Senior Don Juan
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That we guys have to make the first move and all the other moves, starting the conversations, ask the girl out, initiating the dates and the relationship, overall, initiate everything, or just initiate everything in the beginning, doing the pursuing, chasing.
Most people never bother to fully explain this, they never discuss the logic behind all of this, people will say "Thats just the way it is", and most commonly people will say "It's part of being a Man, Man Up, Be a Man, Grow a Pair" seriously, where is the logic in it?
Why is going after what you want and knowing what you want a Masculine, Manly thing, why is taking charge, control, initiative, all Masculine, Manly things, traits? Where is the logic behind all of that?
People argue, say all the time by nature guys are more aggressive, well i agree with that to an extent, yes we are naturally more aggressive when it comes to combat, fighting, violent, defense, but it's an entire different story in social-situations, etc. Guys can be more aggressive, assertive in other parts, areas of life but not with women.
So is it Biology, Evolultion, Science as to why we guys always or almost always have to do the approaching, initiating, or is it more Society, Culture? If it is Science, Biology, Evolution, then it would be easier for me to accept and deal with.
To be honest, I really often feel like instigating violence with other guys, guys who annoyingly, frustratingly tell me and other guys all the time to "Man Up, Be a Man, Grow a Pair, Grow some Balls", because those sexist phrases get so damn annoying, it gets annoying, frustrating, on how life, society, culture, expect us guys to toughen it up all the damn time, like I would like to prove to life, society, culture, that I have a Spine, that I have a Grown Set of Balls by instigating violence for standing up for myself. So, where is the logic in guys having to make the first move, ask the girl out and initiate the date and relationship, doing the pursuing, chasing? Why is going after what you want, taking charge, initiative, control, part of being a Man, Masculinity? where is the logic in that?
I do it because I have to, not because I want to, because I hate being rejected with a huge passion, i see it as a chore, burden, just because i'm going after what i want does not mean i get to control the outcome, because girls get to have the final say, they just have to welcome or deny advances, they just have to approve of the date and relationship, they have "Veto Power" they don't need confidence, they don't need high self-esteem, they don't need social-skills or conversation-skills, people-skills, they can be immature, bratty, have no life, have no passion or hobbies, they can be shy, quiet, socially-awkward, boring, they can have the behavior, personality of a nice-guy that always finishes lasts, gets rejected, and still attract guys, be insecure, but guys can't. Some other guys share my opinion about this, they say "I bet if I was a girl, I would have had a boyfriend a very long-time ago" A guy can keep approaching girls, asking them out constantly and still keep frequently getting rejected, meanwhile a girl can just wait, true 98 or 99.9 percent of the guys that approach, hit on her, will be loser guys in their girls eyes, guys she does not want, but the right guy is bound to come along sooner or later" I don't care if I would have to endure pregnancy, periods, childbirth, because I would rather have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, seriously, I don't logicalyl see how we guys should be lucky, fortuneate to be born male, that we have life easier than girls, women, the dating and relationship scene easier, i don't see why, girls don't need confidence, but guys do, guys have to have "game", but girls don't, girls just have to wait and stand still, be hot, cute, pretty, look good, or just be average, decent looking.
Another thing I hate it about it too is that if a guy keeps getting rejected all the time, he has to fix, change, improve many things, traits, qualities about himself, even if he is just being himself, it's always a guy's fault, it's never a girl's fault, girls never have to take responsibility for the dating/relationship scene. Girls are told to "wait and the right guy will come along", so what if we guys get to be pro-active, and not wait around? I still see that as a chore, burden, as work to do, i hate getting rejected with a huge passion and i hate having to move on to the next girl, and the next one, over an over again, i hate how girls do not owe me anything, but it's not like that the other way around, girls are allowed to want or need a boyfriend to feel better about themselves, to complete their lives, for validation, but guys are not allowed when regarding wanting a girlfriend. Sometimes I dream, fantasize, about beating up a girl's boyfriend out of anger and jealousy, frustration, mainly the bad-boy's, military guys, jocks, the ****y, talkative, outgoing, loudmouth guys, after all, male animals fight eachother when competing for females, you should know that by watching the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet, sometimes I wish we human males were like that, it would be easier than just talking and starting conversation, because you would not need good social-skills, conversation-skills for that. Because since we guys have to approach and start the conversation, start talking first, we can accidentally talk about something or bring up something boring, weird, lame, unattractive, when it comes to attracting people, it's very easy to accidentally make a mistake when socializing, overall, talking to them, you can accidentally bore them, creep them out, make them uninterested with your words, sentences, social-skills, conversation-skills, but since girls don't have to approach, it pretty much does not matter how a girl speaks, talks, the words and sentences that come out of her mouth, a girl does not have to worry about talking or sounding stupid, weird, lame, boring, with her words, but guys do, even if the guy is confident within himself, is not walking on eggshells, he could still turn the girl off with the way he talks, and yes that means the girl was not the right one for him, but still, it's easier to be visually, physically appealing to someone than it is to be mentally, verbally, socially-appealing to someone.
Most people never bother to fully explain this, they never discuss the logic behind all of this, people will say "Thats just the way it is", and most commonly people will say "It's part of being a Man, Man Up, Be a Man, Grow a Pair" seriously, where is the logic in it?
Why is going after what you want and knowing what you want a Masculine, Manly thing, why is taking charge, control, initiative, all Masculine, Manly things, traits? Where is the logic behind all of that?
People argue, say all the time by nature guys are more aggressive, well i agree with that to an extent, yes we are naturally more aggressive when it comes to combat, fighting, violent, defense, but it's an entire different story in social-situations, etc. Guys can be more aggressive, assertive in other parts, areas of life but not with women.
So is it Biology, Evolultion, Science as to why we guys always or almost always have to do the approaching, initiating, or is it more Society, Culture? If it is Science, Biology, Evolution, then it would be easier for me to accept and deal with.
To be honest, I really often feel like instigating violence with other guys, guys who annoyingly, frustratingly tell me and other guys all the time to "Man Up, Be a Man, Grow a Pair, Grow some Balls", because those sexist phrases get so damn annoying, it gets annoying, frustrating, on how life, society, culture, expect us guys to toughen it up all the damn time, like I would like to prove to life, society, culture, that I have a Spine, that I have a Grown Set of Balls by instigating violence for standing up for myself. So, where is the logic in guys having to make the first move, ask the girl out and initiate the date and relationship, doing the pursuing, chasing? Why is going after what you want, taking charge, initiative, control, part of being a Man, Masculinity? where is the logic in that?
I do it because I have to, not because I want to, because I hate being rejected with a huge passion, i see it as a chore, burden, just because i'm going after what i want does not mean i get to control the outcome, because girls get to have the final say, they just have to welcome or deny advances, they just have to approve of the date and relationship, they have "Veto Power" they don't need confidence, they don't need high self-esteem, they don't need social-skills or conversation-skills, people-skills, they can be immature, bratty, have no life, have no passion or hobbies, they can be shy, quiet, socially-awkward, boring, they can have the behavior, personality of a nice-guy that always finishes lasts, gets rejected, and still attract guys, be insecure, but guys can't. Some other guys share my opinion about this, they say "I bet if I was a girl, I would have had a boyfriend a very long-time ago" A guy can keep approaching girls, asking them out constantly and still keep frequently getting rejected, meanwhile a girl can just wait, true 98 or 99.9 percent of the guys that approach, hit on her, will be loser guys in their girls eyes, guys she does not want, but the right guy is bound to come along sooner or later" I don't care if I would have to endure pregnancy, periods, childbirth, because I would rather have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, seriously, I don't logicalyl see how we guys should be lucky, fortuneate to be born male, that we have life easier than girls, women, the dating and relationship scene easier, i don't see why, girls don't need confidence, but guys do, guys have to have "game", but girls don't, girls just have to wait and stand still, be hot, cute, pretty, look good, or just be average, decent looking.
Another thing I hate it about it too is that if a guy keeps getting rejected all the time, he has to fix, change, improve many things, traits, qualities about himself, even if he is just being himself, it's always a guy's fault, it's never a girl's fault, girls never have to take responsibility for the dating/relationship scene. Girls are told to "wait and the right guy will come along", so what if we guys get to be pro-active, and not wait around? I still see that as a chore, burden, as work to do, i hate getting rejected with a huge passion and i hate having to move on to the next girl, and the next one, over an over again, i hate how girls do not owe me anything, but it's not like that the other way around, girls are allowed to want or need a boyfriend to feel better about themselves, to complete their lives, for validation, but guys are not allowed when regarding wanting a girlfriend. Sometimes I dream, fantasize, about beating up a girl's boyfriend out of anger and jealousy, frustration, mainly the bad-boy's, military guys, jocks, the ****y, talkative, outgoing, loudmouth guys, after all, male animals fight eachother when competing for females, you should know that by watching the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet, sometimes I wish we human males were like that, it would be easier than just talking and starting conversation, because you would not need good social-skills, conversation-skills for that. Because since we guys have to approach and start the conversation, start talking first, we can accidentally talk about something or bring up something boring, weird, lame, unattractive, when it comes to attracting people, it's very easy to accidentally make a mistake when socializing, overall, talking to them, you can accidentally bore them, creep them out, make them uninterested with your words, sentences, social-skills, conversation-skills, but since girls don't have to approach, it pretty much does not matter how a girl speaks, talks, the words and sentences that come out of her mouth, a girl does not have to worry about talking or sounding stupid, weird, lame, boring, with her words, but guys do, even if the guy is confident within himself, is not walking on eggshells, he could still turn the girl off with the way he talks, and yes that means the girl was not the right one for him, but still, it's easier to be visually, physically appealing to someone than it is to be mentally, verbally, socially-appealing to someone.
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