is BPD an absolute no-go zone?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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She's probably just mercurial
What's described here Really has gotten way out of hand, in the decades since. Run of the mill difficulties with emotional control and general immaturity(What human being ISN'T guilty of such things, from time to time?)is now grounds for being diagnosed with BPD

When really all that's required to remedy such an ailment is the occasional "Get a grip", or "Honey, you're not a toddler anymore, so stop acting like one"


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2017
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I only recommend you sleep with these women, nothing more.

You MUST be a seasoned veteran in the dating game i.e dated at least fifty women and had sex with multiple women.

You have to be able to maintain frame always and never slip up. Have you walked away from some good vag in the past w/o any issues?
Experience is everything


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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When really all that's required to remedy such an ailment is the occasional "Get a grip", or "Honey, you're not a toddler anymore, so stop acting like one"
Or 'your gag is in the bedroom, please put it in'.

Chow Mein

Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2024
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BPD women are generally good at wearing masks and love bombing initially to hide the crazy and draw unsuspecting men in

Most men are blind to women's tricks on a normal day blend in a seasoned / professional liar with a personality disorder and you're quickly going to have serious problems on your hands

Unfortunately as BPD's get more comfortable with you the mask begins to slip ,most of the time they are also wearing multiple personalities so you have absolutely no idea who they actually are

They tend to be highly promiscious and will sleep with other men on a whim

Source : I dated one for about 6 months in 2022 I was aware early on she was going to be trouble but kept her at arms length and enjoyed fvcking her ( the sex is usually excellent )

By the end it became exhausting being around her , I eventually found out from one of her freinds she was basically escorting with much older men through seeking arrangements

I binned her the next day she continued pursuing/ stalking me for almost a year after

Be very very carful playing with fire
Same experience, I sniffed that out way early on and knowing I was playing with fire. Trust your guts.

I did manage to keep her around for a few years, I was the gasoline, she was the tinder. Adding fuel to the fire makes amazing sex that many men need to experience once in their lifetime. Also threesomes :)


Master Don Juan
Dec 29, 2017
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Imagine a fun-as-hell 11/10 girl who is just your type.... but has borderline personality disorder.

What's the move? No go?
Tried it, all fun until you make her mad lol. Use a condom always. Don’t be stupid.
Yes…. Once and done…. While screwing around with her in a pretty nice hotel she was literally screaming… like obnoxious porn screams….and trust me I wasn’t doing anything that spectacular.. I just ate chicken parm and about a pound of pasta… not my best move

i said keep it down before security comes to the door…..

I woke up Lucifer…. It ended with me grabbing my ****… having to physically pick her up and throw her out of my way as she stood there blocking my escape… while holding a busted wine bottle she broke…. I then had 100 missed calls… with her screaming… crying… apologizing…. I got home and loaded my shot gun. Next day she called me like nothing happened… i never saw her again thank god


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2022
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no go for an LTR. ok for a date, every other week. no go for twice a week.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2024
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It's playing with fire. Fine if you are a professional fire eater or whatever. Otherwise she'll be the one eating you.

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
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Recreational use only. It’ll test your inner game like nothing else. Get off the rollercoaster way before you think you should - problem is it’s way too fun and you won’t want to. Ruthless game is required for your own sanity. Keep breaking her heart and she’ll be yours forever, but give her an inkling of yours and she’ll destroy you. You’re playing with fire, that p**sy is good but it comes with a price.
Spot on.

but, on the flip side, if you flinch (which you will) and she gets to destroy you (which she will) you have to recreate yourself from scratch.

If you can pull it off, you will walkout like the ultimate badass. Happened me twice. Once in my 20s, and now in my 30s.

But there’s a very high risk of things going super south. Like ☠ south.

Saw it happening more than once.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
Not worth it at all. I’ve thought about making a post here about the last 3 years of my life. I knew about BPD from this site 10 years ago and still missed plenty of red flags, I was an idiot. I thought my ex from 10 years ago was BPD, but I’d go back to her in a heartbeat after dealing with a true BPD/narcissist.

I ended having a kid with her. I don’t regret it but I wanted to be sure I was choosing the right woman to be the mother to my child and failed miserably. She has another child, a 10 year old son who she had in tears because we went to an amusement park and he didn’t want to go on big rides. Yes I agree teach him not to be a little btch but normal for a mother to have her son in tears over something like that threatening to take him back to the hotel? Nope. Not the mother I want for my daughter but too late now.

2 years with her and most of that time was miserable. Constantly picking fights with me. Trying to take her out to dinner but I drive the wrong truck. Want to spend some time with my buddy at a car meet? I’m gay, she legit accused me of that a hundred times. It’s all a game to her, doesn’t see at all the part she plays in fcking up her life and any guy that tries to actually be good to her. I could go on and on. Just know I look at the last 2 years as complete hell. Some guys here saying every guy should be with someone like this once in their life, if you want to risk being pushed to the edge constantly? Sure. I’m a very patient person, and she drove me insane no problem.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Some BPD women are worse than others. It was a good experience for me because I learned quite a bit. Even if you show just a little bit of weakness, they will attempt to chew you up and spit you out. You need to have nerves of steel with them and a lot of patience. These relationships are not long term for men who don't have sufficient experience.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Even if you show just a little bit of weakness, they will attempt to chew you up and spit you out
Which makes them not much different from everyone else we share the planet with


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
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Imagine a fun-as-hell 11/10 girl who is just your type.... but has borderline personality disorder.

What's the move? No go?
Best sex you will ever have. They make you feel like a king. I got sex whenever i wanted it. She never said no.

These women can ruin your life. Best to stay away in my opinion or as advised use for sex, but i would say stay away. I never realised how clever and manipulative these women can be.
Some women won't think twice about ringing the police on you. Policeman told me last month he was called out because a woman called him for someone sending her a facebook request. She had never me the guy who sent request. She said she just thought he was creepy.

The woman i was with abused me physically and mentally. I had to curl up and put myself in defensive postion because i was scared of what i would do to her if i reacted to her goading me.

The thing with my woman was she could be everything i wanted for a few days, but then she would turn evil and i could'nt stand to be with her. LOVE HATE. The early warning signs will be there. These women are HIGHLY unstable and are capable of anything. This forum warned me against her and so did my family AND her own family.