Is it possible to change a bad first impression?

Key Mister

New Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Hi to all.... I'm new here to the board..... Just like many of you.... I'm here to search for soem much-wanted answers....

I have many problems with chics.... so many that I can't even count.....

But I've read many articles that you guys have posted ad the bible ad it realli did help me a lot..... cheers...

But anyway..... here's my main problem.... ever since I've read the bible and stuff on this board.... I've gotten betta with my skills with chics..... and the new ppl that I've met these days seem to have a good first impression of me (which is important according to many of u) but the thing is...... I still hang out alot with my skool friends whom I see everyday.... I like them as friends..... and some of them even more...... but I was kinda a fool and an AFC before I started coming to this board...... so I made a realli bad start to my high-skool life and that ppl didn't have a good first impression of me.... and these days they're starting to lose respect for me (which is also important) and as many of u would say.... no respect= no chics. Sometimes they wol\uld start calling em names and stuff in front of other ppl.... these days... I try to stand up for myself..... but I find that quite hard to do because they're all in a group mentally bullying me into a corner, which makes me seem weak and worthless... and of course... the chics dun like the look of that at all.... I would also get barred at times and not listened to... which I think is all due a very bad impression of me havign low self-confidence etc..... but can I change that???? after all, I can't realli run away from them... as I practically see them everyday..... (ma skool is quite small.... so there isn't thast many ppl)


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2005
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adopt I don't give a crap attitude.

This has happened to me a few times. I just go to a group that's trying to insult me (in fact, I think they still run a website on how much they hate me..its hilarious!), and laugh at them trying to insult me.

I then question their intelligence in front of my friends, and laugh all the more. If they start talking, I start talking about them and pretend they don't exist. EVEN WHEN I'M RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM! This really discourags them. They're insecure to begin with, and this really works.

You just have to do this everytime another group is nearby and is making fun of you or something. Just walk right in.

When you do insult them in front of your friends, you dont have to swear. I've never done that..I've not made any yo-mama jokes either. Just like actual intelligent jokes that finds the flaw in their argument and makes them the real people who have the problem.

Like if someone calls me gay, I look at them and say something like,
"I'm pretty secure about my sexuality. I know I'm straight. Why, are you interested in me? Because I'd love to go out with you."

This works great. They shut up and are completely freaked out.

SO yeah, just try it. Try what works.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
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Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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LOL when people call me gay I just say, "You wish I was gay." That shuts them up pretty fast.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
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/\ uh...where do you live? that won't work around here...

Key Mister

New Member
Jun 4, 2005
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But the main problem is that almost all people think of me as weak and worthless... someone who can be pushed around.... and since I'm stuck with the same people till uni.... I find that I'm having hard times there...


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2004
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Been there, done that.

People don't change their opinions of people they've known a long time. Most people are idiots in this aspect.

My advice? Get to a gym... bulk up a 'lil. You feel yourself getting bigger and stronger, thus, what the feeble weaklings say wont bother you. Since you know that you can mash their faces into a corner whenever the hell you feel like it!

Okay okay... Dont actually mash them good. But knowing you can will force them to change the way they interact with you.

As i've said, been there and done that... It's hard as hell when you're there, but if you can work out ways to deal with it, and better yourself... That 'lil pain pays off. Sorry bud, but it's true.


(Warning: This is Illigal, and i know it, but the kid needs it! So sue me already!)

Get Shareaza, download.....

David Deangelo's mastery series.
Brian Tracy... Psychology of Achievement
Brian Tracy... Psychology of Success.

You'll learn what makes people tick aswel as yourself, and how to dig yourself out of that pit you seem to be in. Learning TONS of extra stuff that you can apply with chicks in the process.

They're .zip files, at least the versions I found myself, and all audio... Learn from them, become better. People will always critisize, but it's better gettin' called names because you're better than they are, than because your confidense is low.

A 'lil learning goes a LONG way. ;)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
I use LAtino's same response, too. But I spice it up a bit. Like a sarcastic "Yeah, you wish."

"In your dreams, maybe."

Or "You wish I was on the market, *****."

It works with a good delivery.