Well yeah... it's a red flag.
Love is a battle field and one to the principles of combat is to never re-enforce failure.
Women that do stuff like this do not really love you. There is nothing more miserable in life than to be chained to a chick that doesn't really love you. There is no reason to get all butt hurt about this stuff, it's chicks being chicks, just end it. Will it cost you money? YEAP, a lot of money... will you lose friends and upset your family.... you bet. But trust me when I say, it is better to be broke, living in a studio apartment, on your own then to have a chick who day to day emotionally tortures you with passive-aggressive bvllsh1t.
Women are the weaker sex PHYICALLY, but when it comes to emotional strength the average woman can kiss the @ss of any man. The only way males can fight this is to not let your ego take you down a path of ongoing pain, and to control your emotions by getting busy with other, more productive projects.
When something like this happens the only thing you can do is maintain self control, don't do anything stupid, and start the process of walking away. It's harder when you are married, or have kids, and the longer you are married the harder this is. But I know WAY too many people that are in miserable relationships, bailing frantically trying to save a sinking ship. When you find yourself in a situation like this, the only way you 'win' is if you can keep the ship afloat before you die. Then when you are dead... your chick will not give a flying fvck that you are gone as she collects your life insurance.