Is day-game riskier to do than night-game?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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It seems almost everyone does "night game' to an extent hitting on girls at bars. But "day game" going to malls or large outdoor areas or etc seem to be a lot more rare and unusual for people. What do people think?


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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Nobody is going to call the cops on you for talking to a girl at a bar whereas spamming daygame can have that result

However you being kicked out of a night club if a girl complains is probably a lot more common than being kicked out of a mall.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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Nobody is going to call the cops on you for talking to a girl at a bar whereas spamming daygame can have that result

However you being kicked out of a night club if a girl complains is probably a lot more common than being kicked out of a mall.
true I meant more as for getting a "reputation" or whatever seems more noticed at a mall than a club or something

no spamming for either, but just going out consistently seems more


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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true I meant more as for getting a "reputation" or whatever seems more noticed at a mall than a club or something

no spamming for either, but just going out consistently seems more
Who cares about reputation? Some random girl rejects your approach who cares? Probably never see you again and she doesn't even know you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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true I meant more as for getting a "reputation" or whatever seems more noticed at a mall than a club or something

no spamming for either, but just going out consistently seems more
I think that mostly depends on where you live.

There are places where everyone in the nightlife scene knows each other so you can get reputations at the bars and clubs. But that probably has more to do with the size and population of your area than anything.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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Who cares about reputation? Some random girl rejects your approach who cares? Probably never see you again and she doesn't even know you.
well with social media things are a little trickier imo


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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I think that mostly depends on where you live.

There are places where everyone in the nightlife scene knows each other so you can get reputations at the bars and clubs. But that probably has more to do with the size and population of your area than anything.
yup true


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I think that mostly depends on where you live.
Who cares about reputation? Some random girl rejects your approach who cares? Probably never see you again and she doesn't even know you.
Men who live in metro areas with millions of people are not going to have problems with reputation. The areas are too populated for that to happen.

In most daygame or nightgame settings, after a failed approach, I never saw the woman again. It's difficult to see the same person again when daygaming in retail settings (malls, bookstores, grocery stores, etc).

If a man decides to do approaches within his own gym, then he will likely see the same woman again after an approach, a failed first date, or after a relationship fails. I've dealt with that and it is unpleasant. I had a harsh rejection at my gym once from one of the most attractive women who attended that gym. I had to see her for a while until she changed gyms.

It seems almost everyone does "night game' to an extent hitting on girls at bars.
This sentence would have been more true 15-20 years ago than it is today.

Night game has been affected by online game. In the 2000s, when dating websites were around, the impact on night game was minimal. However, once dating apps replaced the dating websites in the early 2010s, the apps became more of a thing than the websites were in the 2000s/early 2010s. Also, over time, sending DMs on social media started to become more a thing. I arranged dates in the mid-2000s sending DMs on MySpace. That was somewhat unusual then. Now, far more men are arranging dates in the DMs on Instagram and on Twitter to a lesser extent.

It's been possible for at least 10 years to arrange plenty of dates solely using swipe apps or DMs on social media without ever doing approaches at bars. I'm not including daygame as part of this analysis because daygame has always been a bit of a niche. However, daygame has always had the potential to replace night game for arranging dates. However daygamers typically will need to go to bars to have a few dates before having sex with a woman.

Night game is the default form of in-person game for men who don't use the tech methods and don't have a social circle capable of arranging dates. The tech methods have made night game a bit redundant. Additionally, social circle has been in a long term downward trend for decades. Fewer people have had viable social circles for decades.

How Heterosexual Couples Meet.jpg

But "day game" going to malls or large outdoor areas or etc seem to be a lot more rare and unusual for people. What do people think?
Daygame is rare. If you look at the chart from above closely, there's nothing about daygame there. I would guess daygame would be lumped in with bar/restaurant meetings, because I think the researchers had used the classification of "bar/restaurant/other public place" in 2009. Other public place would count as daygame.

Daygame isn't that common because most men don't have the ability to randomly approach women in retail settings (malls/grocery stores/bookstores etc) or outdoor areas (parks, walking paths, etc). Most men need to do dedicated approach sessions taking hours outdoors and that's not fun to do. I can't tell you how unpleasant it feels to do a 2 hour approach session outdoors and not come away with any dates or any approaches that lasted longer than 60 seconds. It feels like a giant waste of time. Additionally, indoor retail approachers will also need to linger around that setting for hours to find a woman receptive to the approach.

Doing that shiit sober is too tough for most men, especially men with lower testosterone levels than the men of 30-40 years ago. The men of 30-40 years ago didn't even like doing that.

There are still enough men out there willing to do daygame because they don't enjoy alcohol/loud music/late nights, aren't having good experiences on swipe apps (most men don't), and don't have social circle options.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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Men who live in metro areas with millions of people are not going to have problems with reputation. The areas are too populated for that to happen.

In most daygame or nightgame settings, after a failed approach, I never saw the woman again. It's difficult to see the same person again when daygaming in retail settings (malls, bookstores, grocery stores, etc).

If a man decides to do approaches within his own gym, then he will likely see the same woman again after an approach, a failed first date, or after a relationship fails. I've dealt with that and it is unpleasant. I had a harsh rejection at my gym once from one of the most attractive women who attended that gym. I had to see her for a while until she changed gyms.
Good post and I agree, but I guess I personally don't care and maybe that isn't common. Most approaches I had were in my small town that I grew up in, going to downtown was always a highschool reunion. Past few years I've cared and less what people 'think' of me and only give an inkling about what people know about me. I reached a point where I just don't care what someone's perception of me is. Having whacko ex's drag my name through the mud only made it a fun hurdle to overcome. I personally wouldn't actively 'approach' chicks in the gym ever, I would initiate some banter and see if something unfolds naturally. They way I initiate with girls during the day is always based around playful conversation and smalltalk, my end goal is just to talk to her and have a decent conversation. If it yields a number that's cool too.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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well with social media things are a little trickier imo
I suppose. I don't have socials so I wouldn't know personally. If someone try's to bring you down just for asking them out or chatting em up they are low quality people to begin with. I think a lot of perception around reputation is an internal conflict and projection. People really aren't thinking of you as much as you think they are and that can be sobering. Besides who cares if that chick said no to the date? Go for another girl or be like me and go out with her friend lol.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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I suppose. I don't have socials so I wouldn't know personally. If someone try's to bring you down just for asking them out or chatting em up they are low quality people to begin with. I think a lot of perception around reputation is an internal conflict and projection. People really aren't thinking of you as much as you think they are and that can be sobering. Besides who cares if that chick said no to the date? Go for another girl or be like me and go out with her friend lol.
it depends... I know attractive woman who I am friends with (didn't cold approach) who literally tweet or post whenever some guy tries to hit on them in an awkward way... also depending on your job/if you gave your full name out it could be an issue in certain situations. it all depends


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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it depends... I know attractive woman who I am friends with (didn't cold approach) who literally tweet or post whenever some guy tries to hit on them in an awkward way... also depending on your job/if you gave your full name out it could be an issue in certain situations. it all depends
Those sound like some petty bitches and the guys dodged a bullet then.


Don Juan
May 21, 2021
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If you approach a woman during the day, she might have a boyfriend, or be underage (some 15 year olds look like they're 25). At a bar, the odds of this tend to be more in your favor and people tend to be more open to being approached.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Night game = woman are more likely to be emotional in the night when they are outside, that’s why some women in clubs or bars and so on are with their female friends so they can ****block each other. The night, the loud music, the adrenalin way too much emotional stimulus so it Is way easier to attract them like in the case above mentioned with the club, you will rarely see woman being alone in clubs they always have someone with them.
It's so pathetic how girls cuck themselves. Many of them want to f*ck but like the typical female, they contradict themselves and go out with their defense force so they end up going home miserable wondering why no guys are approaching them. And let's not forget the high standards that they come with so they double cuck themselves. It's both sad and hilarious at the same time.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2022
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If you approach a woman during the day, she might have a boyfriend, or be underage (some 15 year olds look like they're 25). At a bar, the odds of this tend to be more in your favor and people tend to be more open to being approached.
From my experience so far, there's no difference in the openness of women to be approached whether night game or daygame. I have been going direct At grocery stores and they have been quite open to chat, or they reject in in a very polite manner.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Night game is more dangerous than day game in most cases IMO unless you happen to be such a social retard that you think spamming and harassing women, especially those that have shown they are not interested in you, is "game".

With night game, you get the following:
  • People drunk after having had a lot of drinks
  • People on drugs
  • Guys with touchy pride and egos because they have been rejected all night
  • A volatile atmosphere with loud music where anything can get taken the wrong way
Back in my college days, I noticed a lot of lives get ruined due to nightgame gone wrong or just kids going out at night to drink and do drugs. Arrests, fights that led to permanent injuries (usually over a girl), and a host of other stuff.

I also find that nightlife tends to attract a lot of unsavory characters. Most healthy people with things to do in their lives are not going out to party hard every weekday or even every weekend. It adds up and you cannot get up for stuff you need to get done. The kinds of people I have commonly seen over the years in nightlife are:
  • Drama-filled party girls with crappy lives (usually toxic personalities, the type to make guys fight for them)
  • Creepy pickup guys that never really get laid but do the same routine night in night out
  • Hood rats (even in classy nightclubs these days, they make their way in since all nightclubs want to be "inclusive" after the WOKE movement)
  • Couples that are visiting town
  • Tourists there for a bachelorette party or something
  • College kids out in big groups
Finding available sets is largely not that common in most cases. Most hot girls usually grow out of certain bars and don't go there that often unless they want to take selfies and show how cool they are in their big group.

Finally, Nightlife is bad for your health in the long-term.

Those years of not sleeping right due to being up all night partying add up. Most of the times, you will be drinking unless you want to be seen as that lame guy with an agenda and alcohol is bad for you if you have more than a couple of drinks (tbh even one). You are in danger of losing your hear at loud nightclubs unless you wear earplugs.

However, daygame is harder so dudes down themselves in alcohol and hope they get lucky.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2022
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Night game is more dangerous than day game in most cases IMO unless you happen to be such a social retard that you think spamming and harassing women, especially those that have shown they are not interested in you, is "game".

With night game, you get the following:
  • People drunk after having had a lot of drinks
  • People on drugs
  • Guys with touchy pride and egos because they have been rejected all night
  • A volatile atmosphere with loud music where anything can get taken the wrong way
Back in my college days, I noticed a lot of lives get ruined due to nightgame gone wrong or just kids going out at night to drink and do drugs. Arrests, fights that led to permanent injuries (usually over a girl), and a host of other stuff.

I also find that nightlife tends to attract a lot of unsavory characters. Most healthy people with things to do in their lives are not going out to party hard every weekday or even every weekend. It adds up and you cannot get up for stuff you need to get done. The kinds of people I have commonly seen over the years in nightlife are:
  • Drama-filled party girls with crappy lives (usually toxic personalities, the type to make guys fight for them)
  • Creepy pickup guys that never really get laid but do the same routine night in night out
  • Hood rats (even in classy nightclubs these days, they make their way in since all nightclubs want to be "inclusive" after the WOKE movement)
  • Couples that are visiting town
  • Tourists there for a bachelorette party or something
  • College kids out in big groups
Finding available sets is largely not that common in most cases. Most hot girls usually grow out of certain bars and don't go there that often unless they want to take selfies and show how cool they are in their big group.

Finally, Nightlife is bad for your health in the long-term.

Those years of not sleeping right due to being up all night partying add up. Most of the times, you will be drinking unless you want to be seen as that lame guy with an agenda and alcohol is bad for you if you have more than a couple of drinks (tbh even one). You are in danger of losing your hear at loud nightclubs unless you wear earplugs.

However, daygame is harder so dudes down themselves in alcohol and hope they get lucky.
I have also noticed that dudes have become more protective and jealous when it comes to women in night game. Some dudes will go out of their way to mess up your game if you are chatting up the girl they like. And some Beta male orbiters will get confrontational if you chat up or dance with the girl they are with in a group, and they are not even dating.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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Night game is more dangerous than day game in most cases IMO unless you happen to be such a social retard that you think spamming and harassing women, especially those that have shown they are not interested in you, is "game".

With night game, you get the following:
  • People drunk after having had a lot of drinks
  • People on drugs
  • Guys with touchy pride and egos because they have been rejected all night
  • A volatile atmosphere with loud music where anything can get taken the wrong way
Back in my college days, I noticed a lot of lives get ruined due to nightgame gone wrong or just kids going out at night to drink and do drugs. Arrests, fights that led to permanent injuries (usually over a girl), and a host of other stuff.

I also find that nightlife tends to attract a lot of unsavory characters. Most healthy people with things to do in their lives are not going out to party hard every weekday or even every weekend. It adds up and you cannot get up for stuff you need to get done. The kinds of people I have commonly seen over the years in nightlife are:
  • Drama-filled party girls with crappy lives (usually toxic personalities, the type to make guys fight for them)
  • Creepy pickup guys that never really get laid but do the same routine night in night out
  • Hood rats (even in classy nightclubs these days, they make their way in since all nightclubs want to be "inclusive" after the WOKE movement)
  • Couples that are visiting town
  • Tourists there for a bachelorette party or something
  • College kids out in big groups
Finding available sets is largely not that common in most cases. Most hot girls usually grow out of certain bars and don't go there that often unless they want to take selfies and show how cool they are in their big group.

Finally, Nightlife is bad for your health in the long-term.

Those years of not sleeping right due to being up all night partying add up. Most of the times, you will be drinking unless you want to be seen as that lame guy with an agenda and alcohol is bad for you if you have more than a couple of drinks (tbh even one). You are in danger of losing your hear at loud nightclubs unless you wear earplugs.

However, daygame is harder so dudes down themselves in alcohol and hope they get lucky.
so what are positives and negatives of daygame then?


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
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Females get aroused 24/7.

Females can feel attraction 24/7.

Your mindset should be that you can act on these two factors at ANY TIME

It's like OLD vs In person. Some men get in their own way by prescribing to one or the other. Just get good at both to try and max your potential.