Not sure how to go from here..it seems as if her texting has slowed down a lot.
So after our date this past Thursday, with lots of Kino etc. The next day I texted her asking if she was working late again (something we spoke about earlier) our convo was back and forth about how she woke up late, and we were joking a lot etc and when the weekend hit it seems like her responses slowed down dramatically. This is basically our convo since Friday night:
Friday Night 7pm:
Me: You working late again tonight?
Her: No, yay! Lol! How about you?
Me: haha nice! I got out earlier today, about to cook wbu?
Her: I ordered pizza tonight, my heads pounding gonna relax tonight, what about you?
Me: Drink some caffeine that always helps me with headaches. What did you get on ya pizza?
Her: Everything but anchovies haha!
Me: I'm making some pancakes right now with the roommates lol.
So then from Friday night until Saturday at 8pm I heard nothing, until she texts me:
Saturday 8pm:
Her: Sorry totally thought I answered this...I love breakfast food, really enjoy eating it anytime of the day.
Me: Breakfast food is great anytime, I agree lol. What you up to?
Her: Had to take some allergy pills, so I am really knocked out of it lol. What are you doing tonight?
Me: I hear ya haha, I am celebrating my 8 year old cousins bday, he such a good kid. You have bad allergies?
So she vanishes again from Saturday night until Sunday at 6pm:
Her: No I had a really bad allergic reaction, been taking doses all day nasty! I have been so out of it...Aww thats so cute!!!
Because she took so long to respond and I was busy I decided to not respond last night. I text her back this a.m at like noon and said this:
Me: Hey whats up Kelly? Feeling better? I just went to that lunch spot (name of lunch place we talked about going to on 1st date) I was telling you about, we should go this week after work, when are you free?
No response back from her yet.
Maybe I am just over looking into things but seems like she is slowing down her response time since last Friday. Was I right to take my time responding? And wait to text back today? I am having problems gauging her IL. I guess we will see what she says back to the 2nd date right?