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Is getting married for betas?


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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But isn't Rollo married twenty five years? and isn't he the "godfather of redpill"?

So logically, if we were to believe him, isn't is red pill and alpha to get married?

Said tongue in cheek
Married men who stay married are the pimps of the world, to keep it fresh, keep her entertained especially if she has social media.

Most guys in Rollo's position would of probably been divorced a long time ago, based on a lot of the **** that is being said, like you have to think a significant portion of the Femcel community are badgering this woman daily, yet he's still married for now, but the society backlash like there is no way its sustainable


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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The vast majority of powerful, ruling, wealthy, masterful men in history have been married. They wanted a wife so they got one. Who is going to deny them? That doesn't necessarily mean they were faithful, but that's a discussion for another day.
That’s just the thing.

Powerful, ruling, rich, wealthy men can afford to get married because a woman cannot destroy them. They also all likely have young mistresses. Regular men do not have this option.

Everyone man on Sosuave would LOVE to be married if:

(1) they didn’t have to give up all their sexual options
(2) they were certain their wife could not destroy him

Yet what woman, with the laws and public opinion on her side, is going to allow a regular man to have sex with younger hotter woman while married, and give up her rights to cash out when and if she decides to divorce?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Of course he was. Like many here they will define "alpha" in their own parametiers and funnily enough those paramiters seem to conveniently fit, who they are.
In Rollo's defense, he had his products and was looking to make income off of them, so he pretty much had to be seen as alpha or he wouldn't have credibility. Of course it would be better if someone else called you alpha, but you got to do what you got to do.

Powerful, ruling, rich, wealthy men can afford to get married because a woman cannot destroy them.
Lesson there sounds like be strong enough so that a woman cannot destroy you. That's good advice.
But in this day and age, the risks are high for regular men. With the way things are currently, that's why I can't recommend getting married.
But people have to follow their own logic and instincts. Some people make it work, but a lot of others are simply deluding themselves that it will work.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2019
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Marriage is for PROVIDERS. Doesn't matter why you do it. One is choosing the provider role if they get married. The provider role consists of a lifetime of manipulation by the female, lackluster sex, infrequent sex, and being cheated on at some point. All while sacrificing resources. Then the lover gets her best sex for free with none of the manipulation. Why be the provider again? Plenty of kids being raised without married parents.
IF.. I know you will tell that it won't happen. But IF you got married would you be able to manage ok? Or would the marriage break you?


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2021
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Exactly, I don't think anyone would call Genghis Khan a beta male for getting married.
If one of Genghis Khan's wives cheated on him, he could simply behead her and whomever she cheated with, and the matter would be done.

If you get married in the Western world today and your wife cheats on you, you can either live like a cuck, or get dragged through the divorce courts and watch as everything you've ever worked for (your home, your money, your children, your friends, your dog, possibly even your freedom) is taken away from you and handed to her while you are treated like the bad guy and she is championed as a hero for women.

It's absurd to compare marriage in the US today to a different part of the world or another time. What makes marriage in the US today virtually exclusively for betas is the legal system in place. When you sign a marriage contract, she owns you, and she knows it. Your life now revolves around pleasing her and trying to make sure she doesn't divorce-rape you.

That's why men in the US complain that there's no sex after marriage. By getting married, you have have handed her a whip and are now lying prostrate at her feet. Nothing dries up a woman's pvssy faster.

But isn't Rollo married twenty five years? and isn't he the "godfather of redpill"?

So logically, if we were to believe him, isn't is red pill and alpha to get married?

Said tongue in cheek
I believe he has stated that even though he has been happy and lucky in his marriage, if he knew then what he knew now, he would not have gotten married.


Master Don Juan
Nov 1, 2019
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I think that by getting married the man is officially acknowledging his submission to the woman. What do you think about it?
getting married is for stupid men and men desperate to have kids and what they hope will be a steady supply of sex. No sane man should be able to look at the state of women and family courts today and think thats a safe bet to take in todays society.

Grounded eagle

Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2020
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I think that by getting married the man is officially acknowledging his submission to the woman. What do you think about it?
It is not as black or white as that. You can be married and be alpha. You can be married and be beta.Most married men are beta,but so are most unmarried men.The negative associations come with the provider dynamic of marriage,well,that’s what men do!Lead,provide,protect.It is undoubtedly a lot harder to remain alpha in a marriage because your access to sex is dependent on one woman,as well as a messed up family law system as far as men are concerned.But it can be done.


Master Don Juan
Nov 1, 2019
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Exactly, I don't think anyone would call Genghis Khan a beta male for getting married.
Genghis wasnt paying child support, alimony or being filed on for divorce either and his women didnt dare think about denying him sex when he wanted some. Women wanted to leave back then they fled in the middle of the night and took the clothes on their backs and thats about it. Genghis would had a different take on marriage if his wives were getting half his **** when they left or had he been paying child support. Marriage today is for Beta males hoping to please a woman into a steady supply of sex.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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If you get married in the Western world today and your wife cheats on you, you can either live like a cuck, or get dragged through the divorce courts and watch as everything you've ever worked for (your home, your money, your children, your friends, your dog, possibly even your freedom) is taken away from you and handed to her while you are treated like the bad guy and she is championed as a hero for women.

It's absurd to compare marriage in the US today to a different part of the world or another time. What makes marriage in the US today virtually exclusively for betas is the legal system in place. When you sign a marriage contract, she owns you, and she knows it. Your life now revolves around pleasing her and trying to make sure she doesn't divorce-rape you.

That's why men in the US complain that there's no sex after marriage. By getting married, you have have handed her a whip and are now lying prostrate at her feet. Nothing dries up a woman's pvssy faster.
You bring up an interesting point about the dilemma for Western men.

Marriage isn't a good deal for men based upon the incentives set up in the court system. If the marriage does downhill, he has an affair, she doesn't, and she files for divorce, he loses financial assets in most cases. If the marriage goes downhill, he doesn't have an affair, she does, and she files for divorce, he loses financial assets in most cases. If she has an affair and doesn't file for divorce, the man can either remain, be a cuck and avoid financial losses or not be a cuck, file for divorce, and lose financial assets in most cases. That's a bad place to be.

I can see why a man could choose being a cuck and not losing financial assets, depending on what his financial and pre-nup situations are.

A woman has every financial incentive in her favor in a marriage. From a financial standpoint, it is appealing to know that you can have extramarital sex, not file for divorce, and still get beta bucks. Even if he files for divorce, you'll likely get some financial settlement from it.

When a man marries today, there's is ~80% likelihood of AT LEAST ONE of the following 3 things happening.
  • An affair (either you, her, or both of you)
  • A divorce
  • A mediocre to subpar soul killing relationship that feels like it goes on interminably. This phase often precedes an affair or occurs after one or both partners has an affair.
If a man marries today and decides to have kids with a woman, it is more likely than not that he will no longer be in a romantic relationship with that woman by the time the first child born of that woman turns 18. This has been the case since at least the 1990s.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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No but marriage can quickly turn you into one

a mate has gotten sucked in with a single mother , she asks him to marry her every single year every year and he is getting weaker and weaker

He's lost all confidence with women , cant speak to them cant interact with them

He burys himself in work 7 days a week working overtime for the sake of working overtime

I cant remember the last time he did anything "fun"

She hasn't even got a ring on his finger yet and hes more or less fvcked

From what ive seen being single in your 30's can be tough at times , but being in a platonic dead end relationship is even tougher

I can go out and meet new exciting interesting pu$$y , i can travel when i please , do what i want

His weekends are spent looking after her kid , they have sex once a month if he can be bothered

it's pretty scary
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Genghis would had a different take on marriage if his wives were getting half his **** when they left or had he been paying child support.
That would have been a LOT of child support, lol.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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When a man marries today, there's is ~80% likelihood of AT LEAST ONE of the following 3 things happening.
  • An affair (either you, her, or both of you)
  • A divorce
  • A mediocre to subpar soul killing relationship that feels like it goes on interminably. This phase often precedes an affair or occurs after one or both partners has an affair.
If a man marries today and decides to have kids with a woman, it is more likely than not that he will no longer be in a romantic relationship with that woman by the time the first child born of that woman turns 18. This has been the case since at least the 1990s.
The only times today that I think marriage has a greater chance of lasting "till death" is if you have two people 18-24 from devout religious backgrounds getting married and the woman has a 0 or 1 notch count entering the marriage. Otherwise, the odds are not good.

Another practice that has been fading in recent decades is waiting until the kids turn 18 to divorce. Some Baby Boomers of upscale means would wait until all the kids were 18 to explore the option of a divorce. I saw this happen with two of my friends. One of my friends had their parents stay together but they seriously explored splitting after the kids were grown. Another one had his parents divorce. Because he had younger siblings, he was ~30 years old when his parents divorced. In that case, all the kids were over 18 at the time divorce. In both of these stories, the parents had been miserable together for stretches of time exceeding one decade.