. :crazy:

Turtle, please help out by flagging his messages. The mods will eventually remove him.
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
I do want to fix it. I just don't know how. I have been looking for a solution for a long time,but can't figure it out. I have an idea,but sometimes get disgusted with the steps to make it happen. I mean today,as I was walking around,and in one of my thought sessions,that's all I could think about. Why have I felt this way for so long,and why have I not gotten out of it? Why haven't I done or accomplished anything I would have wanted to? Why am I not getting laid,or have,or have had,any significant long term relationships? Will anyone be able to accept or love me due to my frustrations? Or do I just not fit in? Anyways,as I was,I realized I want to ask this girl I know if she will have sex with me...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
Dude, this is stuff you should talk to your therapist about. Don't post here, you're just going to get tons of flaming from people that are tired of repeating themselves.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I just don't know how. I have been looking for a solution for a long time,but can't figure it out. I have an idea,but sometimes get disgusted with the steps to make it happen.

What is there to figure out? We've been giving you the answers since you came here. Get off your ASS and start living life. There are tonnes of things you can do with out taking "disgusting" steps. I don't even know what you mean by that.
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
maybe disgusting was wrong word,more like,superficial trends that I just don't care about,but everyone else does....

What is "living life" ???


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
CapedCrusader08 said:
What is "living life" ???

Give us another one.

Here's one: Why the fvck was Player Supreme banned so fast but THIS fool is still here? Can I get an answer from a mod please.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina
CapedCrusader08 said:
you obviously just don't understand....

Okay, well, I do. So, I'm takin' a stab at ya.

I'll be the first to admit that when I logged in here for the first time I was a hot mess. No goal or ambition or game or anything. This site helped me fix it. Real life experience helped me fix it. A higher power helped me get grounded enough to not let sh*t go to my head. People like you need a passion, something they can hold onto. Music, film... fu*k, Yu Gi Oh, whatever. Talking about your problems doesn't solve anything. It's like taking a depression pill because you've had a bad day. When the meds wear off, the problem is still there. Staring at you like a hungry animal, waiting to eat up more of your time. If you let it do that, you're a fu*ktard.

So, you're either a troll (based on the musings of other respectable users on this thread) or you're just someone who refuses to apply any sound advice to his life. Either way, log off, get some fresh air, find something you love and worry about women later. L comes before W in the alphabet, so life should come before women in your world, sir.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
CapedCrusader08 said:
you obviously just don't understand....
There's nothing to understand. You aspire to be a loser. You go out of your way to make it happen. :p
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Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
CapedCrusader08 said:
you obviously just don't understand....

I think I understand, but you won't like it. I think you are just afraid of everything around you. You are afraid of saying all the stuff you think and type out loud, you are afraid of being rejected, you are afraid of what might happen if you actually walked up to a girl and she accepted your offer. You are also afraid that something...anything might go wrong.

You need to do something to deal with your fear.
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
'Okay, well, I do. So, I'm takin' a stab at ya.

I'll be the first to admit that when I logged in here for the first time I was a hot mess. No goal or ambition or game or anything. This site helped me fix it. Real life experience helped me fix it. A higher power helped me get grounded enough to not let sh*t go to my head. People like you need a passion, something they can hold onto. Music, film... fu*k, Yu Gi Oh, whatever. Talking about your problems doesn't solve anything. It's like taking a depression pill because you've had a bad day. When the meds wear off, the problem is still there. Staring at you like a hungry animal, waiting to eat up more of your time. If you let it do that, you're a fu*ktard.

So, you're either a troll (based on the musings of other respectable users on this thread) or you're just someone who refuses to apply any sound advice to his life. Either way, log off, get some fresh air, find something you love and worry about women later. L comes before W in the alphabet, so life should come before women in your world, sir."

Damnit,you're right. You're all right. I am doing this for attention. I didn't realize it before. I posted here with the best of intentions,looking for a solution to my dillemma(s),but turned it into a bvitch fest,and instead of progressing,I am stuck.

I need that,a passion,a drive,a goal. Hell,I should have been doing that all this time,but instead,just meandering. And that's what kills me,the time gone bye. Not getting involved,working out,meeting more women,having more sex,years of potential experience gone.

I just have a hard time taking advice. It's hard too when you are focused on just one thing. I now realize I cannot be helped on here. I have something where I can't see myself having the sucess I want,yet can see others who do.

As for life,well,I am not in control of mine....

Or there is something severely lacking or I just don't have. Whether it's romantic/good dating skills,unable to lead or initiate sexually,or not knowing interest signs. I get so caught up in this,I can't figure out how to fix it

. I mean,how do you do it? How do you be the guy the bvitches go crazy for? Oh of course,phd's,money,mba's,high paying job certainly helps doesn;t it?

I mean,I realize you can only give me so much advice,I have some problems that need to be worked out with a professional...

I am afraid. I am. I will admit it. I am a fearful,mistrusting,angry,insecure person. Most people wouldn't assume it,esp those I work with,but of course, I can't go around spouting this to them,or customers,cause I would come off as crazy.

As for saying what I want out loud,well,there was a point when I was younger I would do that,and I wouldn't care who I pissed off, or how weird I came off as,then at some point,I just stopped. I became hermit like,reclusive,young too,I was 16 when all this happened,and I haven't been able to pull myself out. I mean,I feel miles behind everyone else in my own age group,I have no solid grasp on personal success.

I have needed to do something about it for a long time,and yeah,all I can think about is what could go wrong. I want to have the success,but it has seemed out of grasp for me. Like I said,I am/have been very insecure,so when I see so much as a couple together,or even reading about sex and people's sex lives,and how they met,and how long they have been together,I get angered easily.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
CapedCrusader08 said:
Damnit,you're right. You're all right. I am doing this for attention. I didn't realize it before. I posted here with the best of intentions,looking for a solution to my dillemma(s),but turned it into a bvitch fest,and instead of progressing,I am stuck.
CC, we all need attention. That is part of being human. We are a social animal. You're getting it from the wrong place and in the wrong way!

You suck. You offer nothing and instead feed off what people give to you. Try doing the opposite. Try to GIVE instead of take.

As for life,well,I am not in control of mine....
Really... do tell.

Stop posting random crap. Ask questions and learn. When you have something to offer, then do so. In the meantime take a more humble approach because let's be honest, you have nothing to be arrogant about.
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Well,work provides me with attention,but when I am not there,I get into this rut. Which has had me concerned that it may be a crutch for me.

I try to offer. I come up with stuff,discussion topics,etc. I have been asking questions,maybe not the right ones,but questions nonetheless,such as how do I get out of this? Why am I this way? etc. I am not arrogant.

I mean,I fell into this thing where I convinced myself I couldn't do it,or wasn't good enough. And this was cause I had no social life,no parties,etc. Looking back,it was all normal adolescent stuff,but I felt like life was over. As I got older,not so much changed,and to read about guys my age or younger,with more success,always got me angry. It's that ladder theory you guys talk about,the vale,the power,etc.

I mean seriously,here I am,at home,discussing about wanting to improve,but not actually doing it. Like wtf am I waiting for? I'm at home,on the computer,not out,at a bar,or with freinds,etc. I have developed some bad tendencies. Like whenever I go out,I just get angry. At myself,the world,whatever. I am addicted to this. And yet there are people out there,who have a gf,an ltr,are married,are preparing too,all that. And I have never had any sort of ltr,or girls coming after me,it's very,very lonely. Not even had someone say they love me. Which is something I think alot of people take for granted...
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Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
CapedCrusader08 said:
-some bullsh!t-
Go do something else you loser.

You aren't going to get laid or have any kind of meaningful companionship until you get control of yourself. No one is going to take you seriously, and they don't.

Remember the story you told me about the guy you tried to run over? He's probably just a regular guy, like most of us here on the forum. You're the problem in all your situations.

You're being a problem now.
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Well,for the record,that guy,he's a backstabbing,manipulative,two faced s.o.b who has/does abuse(d) girls,so you don't know him like I do....


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
This post has enough advice and resolutions for the poster to resolve this issue.

Thread closed

CapedCrusader08 we know who you are...
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