Is it me or are women getting worse by the generation


Sep 11, 2013
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When I was sophomore, I was able to get something at least. At least 2-3 hookups a month. Wasn't much, but it was a hell of a lot better than now. Everybody in my grade and above me are 21, so they are now at the bars while I'm still stuck at underage frat parties. These girls are so picky and will you ignore you if you aren't 6ft4 and fratty looking. I've only gotten one hookup since August and she wouldn't have sex with me because I wasn't a football player. This ugly bish approached me and told I'm not an 8 to my face, so clear her view. Lets just say I made that bish go home crying last night. ****, you all know where I can get a fake.


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
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Dhoulmagus said:
When I was sophomore, I was able to get something at least. At least 2-3 hookups a month. Wasn't much, but it was a hell of a lot better than now. Everybody in my grade and above me are 21, so they are now at the bars while I'm still stuck at underage frat parties. These girls are so picky and will you ignore you if you aren't 6ft4 and fratty looking. I've only gotten one hookup since August and she wouldn't have sex with me because I wasn't a football player. This ugly bish approached me and told I'm not an 8 to my face, so clear her view. Lets just say I made that bish go home crying last night. ****, you all know where I can get a fake.
It sounds like this chick (the one you described from August) got to you a little bit. Judging by the words you're using, I'm sensing some anger. Going forward, it's a good idea to not let rejection or any hang-ups lead to anger. In many cases anger has its uses but in my opinion it's a toxic emotion for dealing with girls.

You asked the question "Are women getting worse by the generation."

I'd say mostly no. Sure there are some influences like poor raising, media influences, and new ideas on "liberation" but in general they are mostly the same. What has changed is HOW they express themselves. In the past, you may have been let down more softly by the same woman, because she may get harshly judged for saying the real reason why. Deep down, they've always had some idea of what qualifies a man for sex, relationships, etc, but it's becoming more acceptable to be open with their criteria. It's not that these girls are worse, it's just that they've lost some of their subtlety.

It may suck right now, especially at this age when you REALLY want to dive head first into the game, but it gets better. Consider that at least you aren't being forced to invest tons of time into a chick before finding out you're a "no-go" with her. That saves you time, and you can spend that time on another girl.

Naturally, girls are going to want to get with the "best" guys available. Best being defined by their "tingles" and the general "alpha" demeanor/status. Focus on improving yourself, always. Don't worry if girls are getting worse, concern yourself with getting better.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Quit playing the "victim card". Thats all youve ever done on this forum.

If you continue to play the role of the "victim", thats exactly what you are going to continue to be. Change your mindset or start getting used to your current situations. Either sh1t....or get off the pot.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Generation of chicks are getting worse, but....
Quit playing the "victim card". Thats all youve ever done on this forum.

If you continue to play the role of the "victim", thats exactly what you are going to continue to be. Change your mindset or start getting used to your current situations. Either sh1t....or get off the pot.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2014
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North Carolina
I think they're getting far more sexually open, which works to our advantage. I love feminist chicks who ask me to choke them and tell them what *****s they are mere minutes after ranting about the patriarchy. It's cute.

PS: Censoring the word "wh0res"? Really? Are we children on this board or men? Jesus.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
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Central Time Zone
Getting worse by the generation, or maybe better put, changing by the generation.

I think they are far more likely to put out today, but the standards for guys they put out for has been largely elevated. Social Media and Online Dating has given them the luxury to shop for men and swim in options. Much like the effect online shopping has had on retail.

Ten years ago, I was an out of shape nerd with no game, and I could still bounce from relationship to relationship with somewhat attractive Hb6-7's. Today I run 35 miles per week, look and carry myself well, can talk to women with ease.. but boy can the dating scene be brutal.

The takeaway is.. I use this as motivation to keep improving, maintain close friendships and hobbies, and most importantly, don't revolve my life around around Women. I dropped all my plates and deleted my POF this past month and haven't been this upbeat in a long time. It's been utterly refreshing to spend time with friends and do the things I enjoy without the constant stress of "Why didn't she text me back?", or "did she flake because she's not interested or is she actually sick??".


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Sure but guys are getting lazier as well. Instead of going out and meeting women, we are keyboard jockeying and going on OKC. Which woman would want a guy who has no life outside of his room? Being desperate won't get you anywhere either.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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I dunno about the getting worse by generation thing. I will say that it seems that women tend to tolerate losers, deadbeats, and guys that don't have a pot to piss in or a window to pitch it out of, more today then before. People say "it's low class women that are dating low class men", well from what I'm observing there is a sh!tload of low class women out there! Almost like 90% because that's what I'm seeing.
Jan 17, 2014
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Much worse, they split the household into two working partners when it used to take only one and you get hit double with taxation because of it, the children suffer for it, paychecks suffer for it, equal employment they do less dragging down production if you can even count that anymore. They are now gatekeepers to human resources... Lets not forget penis envy and the emasculation of having a female boss that hates men. Society as a whole has been weakened by women gaining "equal rights" because it wasn't equal it was less for the man to appease women, I guess that works out for Lesbians and single mothers.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Got some food after a night out ending up going to this fast food place pretty much everyone in the area goes to when they are drunk. Said drunk chick was talking to everybody blah blah blah....she looked like a chubby but slightly curvy coke *****. Some Indian guys comes in, guess he had a lambo parked right in front, everyone by the door to notice. He starts talking to drunk chick, conversation goes from "Punjabi" to MARRIAGE IS A BUSINESS......I was just SMH at the convo and how lame this guy was with a lambo not pulling this drunking slut. And of course the marriage is a business comment by her lol

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Men are getting worse too. You can't compare our generation of men to the generation of men in like say, the 1800s or 1600s. Many men these days are wussies.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
Like El Payaso said: men are getting worse as well.
Men are getting weaker, more feminine. Half of the guys i know, or even more, would be closer to being male-feminists than red-pill aware.

I sort of wanted to start a thread about this video, but i'll just post it here instead:

At the surface, this is an advertisement for cupcakes but anybody who browses SS will see the deeper message in the ad. They make the commercial look like it's unscripted, but these kids have pages on IMDB - they are actors and this commercial was written by men.
We at SS all know what comes next:
"i like you... as a friend"
but most guys think this kid is a pimp in the making.

Videos like this are what GENERATIONS of guys are going to be raised on.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2013
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If you can't beat them join them. If you are that caught up on woman then aspire and force yourself to be what they want (although you should already be doing that yourself).

I got a second chance last year by starting a new course at university. As such I made it my goal to not be the shy geeky kid with no friends going in again. I got with the 'in' crowd - the popular guys not so by sucking up etc but by being someone of interest - play musical instrument, instructor in one of my many hobbies etc. You know the drill. It further helps to be well dressed and physically in shape.

So what am I saying? Expand your social circle and work your way in. People will want to know you if you are worth something. Stop with the self pity and do something about it. You're young. Don't end up being like the millions out their one day as the guy pining about why online dating is not working for you. Lay out your ground works now.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Tomo said:
If you can't beat them join them. If you are that caught up on woman then aspire and force yourself to be what they want (although you should already be doing that yourself).

I got a second chance last year by starting a new course at university. As such I made it my goal to not be the shy geeky kid with no friends going in again. I got with the 'in' crowd - the popular guys not so by sucking up etc but by being someone of interest - play musical instrument, instructor in one of my many hobbies etc. You know the drill. It further helps to be well dressed and physically in shape.

So what am I saying? Expand your social circle and work your way in. People will want to know you if you are worth something. Stop with the self pity and do something about it. You're young. Don't end up being like the millions out their one day as the guy pining about why online dating is not working for you. Lay out your ground works now.
Jesus, none of yall read my op


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2013
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I'm in my mid 40s, and it seems to me as if both men and women are becoming more feral. I don't know if this is reality, or just the "get-off-my-lawn-you-damn-kids" syndrome kicking in.

One thing I am sure of, though. The mainstream acceptance of unwed motherhood is much greater now than it was in the 1980s.