Is Courtney Ryan a Fish Trying to Teach Men How to Catch Fish?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I've watched some of her videos. Her main focus is as a fashion consultant, teaching guys how to style and dress. I think women's opinions on style and men's fashions shouldn't be simply disregarded. I'll also note she's pretty hot herself. Sometimes she gets some other of her friends to chime in on what looks attract them.

I've always thought the "Don't ask a fish how to fish" saying to be kind of stupid. First off, fish don't talk, so you can't ask a fish how to fish. But if a fish could talk, and were so inclined, I absolutely think they must have some sort of insight into what attracts them to a lure that they could impart. Doesn't mean that they necessarily want to impart that insight, or to be truthful, or that their advice would supersede that of an expert fisherman. But I wouldn't totally disregard it just because of the source. Like everything else, I would have to weigh it to see if it makes sense or has the ring of truth.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I've watched some of her videos. Her main focus is as a fashion consultant, teaching guys how to style and dress. I think women's opinions on style and men's fashions shouldn't be simply disregarded. I'll also note she's pretty hot herself.
Her opinions on fashion and style are more likely to have merit.

Sometimes she gets some other of her friends to chime in on what looks attract them.

I've always thought the "Don't ask a fish how to fish" saying to be kind of stupid. First off, fish don't talk, so you can't ask a fish how to fish. But if a fish could talk, and were so inclined, I absolutely think they must have some sort of insight into what attracts them to a lure that they could impart. Doesn't mean that they necessarily want to impart that insight, or to be truthful, or that their advice would supersede that of an expert fisherman. But I wouldn't totally disregard it just because of the source. Like everything else, I would have to weigh it to see if it makes sense or has the ring of truth.
A master seducer like Mystery or someone else would more likely to have a valid opinion than Courtney Ryan. I found Roosh more relatable than Mystery, and I read both "Bang" and "Mystery Method".


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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Miami, FL
I made a comment about this woman in another thread recently. While it's still best to get the info first hand from a man, as only a man can understand the struggles that another man can go through, I think she means well especially in comparison to some of the advice given by the other women on youtube.

Of course I am basing this on only a handful of videos I have seen. She's Ted Baldassarres girl, if you're into watches. That's actually how I found her, through a video of his.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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A master seducer like Mystery or someone else would more likely to have a valid opinion than Courtney Ryan. I found Roosh more relatable than Mystery, and I read both "Bang" and "Mystery Method".
I suppose Mystery is a genius of sorts in his own right, but from what I've seen of him demonstrating his own method, I can't imagine a more socially awkward example. I haven't found Ryan's content to be objectionable, but I don't think male/female dynamics are that complicated (even though you can make it complicated). There are really only a few things you really need to know, and beyond that you have to rely on your own charm. Be masculine, be decisive, don't be weak, don't be a simp, have self respect, invest in yourself, don't chase girls who don't like you, that kind of thing.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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While it's still best to get the info first hand from a man, as only a man can understand the struggles that another man can go through, I think she means well especially in comparison to some of the advice given by the other women on youtube.
She means well but it doesn't mean that she is helpful. Females do have a narrow viewpoint.

Of course I am basing this on only a handful of videos I have seen. She's Ted Baldassarres girl, if you're into watches. That's actually how I found her, through a video of his.

5 Things Women DON’T Actually Care About (According to Courtney Ryan)
1. Your Car -- You can get laid without a great car. She mentions an early stage date with Teddy Baldassarre and he had a 10+ year old Honda Accord at the time. I got refused a 2nd date once and the woman mentioned my 10+ year old car as a reason. While I think that woman was a piece of shiit, it's best not to allow that woman to make that excuse. Certain car brands will help you attract and retain a woman more easily than others. I think the effect is greater on attraction than retention.
2. Six Pack -- What Courtney says is crap. This will help with attracting women. May even help with retention too. You get right swipes on a social media with a six pack or having big biceps.
3. Mr. Tough Guy -- Women prefer a man with emotional frame control. Expressing emotions can be good occasionally in the boyfriend-girlfriend phase but not initally. Don't be too vulnerable is good.
4. Fancy Job -- There are some small slivers of wisdom in this. Courtney argues against fancy jobs, yet has an LTR with a high profile executive manager. He's a dweebish looking guy with money. Seems like cap. I would argue for work-life balance though. She's not going to date a blue collar worker who takes the bus in a Sun Belt, automobile centric city.
5. Sexual Experience -- Making sex good for a woman will help for retaining women. Doesn't affect initial attraction too much but can be relevant. Women having orgasms during sex will keep them wanting more and can help with avoiding ghostings and flakings.

Alexander Grace's 9 Qualities Women Never Admit They Actually Want In Men is more accurate. Quite accurate.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Alexander Grace's 9 Qualities Women Never Admit They Actually Want In Men is more accurate. Quite accurate.
Alexander Grace has such a negative attitude though. Or at least that's the way he comes off to me.
None of these PUA gurus are perfect, and we all have different weaknesses. Take what you can use and leave the rest, as they say.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Courtney has an LTR with a high profile executive manager. He's a dweebish looking guy with money.

He has glasses, doesn't appear tall, and doesn't have big muscles. This is no one's definition of an alpha or sigma male. Without money, he isn't getting someone on Courtney's level. In essence, he's running Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos style game but with less money.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Funny thing about that is this guy she is with was in the friendzone for many many years. While she was riding other ****, very likely and undeniably still doing it, he is just the safe guy for her. She is even fake smiling on the thumbnail, that’s what women are masters in, simply because Deception is womens art
Are there any articles out there that prove your friend zone claim? That claim seems dubious. Men don't normally move from the platonic friend zone to the vagina getting zone.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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There is but I don’t exactly remember the video anymore. She mentioned that in one of her videos
My hypothesis is that she has other men on the side. If she doesn't yet, she will in time.

Elise Linscott was married to a dweeb, quickly divorced him, and then went on a European sex trip in 2017. I see similarities between Elise Linscott and Courtney Ryan.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I mean look at her she isn’t ugly at all
I think most men would call her in the cute range (6.0-7.9). Her breasts are better than average. I think her looks help her channel succeed.



Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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Miami, FL
She means well but it doesn't mean that she is helpful. Females do have a narrow viewpoint.

5 Things Women DON’T Actually Care About (According to Courtney Ryan)
1. Your Car -- You can get laid without a great car. She mentions an early stage date with Teddy Baldassarre and he had a 10+ year old Honda Accord at the time. I got refused a 2nd date once and the woman mentioned my 10+ year old car as a reason. While I think that woman was a piece of shiit, it's best not to allow that woman to make that excuse. Certain car brands will help you attract and retain a woman more easily than others. I think the effect is greater on attraction than retention.
2. Six Pack -- What Courtney says is crap. This will help with attracting women. May even help with retention too. You get right swipes on a social media with a six pack or having big biceps.
3. Mr. Tough Guy -- Women prefer a man with emotional frame control. Expressing emotions can be good occasionally in the boyfriend-girlfriend phase but not initally. Don't be too vulnerable is good.
4. Fancy Job -- There are some small slivers of wisdom in this. Courtney argues against fancy jobs, yet has an LTR with a high profile executive manager. He's a dweebish looking guy with money. Seems like cap. I would argue for work-life balance though. She's not going to date a blue collar worker who takes the bus in a Sun Belt, automobile centric city.
5. Sexual Experience -- Making sex good for a woman will help for retaining women. Doesn't affect initial attraction too much but can be relevant. Women having orgasms during sex will keep them wanting more and can help with avoiding ghostings and flakings.

Alexander Grace's 9 Qualities Women Never Admit They Actually Want In Men is more accurate. Quite accurate.
Yes, I had not seen that video, thanks for bringing it to my attention. I would say it is a bit dishonest to say those 5 things don't matter, but let's focus on the average male, not an alpha or a chad, the average male; the people we most commonly see in every day life. They have dating lives albeit not very spectacular one's. The average man doesn't tick the majority of those boxes. The average guy drives like a Toyota or Honda, is in so-so shape (probably borderline doughy if living in the United States) and has some non descript office job making 45-50k a year. Sexual Experience? Won't have a lot to draw from. I believe there was a condom manufacturer that did a study and it had determined the average guy sleeps with like 6 women in his lifetime or something. Most men don't reach double digit count. I had thought about this and looked at guys I know in my circle and I think there is some validity to it. Most of the guys I know ended up getting about 3-4 girlfriends, maybe 2-3 or so other women in "between" and then settled down and called it a day. Most don't aspire to live the bachelor life which might seem to be contrary to popular belief on here -- I have received a bit of pushback for my lifestyle, especially from my married friends and even some of my family. You are essentially going against the grain after a certain age and it is seen as "immature"...and yes you sometimes "lose" people and get shunned in different social settings.

So yeah, I would say the claim is bogus that women don't care about those things. She should've changed the name of the video to "You don't necessarily need these 5 things in order to succeed" or something (But of course it is far easier if you do have them).

My hypothesis is that she has other men on the side. If she doesn't yet, she will in time.

Elise Linscott was married to a dweeb, quickly divorced him, and then went on a European sex trip in 2017. I see similarities between Elise Linscott and Courtney Ryan.

I genuinely laughed out loud because I kinda knew the direction the thread was going to go in once his looks were brought up. Yeah, he is kinda dorky looking but it is possible for guys like him to get "good looking" women, it does happen. He's not Henry Cavill, but he's not necessarily ugly either, just meek and geeky looking. Sometimes women go for that - I have seen it, we all have. We have people like this in our own circle who punch above their "weight class". Outside of that, the only other explanation would be she realized he had potential (someone mentioned previously when they dated he had a old ass Honda so it's not likely he had money).
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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let's focus on the average male, not an alpha or a chad, the average male; the people we most commonly see in every day life. They have dating lives albeit not very spectacular one's. The average man doesn't tick the majority of those boxes. The average guy drives like a Toyota or Honda, is in so-so shape (probably borderline doughy if living in the United States) and has some non descript office job making 45-50k a year.
This is a good way to describe an average male. Some of this is age dependent.

A Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, or Subaru Outback is not going to do a man any favors in getting them laid. If men owning these cars get laid, it would be in spite of owning those cars. The best budget cars for a single guy for getting laid are the Chevrolet Camaro and the Ford Mustang. There are some other specific makes/model years here and there as well, but the Camaros and Mustangs are consistent over the years. Chevrolet is discontuining in Camaro in 2024 and they had previously discontinued the Camaro for the 2003-2009 model years. Mustangs have outsold Camaros.

A Mustang or Camaro alone (from the last 20 years) isn't going to get you laid. You'd need to combine it with big muscles, tattoos, or some other persona element.

A higher end car brand + some other status symbols can do enough to get a main laid.

Sexual Experience? Won't have a lot to draw from. I believe there was a condom manufacturer that did a study and it had determined the average guy sleeps with like 6 women in his lifetime or something. Most men don't reach double digit count. I had thought about this and looked at guys I know in my circle and I think there is some validity to it. Most of the guys I know ended up getting about 3-4 girlfriends, maybe 2-3 or so other women in "between" and then settled down and called it a day.
I'm well into the double digits on my lifetime notch count. I believe I'm higher than 90 something percent of men on lifetime notches. My experience is good. Most of the guys I know did the same thing as the guys you know. Those types of guys aren't voices we hear much on SoSuave because they are too busy doing blue pill things to participate here.

Also, most men aren't even that good at sex. I made it a priority in my teens and early 20s when I had limited experience to have good technical knowledge of sex. In the earlier days, I probably seemed more sexually experienced than I was because I was very familiar with techniques from lots of reading.

Most don't aspire to live the bachelor life which might seem to be contrary to popular belief on here -- I have received a bit of pushback for my lifestyle, especially from my married friends and even some of my family. You are essentially going against the grain after a certain age and it is seen as "immature"...and yes you sometimes "lose" people and get shunned in different social settings.
We are the same age. All these things have happened to me. I'm on the fringes of married and cohabiting people's social circles. They don't want an unattached or marginally attached guy around and I don't want to be around for most social functions. My mom has criticized me for being immature too.

I genuinely laughed out loud because I kinda knew the direction the thread was going to go in once his looks were brought up. Yeah, he is kinda dorky looking but it is possible for guys like him to get "good looking" women, it does happen. He's not Henry Cavill, but he's not necessarily ugly either, just meek and geeky looking. Sometimes women go for that - I have seen it, we all have. We have people like this in our own circle who punch above their "weight class". Outside of that, the only other explanation would be she realized he had potential (someone mentioned previously when they dated he had a old ass Honda so it's not likely he had money).
He is dorky looking, just like Elise Linscott's ex. He's punching above his "weight class" based on his executive management status and now money. He also seems like the kind of guy who had upper middle class + parents so he could have also used family net worth as a selling point while having a 10+ year old Honda Accord. You can sell women on family net worth up until early 30s.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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She is an 8 for me. Cute and hot at the same time, something ambivalent in her looks and demeanour. Seductive look what makes her earn the sexiness and the cuteness because of her demeanour/feminine energy. Tits bonus points
Her breasts are her best attribute. I think she's more higher level cute. I see her as around a 7.5. I think she is 26-27 though, so still under 30.

She's basically cashing in on the loneliness of men....
She's doing a more intellectual and possibly classier version of OnlyFans but on YouTube. She keeps her clothes on and makes a living.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
She is an 8 for me. Cute and hot at the same time, something ambivalent in her looks and demeanour. Seductive look what makes her earn the sexiness and the cuteness because of her demeanour/feminine energy. Tits bonus points
Yeah, I'd be tempted to give her an 8. I'm a breast man, so that probably pushes it over the top. But she has a very demure, soft spoken way about her that just screams femininity. That's probably want impresses me about her the most.

As for the boyfriend, from the picture I didn't think he looked too bad. Seeing him talk, with his voice and body language, he comes off like a liberal soy boy IMO. I don't think guys are the best judge of what men females find attractive, necessarily. I notice guys tend to look at other guys and immediately dismiss them as inferior. I think it's our male competitiveness at work, we always want to believe we're better than the next guy. When I was a youngster I had a bit of an inferiority complex, but I would still have this innate feeling that I was better than the next guy. Quite the paradox.