Is it possible to change the wuss she knows to a real man?


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Hi there guys,

Some months ago, I was a totally "nice guy" and I didn´t have a clue that it was destroying any chances I could have with a girl. I even have declared my feelings, gave her gifts, compliments.. and then I found sosuave, David DeAngelo´s and Carlos Xumas books and all that DJ stuff, just to find out what a dork I was being.
I wish I knew all that DJ stuff before, cause that way I would not screew my chances with her. So, I wanna ask you guys if you think it´s possible to DJ´up a relationship after it got "wussed out". I know the most obvious answer is to next her, but even so, I´m taking this as a personal chalenge now.:box:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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My experience as a guide...

Spinelli said:
Hi there guys,

Some months ago, I was a totally "nice guy" and I didn´t have a clue that it was destroying any chances I could have with a girl. I even have declared my feelings, gave her gifts, compliments.. and then I found sosuave, David DeAngelo´s and Carlos Xumas books and all that DJ stuff, just to find out what a dork I was being.
I wish I knew all that DJ stuff before, cause that way I would not screew my chances with her. So, I wanna ask you guys if you think it´s possible to DJ´up a relationship after it got "wussed out". I know the most obvious answer is to next her, but even so, I´m taking this as a personal chalenge now.:box:
Dude, I was in the exact same position about a year ago. For the first 6 months or so, I tried to change in to a 'DJ' because then she might like me. ABSOLUTE WRONG MINDSET. Quite simply, (and this was the only thing that mattered), because she was still defining who I was.

Further she will know (and this girl did) that you are acting different for a good reason. She will feel it. In my situation, that in turn lead to it being uncomfortable when I was around her because she could feel I was thinking about what to do, what to say, posture etc.(she even said as much to some of our friends) Fortunately, I got a 4 month break from her over the summer holidays (I'm at university), worked on my inner game, cultivated a productive, fun but most importantly of all,goal orientated life.

The difference is remarkable. We live much further away (different sides of the city) from each other than we did and she's always keen to meet up and says how much she misses me. More than that though, I believe that I can feel that she's sensed a change in me. And she has. I've changed a lot for the better. I play both types of guitar in a band, am in a football (soccer) and hockey (field)team and am reading a lot to write some killer papers. In fact, now I don't even think about girls. I think about chord progressions, my diet and various philosophers and theologians. And guess what? The girls come flocking cos they can sense I'm a guy who's driven. Yes I flirt, yes I tease but fundamentally I see it as just a big experimental game when I'm out. If I score, great, if I don't, it honestly doesn't matter... I'll just go home grab a Bud watch some hockey (ice) and screw around on my guitars!

Why? This is the crux. Because it is those activities that make me happy. Hey if I died now I'd have lived a pretty damn good life.

I derive my happiness from these activities. My real happiness is located in, and for me,only in, my success in these areas. In short, girls are the icing on the cake not the cake itself.

To return to your original query, what you'll probably find is that if you seriously get your life on track, explore other girls, your very desires will change. you may well find and I have, that you simply don't want her any more. If however, you still do like her, your truly satisfying (new) life should allow you to think the following: It's not that you don't think your old one-itis is attractive any more but rather that you can fully embrace her beauty because you know that there are a plenty of others around who want a piece of you. Certainly where I've arrived is: 'Yes she's (the old one-itis) amazing but there are hundreds of amazing girls out there'.

When you truly think like that, you really know you've changed for the better.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2006
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"Is it possible to change the wuss she knows to a real man? "

The short answer is yes, but it usually requires a long absence to pull it off. If you allow her to see the daily transformations, it won't work.

Start to practice and become comfortable with the concepts here. Use them on other women and become good at it. Once you achieve that, you'll be reay to "re-introduce" yourself to this girl and get the reaction you're looking for.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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One thing you guys don't talk about often here is the perspective of the women's impression of the guy she's dating. She'll LJBF us with w0manese to preserve our ego, but won't come right out and intuitively tell us what really bothered her and why she's leaving.

I believe it depends how long you've been with the girl and how long your change to DJing has effected the relationship. I feel a lot of these guys change the mentality to keep a girl, but what they should be focused is on bettering themselves to handle the collasal waves sent their way in life and how each challenge is handled as a man for growth. Not just given to the wind at chance of keeping or losing a girl. That should be of small circumstance since as DJs we improve and our options open up.

I wish these AFCs wouldn't get hung up on scarcity mentality thinking that they're are stranded on an island with only one single female being left alive on the planet. Foolish brainwashing like that gets guys rushed into marriage.

Read Jariel's guide to rejection and keep moving forward in life.

Time is too precious to be wasted on a dead or this case dying relationship.

Keep improving yourself and becoming more of a mature DJ and having hang ups with relationships will become less and less.


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Thanks guys. I think now I should start ***** slapping myself and start building a good life.


New Member
Oct 28, 2006
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resilient said it.
Go out more, date other women. You don't need to change with this girl. You can still be a sweet and nice guy, but make her miss you.
The problem with AFCs is that they have a self-steem so low that he tries to win the attention from women with gifts, compliments and such. Doing it once in a while is ok tho, it shows her that you have some interest.
Do it like a dance: Tow steps foward and one backwards.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
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Spokane, WA
The thing about re-inventing yourself is that a lot of people won't buy into the "new you". Every chica that comes along after that won't know any difference, so it's no big loss in the long run.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
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bro changing yourself for a girl is a sign of oneitis, the inexplicable but curable disease that guys get when a woman won't **** them

the cure? as every other person has said - date more woman, what's the worst that can happen? you get laid too much?