Originally posted by DJmonster
I'm talking about when neither person is in a serious relationship, and they have both decided they don't want a relationship with each other.
I have never had one, so I'm not sure. You guys that have, did you feel guilty at all? Also, is it possible to have no strings attatched?
My girlfriend and I were debating this. Her and her ex decided they still wanted to be friends, and they were still messing around once in a while before she met me. She says it was meaningless and casual. To me, this seems wrong, but she thought it was ok. What do you guys think, right or wrong?
I don't think you will be sent to into the bowels of earth to be tortured and poked by little men with horns wearing red pajamas (for this one event)...but... I do think it's immoral. That's the way I was raised. That's the conclusion I came up with when I was old enough.
And I think that even if you personally don't believe in a literal hell, that you can definately make your own personal hell by the decisions you make and the consquences you have to take.
And at the very least, I personally think it's pretty stupid. Who knows how many "Friends with benifits" she's had? 4? 5? Not uncommon these days. Now, say that each of these guy friends has had 2 sexual relationships before her... That's like 10 people that you're "getting with" at the least. Never mind previous RELATIONSHIPS. And if she's pretty casual about something like this, most likely she's pretty casual about who she sleeps with.
Point is, it's a big risk, and for me, the risk is totally not worth it. Is the benefit worth the risk? There are a lot of risks with sex. Emotional, physical, spiritual, all that. It's up to you if you're willing to deal with whatever consequences you get. But DO be responsible at the least whatever you decide to do.
Also, I think that if you think it seems wrong, then you definately do not have to do it. You're not an animal. You're not a dog that has to hump someone's leg everytime you're in a sex mood. If something seems a little odd, maybe it's that little thing in your head called conscience... and maybe... subconsiously, you're seeing a problem that you can't quite put your finger on. And I might listen to that little voice. Sure, you may not "bone as many hot chicks" but you'll be a lot happier, and maybe a lot healthier.
Good luck.