Master Don Juan
They are like an squirrel's attention span when it just found two nuts and suddenly has a brain melt.I’ve actually had one person I met through OLD say to me that my lack of participation in social media was a red flag for her. She ended up being one of those people who lived in her phone - like textbook short attention span issues, except when it came to her phone.
I swear she’d post the most inane Shiite to social like “I’m making waffles”, or “I didn’t wake up feeling too well”, and consistently check back to see who liked her posts. And this was a Gen Xer.
Waste of whatever surplus intellect she possessed, ended up walking away from that.
I’m much too private a person to post every inane detail of my life or ANY detail of my life for everyone to see. I just don’t get this need some folks have. Are their lives really that devoid of anything else?