Is dancing necessary?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
not reading any more of this thread. but i'm answering your question.

i listen mainly to bands like
the used
the bravery
at the drive in
the hives
foo fighters
the killers

aside from a rare killers/foo song, NONE of that gets played at any club i've been to.

you don't need to dance, i am an expert at club pick ups. some have come from dancing, most have come from approaching away from the dance floor.
i frequent the one club, where i have TONNES of social proof, i don't know if this helps or not.. i assume it does to some degree.

but basically, i approach, make the girl laugh a little
and say 'lets go dance'
u don't need to dance, u just grind on them, front on works best, and sorta smile/look into there eyes.
kiss them.

they know what 'lets go dance' means.

*edit: please don't quote the entire first post in your reply
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Plain & Simple

Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
Originally posted by Ebach
Pantera, you need to get some *****. Then rap will sound much smarter than you think.
lol so true go listen to webbie's "Give me that *****" for a start, that song gets heavy rotation in every club since its a club song and most fellas go to the club for some *****, if that song comes and you aint getting your grind on, something is definetly wrong with you.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
there are all kinds of clubs, not just pop/top40 type clubs.

I'm into pretty much whatever, i've been in some freaky ass goth type clubs, thats fun its not my scene, but its like haloween, only more fun.

I don't care for usher, i don't listen to the crap in my car, but if a hot girl in a pleated skirt wants you to grind dance with her when some rap is playing, are you going to say nah f you?

I don't think so, just make an ass out of yourself on the dancefloor, nobody cares, nobody remembers the next morning anyways.

The guys who don't dance don't get tail, they just sit with their buddies and watch the girls dancing.

I suck at dancing but even my bad dancing has gotten girls hot enough to want to f right after the end of the song.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America

I was very similar to your situation a few years back. I went to college straight out of the garage band scene with my grungy friends. The chicks were ugly. The dudes were all chumps. Everyone was unpopular in high school and took pride in behaving in ways I now see were very anti-social.

I hated rap/top 40 with a passion. My roommates in college were all into it though, and threw huges parties with that crowd. One night, a bunch of self-described "aspiring rappers" visited one of our parties, and I was playing guitar solo for folks. I handed them the mic and we had this dj from next door come over and before you knew it there was this great collaboration going on. That totally changed my perspective on it all. This girl threw obvious signs at me that night but my still clueless a** never picked up. The music just comes from a different place, that's all.

Anyway, to your point. Yes, top 40/hip hop is often way over-hyped and some of the songs are seriously lacking in depth, but it's the beat that makes people dance, not the theme or content of the music. It's the emotional atmosphere created by that music that gets the girls reved up. They feel the groove on a much more emotional level than we do.

Now, rock is still my music of choice definitely. But think of it this way - if you learn to appreciate hip hop and the groove for what it is, you will definitely make yourself available to more chicks. I have no issues about being with a girl who likes to dance and get into it at the club, but I'd never get into a relationship with a girl who is one of those trashy club skanks that has never even heard of green day or tool or doesn't know a single classic rock song.

I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing the paradigm you've created for yourself from your formative high school years is based on you not being able to stand the mental shallowness of the rich, preppy, and popular kids. Challenge yourself to relate to others on a more primal, humanistic level and not so much on an intellectual level. After all we all ultimately want mostly the same s*** out of life - self actualization. Don't worry, as you get a bit older you'll start to see that the wise and the retarded will separate economically real quick.

One more thing - don't EVER sell out your musical favorites (or any other favorites) for a chick.